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in Mexico, should be strictly and literally observed, and immediately brought into operation,-it is agreed that, for the space of 10 years, to be reckoned from the date of the exchange of the Ratifications of this Treaty, any Ships, wheresoever built, being bonâ fide the property of, and wholly owned by, one or more Citizens of Mexico, and whereof the Master and threefourths of the Mariners, at least, are also natural born Citizens of Mexico, or Persons domiciliated in Mexico, by Act of the Goverment, as lawful Subjects of Mexico, to be certified according to the Laws of that Country, shall be considered as Mexican Ships; His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, reserving to himself the right, at the end of the said term of 10 years, to claim the principle of reciprocal restriction stipulated for in the Article VII. above referred to, if the interests of British Navigation shall be found to be prejudiced by the present exception to that reciprocity, in favour of Mexican Shipping.

II. It is further agreed that, for the like term of 10 years, the stipulations contained in Articles V. and VI. of the present Treaty shall be suspended; and, in lieu thereof, it is hereby agreed that, until the expiration of the said term of 10 years, British ships entering into the Ports of Mexico, from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or any other of His Britannick Majesty's Dominions,

cano, debe haber sido realmente construido en Mejico, fuese exacta y literalmente observada, é inmemediatamente puesta en egecucion, -se conviene en que, por el espacio de 10 años, contados desde el dia en que se verifique el cambio de la Ratificacion de este Tratado, todo Buque de cualquiera construccion, que sea, y que pertenezca bonâ fide, y en todas sus partes, á alguno ó algunos de los Ciudadanos de Mejico, y cuyo Capitan y tres cuartas partes de la tripulacion, al menos, sean Ciudadanos Nativos de Mejico, o Personas domiciliadas en Mejico, segun un Acto del Gobierno que los constituya Subditos legitimos, certificado segun las leyes del Pais, serán considerados Buques Mejicanos; reservandose Su Magestad el Rey del Reyno Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda el derecho de reclamar, luego que se haya cumplido el referido termino de 10 años, el principio de restriccion reciproca, estipulada en el Articulo VII. si los intereses de la Navegacion Inglesa resultasen perjudicados por la presente ecsepcion de aquella reciprocidad, en favor de los Buques Mejicanos.

II. Se estipula ademas, que durante el mismo espacio de 10 años, se suspenderá lo convenido en los Articulos V°. y VI. del presente Tratado; y, en su lugar, se estipula que, hasta la conclusion del termino mencionado de 10 años, los Buques Británicos que entren en los puertos de Mejico, procedentes del Reyno Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, ó de cualquiera otro de los Dominios

and all articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United Kingdom, or of any of the said Dominions, imported in such Ships, shall pay no other or higher duties than are or may hereafter be payable, in the said Ports, by the Ships, and the like goods, the growth, produce or manufacture of the most favoured Nation: and, reciprocally, it is agreed that Mexican Ships, entering into the Ports of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or any other of His Britannick Majesty's Dominions, from any Port of the States of Mexico, and all articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of the said States, imported in such Ships, shall pay no other or higher duties than are or may hereafter be payable, in the said Ports, by the Ships, and the like goods, the growth, produce, or manufacture of the most favoured Nation; and that no higher duties, shall be paid, or bounties or drawbacks allowed, on the exportation of any article the growth, produce, or manufacture, of the Dominions of either Country, in the Ships of the other, than upon the exportation of the like Articles in the Ships of any other Foreign Country.

It being understood that, at the end of the said term of 10 years, the stipulations of the said Vth and VIth Articles shall from thenceforward, be in full force between the two Countries.

de Su Magestad Británica, y todos los articulos de producto, fruto, ó manufactura del Reyno Unido ó de alguno de los dichos Dominios, importados en tales Buques, no pagarán otros ni mayores derechos que los que se pagan, ó en adelante se pagaren, en los referidos puertos, por los Buques é iguales articulos de fruto, producto, ó manufactura de la Nacion mas favorecida; y, reciprocamente, se estipula, que los Buques Mejicanos que entren en los Puertos del Reyno Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda, ó en cualquiera otro de los Dominios de Su Magestad Británica, procedentes de los Estados Unidos de Mejico, y todos los articulos de fruto, producto, ó manufactura de los dichos estados, importados en tales Buques, no pagarán otros ni mayores derechos que los que se pagan, ó en adelante se pagaren, en los mencionados Puertos, por los Buques y semejantes articulos de producto, fruto, ó manufactura de la Nacion mas favorecida; y que no se pagarán mayores derechos, ni se concederán otras franquicias y descuento, á la esportacion de cualquiera articulo de producto, fruto, ó manufactura de los Dominios de cada uno de los dos Paises, en los Buques del otro, mas que á la esportacion de dichos articulos en los Buques de cualquiera otro Pais Estrangero.

Debiendo entenderse, que al fin del termino referido de 10 años, las estipulaciones de los mencionados Articulos V°. y VI°. regirán en adelante con todo su vigor entre las dos Naciones..

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[The Ratifications of the above Treaty were exchanged in London, the 19th of July, 1827.]

PROTOCOL of Conference, between the British and Russian Plenipotentiaries, relative to the Mediation of Great Britain, between the Ottoman Porte and the Greeks.— 23 March, 1826. Signed at St. Petersburgh, 4 April,

SA Majesté Britannique ayant été invitée par les Grecs à interposer ses bons offices, afin de les réconcilier avec la Porte Ottomane, ayant conséquemment of fert Sa Médiation à cette Puissance, et désirant se concerter, à cet égard, avec Sa Majesté l'Empereur de toutes les Russies ;

D'un autre côté, Sa Majesté Impériale étant également animée du désir de faire cesser, par un arrangement conforme aux vœux de la religion, de la justice, et de l'humanité, la lutte dont la Grèce et l'Archipel sont aujourd'hui le théatre;


His Britannick Majesty having been requested by the Greeks to interpose his good offices, in order to obtain their reconciliation with the Ottoman Porte,-having, in consequence, offered His Mediation to that Power, and being desirous of concerting the measures of his Government, upon this subject, with His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias; and His Imperial Majesty, on the other hand, being equally animated by the desire of putting an end to the Contest of which Greece and the Archipelago are the theatre, by an arrangement, which shall be consistent with the

Les Soussignés sont convenus: I. Que l'arrangement à proposer à la Porte, si elle accepte la Médiation qui lui a été offerte, placeroit les Grecs dans les relations suivantes envers l'Empire Ottoman :

Les Grecs relèveroient de cet Empire, et lui payeroient un tribut annuel, dont le montant seroit fixé, une fois pour toutes, d'une commun accord.

Ils seroient gouvernés par des Autorités qu'ils choisiroient et nommeroient eux-mêmes, mais à la nomination desquelles la Porte aurait une certaine part ;—

Dans ce mode d'existence, ils jouiroient d'une entière liberté de conscience et de commerce, et géreroient exclusivement euxmêmes leur administration intérieure.

Pour opérer une séparation entière entre les individus des deux Nations, et pour prévenir des collisions, suite nécessaire d'une lutte aussi longue, les Grecs feroient l'acquisition des propriétés Turcques qui pourroient être situées, ou sur le Continent, ou dans les Iles de la Grèce.

II. Que si le principe d'une Médiation à interposer entre la Turquie et la Grèce avoit été admis, à la suite des démarches déjà faites, dans cette vue, par l'Ambassadeur de Sa Majesté Britannique à Constantinople, la Russie feroient, dans tous les cas,

principles of religion, justice, and humanity;

The Undersigned have agreed: I. That the arrangement to be proposed to the Porte, if that Government should accept the proffered Mediation, should have for its object, to place the Greeks towards the Ottoman Porte, in the relation hereafter mentioned:

Greece should be a dependency of that Empire, and the Greeks should pay to the Porte an annual tribute, the amount of which should be permanently fixed by common consent. They should be exclusively governed by Authorities to be chosen and named by themselves, but in the nomination of which Authorities the Porte should have a certain influence.

In this state, the Greeks should enjoy a complete liberty of conscience, entire freedom of commerce, and should, exclusively, conduct their own internal Go


In order to effect a complete separation between Individuals of the two Nations, and to prevent the collisions which must be the necessary consequences of a contest of such duration, the Greeks should purchase the property of Turks, whether situated on the Continent of Greece, or in the Islands.

II. In case the principle of a Mediation between Turks and Greeks should have been admitted, in consequence of the steps taken, with that view, by His Britannick Majesty's Ambassador at Constantinople, His Imperial Majesty would exert, in every case, His

servir son influence au succès de la dite Médiation. Le mode d'après lequel Elle s'associeroit aux Négociations ultérieures que cette Médiation amèneroit avec la Porte Ottomane, et l'époque où Elle y prendroit part, seroient déterminés ultérieurement, d'un commun accord, entre le Cabinet de Londres et celui de St. Pétersbourg.

III. Que dans le cas où la Médiation offerte par Sa Majesté Britannique à la Porte Ottomane n'auroit pas été acceptée par cette Puissance, et quel que soit d'ail leurs l'état des relations de Sa Majesté Impériale avec le Gouvernement Turc, la Grande Bre. tagne et la Russie regarderont toujours les termes de l'arrangement mentionné au 1er Article du présent Protocole, comme la base de la réconciliation à effectuer par leur entremise, soit en commun, soit séparément, entre la Porte et les Grecs; et ils saisiront toutes les occasions favorables de faire valoir leur influence, auprès des deux Parties, afin d'opérer cette même réconciliation sur la dite base.

IV. Que la Grande Bretagne et la Russie se reservent d'adopter, par la suite, les mesures nécessaires pour déterminer les détails de l'arrangement en question, ainsi que les limites du Territoire, et les noms des Iles de l'Archipel auxquelles il sera applicable, et qu'il sera proposé à la Porte de comprendre sous la dénomination de Grèce.

influence to forward the object of that Mediation. The mode in which, and the time at which, His Imperial Majesty should take part in the ulterior Negotiations with the Ottoman Porte, which may be the consequence of that Mediation, should be determined hereafter by the common consent of the Governments of His Britannick Majesty and His Imperial Majesty.

III. If the Mediation offered by His Britannick Majesty should not have been accepted by the Porte, and whatever may be the nature of the relations between His Imperial Majesty and the Turkish Government, His Britannick Majesty and His Imperial Majesty will still consider the terms of the arrangement specified in Article I. of this Protocol, as the basis of any reconciliation to be effected by their intervention, whether in concert or separately, between the Porte and the Greeks; and they will avail themselves of every favourable opportunity to exert their influence with both Parties, in order to effect this reconciliation on the abovementioned basis.

IV. That His Britannick Majesty and His Imperial Majesty should reserve to themselves to adopt, hereafter, the measures necessary for the settlement of the details of the arrangement in question, as well as the limits of the Territory, and the names of the Islands of the Archipelago to which it shall be applicable, and which it shall be proposed to the Porte to comprise under the denomination of Greece.

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