| Great Britain - 1775 - 572 pages
...aforefaid, as and for the value of and purchafe-money for the faid lands, tenements, and hereditaments, to be paid into the bank of England, in the name and with the privity of the accountant general of the high court of chancery, to be placed to his account, to the credit... | |
 | Thomas Walter Williams - Conveyancing - 1788 - 516 pages
...fale or fales, fhould be paid by fuch purchafer or purchafers, his, her, and their heirs as aforefaid, into the bank of England, in the name and with the privity of the accomptant general of the High Court of Chancery, ex parts the purchafer or purchafers, his,... | |
 | Thomas Walter Williams - Conveyancing - 1788 - 528 pages
...fale or fales, fhould be paid by fuch purchafer or purchafers, his, her, and their heirs as aforefaid, into the bank of England, in the name and with the privity of the accomptant general of the High Court of Chancery, ex parte the purchafer or purchafers, his,... | |
 | Great Britain - Law - 1795 - 592 pages
...the faid houfes, to the bank, wildings, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, as aforefafd, to&c-i ie paid into the bank of England, in the name, and with the )rivity, of the accountant general of the high court of chancery, о be placed to his account, to the... | |
 | John Joseph Powell - Conveyancing - 1802 - 458 pages
...the faid (purchafer,) he the faid (purchafer,) his b' irs or affigns, fhall and will pay, or caufe to be paid, into the Bank of England, in the name and with the privity of the accountant-general of the faid court, to be placed to the credit of the faid caufe, the faid... | |
 | Charles Thomas Ellis - Great Britain - 1802 - 330 pages
...trustees or feoffees respectively : And that the surplus thereof, not being less than the sum of 200!. be paid into the Bank of England, in the name and with the privity of the Accountant-General of the court of Chancery, to be placed to his account, ex parts the commissioner... | |
 | Charles Thomas Ellis - Parliamentary practice - 1802 - 288 pages
...trustees or feoffees respectively: And that the surplus thereof, not being less than the sum of 200!. be paid into the Bank of England, in the name and with the privity of the Accountant-General of the court of Chancery, to be placed to his account, ex parte the commissioner... | |
 | William Cruise - Real property - 1804 - 604 pages
...directed to be fold, as is to be laid out in a new purchafe, fhall be paid by the purchafer or purchafers, into the Bank of England, in the name and with the privity of the accountant-general of the High Court of Chancery, to be placed to his account there, ex parts... | |
 | James Barry Bird - Commons - 1806 - 124 pages
...perfon or perfons refpedtively : And that the furplus thereof, not being lefsthan the fum of 2ool. be paid into the Bank of England, in the name and with the privity of the Adcountant-Generai of the court of Chancery, to be placed to his account, ex parte the cpmmifiioner,... | |
 | Great Britain - Law - 1767 - 674 pages
...to the bank ; ments, and hereditaments, or for the purchafe of fuch leafe of the tolls as aforefald, to be paid into the bank of England in the name, and with the privity, of the accountant general of ther high court of Chancery, to be placed to his account, to the credit... | |
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