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CXLVIII. The Revenues, of which the last Article treats, shall consist solely of direct Taxes; all indirect Contributions belonging to the general Treasury of the Nation.

CXLIX. The particular Revenues which may be settled in each Province by the Councils of Administration, shall not be imposed until the approbation of the National Legislature thereto shall have been obtained, and the Regulations for collecting the same be laid before the President of the Republick, for his approbation.

CL. Until such time as the Revenues of the Provinces, in their actual state, shall not be sufficient to meet their ordinary expenses, the deficit shall be supplied from the National Treasury, keeping with each Province a particular account of such assistance, which shall be repaid as their Revenues improve.

CLI. If, after defraying the expences of a Province, there should remain any surplus, it shall be expended within the Province, and in such works or establishments as the Council of Administration shall propose, with the previous approbation of the National Legislature.

CLII. In the Provinces, no service shall be required from the Citizens, nor fines, nor any other exaction imposed on them, except those established by the general Laws, unless by the special authority of the Councils of Administration.

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CLIII. The accounts of the collection and appropriation of the Revenues of each Province shall be presented to its respective Council of Administration; which, after having examined the same, shall lay them before the President, with its Report upon them, in order that it may, with the accounts of the general Administration, be submitted to the approbation of the National Legislature.

CLIV. The Councils of Administration shall have the right of direct Petition to the National Legislature, and to the President of the Republick; either to require what may be expedient for their own particular prosperity; or to demand the reform of such abuses as may be found in their government or administration.

CLV. The Individuals composing the Councils of Administration shall not, in any case, be responsible for their opinions, or be subject, in consequence of them, to any other judgment than that of the Publick voice.

- CLVI. They shall continue in the exercise of their functions for 2 Years, half of their number being renewed every Year.

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CLVII. They shall receive no compensation whatever for this Ser

- CLVIII. In order that the Councils of Administration may proceed with uniformity, in the exercise of their important functions, the President of the Republick shall immediately draw up a Regulation, establishing the internal organization of these Bodies, the periods of their meeting, and the order to be observed in their debates and reso

lutions. This Regulation shall be amended as experience, and the representations of the said Councils themselves, may shew to be necessary.

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CLIX. All the Inhabitants of the State shall be protected in the enjoyment of life, reputation, liberty, security, and property,, No one shall be deprived of them except in conformity to the Laws.

CLX. The People are equal in the eye of the Law, so that whether it be penal, instructive, or protective, it must be the same for all, and favour equally the rich and the poor in the preservation of their rights.

CLXI. The liberty of publishing his ideas through the medium of the Press, which is a right as valuable to Man, as it is essential to the preservation of civil liberty, shall be fully guarantied by the Laws.

CLXII. The private actions of Men, which do not in any manner offend publick order, nor injure a third Person, belong alone to God, and are exempt from the authority of the Magistracy.........

CLXIII. No Inhabitant of the State shall be obliged to do what the Law does not enjoin, nor prevented from doing what the Law does not prohibit.

CLXIV. It is the interest and right of all Members of the Community to be judged by the most independent and impartial Judges, which the condition of human affairs permits. The Legislative Body shall take care to prepare and carry into effect the establishment of judgment by juries, so far as circumstances will allow.

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CLXV. All judgments by commission are absolutely prohibited. CLXVI. Every Citizen shall be secure against arbitrary requisitions, and the unjust seizure of his papers and correspondence. The Law shall determine in what cases, and under what circumstances, possession may be taken of the latter,


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CLXVII. No Individual shall be arrested, without a previous deposition against him, by a competent witness, or without strong indication of a crime deserving corporeal punishment, the grounds of which shall be shown, in a formal process, within three days. In case of any impediment, the Judge shall continue the proceeding, be being responsible for all omission on his part.


CLXVIII. Every individual detected in the act of crime, may be arrested by any Person, and taken before a Magistrate agreeably to the preceding Article.

CLXIX. To arrest an individual not detected in the act, a Warrant must first be issued, signed, by a Magistrate, (to whom the Law may grant the power) expressing the cause of the arrest, which must be communicated, at the time of imprisonment, to the arrested Party, and a Copy of it given, if demanded.

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CLXX. The Prisons shall be for the safe custody only, and not for the punishment, of the guilty; every measure which shall be taken under the pretence of precaution, and which may tend to afflict the Prisoner, more than is necessary for the above object, shall be punished by the Laws.

CLXXI. No Inhabitant of the State can be punished or confined, without a previous judgment, and a legal Sentence.

›✅ CLXXII. The house of every Inhabitant of the State is sacred; it cannot be violated without committing a crime, and can only be forcibly entered in case of resistance to a legitimate authority.

- ECLXXIII. This act shall be effected with due moderation, and by the Judge himself, in person. If any urgent motive should prevent it, he shall give to his Delegate a written order, with the necessary instructions; a Copy of which shall be given to the Individual who is to be apprehended, and to the owner of the house, if he should demand it.

CLXXIV. The preceding Regulations relative to personal security, cannot be suspended, except in the event of imminent danger to Publick tranquillity, or to the security of the Country, in the judgment, or by the special decision of the Congress.

CLXXV. The possession of property being a sacred and inviolable right, the Inhabitants of the State cannot be deprived of it, nor taxed in consequence of it, excepting in the cases established by Law.

hoCLXXVI. When the interest of the State requires that the property of any private individual should be destined to the publick use, according to Law, the Proprietor shall receive a just compensation for the same.

UCLXXVII. The confiscation of property is prohibited.

+d TCLXXVIII. No person shall be obliged to lend aid to the Armies, nor to afford lodging for any Military Body or Individual, without an order from a Civil Magistrate, according to Law. The loss which may be caused in this case to the Proprietor, shall be fully indemnified by the State.

donCLXXIX." All the Inhabitants of the State have a right to present their complaints, and to be heard, before the first Authorities of the Country end t

CLXXX. No advantages, distinctions, or exclusive privileges, shall be conceded to any Individual or Corporation, excepting those which may be granted to virtue or talent; and, as they are not transmissive to descendants, they cannot confer any title of Nobilitys W 335 git gr boxa

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VCLXXXI. The Law of freedom of the Children of Slaves from the birth, flibertad de vientres] and those by which the trade in Slaves is abolished, and their introduction into the Country under any pretext prohibited, are hereby ratified.



CLXXXII. No Motion for the reform of one or more Articles of the present Constitution shall be admitted, in either of the Chambers of the Legislative Power, unless supported by a fourth part of the Members.

CLXXXIII. When a Motion shall have obtained such support, after discussion in the ordinary form, two-thirds of the votes in each Chamber shall be requisite to sanction the necessity of the reform of the Article or Articles in question.

CLXXXIV. This resolution shall be communicated to the Executive Power, for its opinion, which shall return the resolution to the Chamber, whence it first originated, with its Report.

CLXXXV. If the Executive Power do not concur, the subject being re-considered in both Chambers, the concurrence of three-fourths at least of each of their Members shall sanction the necessity of the Reform, and in this case, as well as in that of the consent of the Executive Power, it shall be immediately verified by the number of suf frages prescribed in Article CLXXXIII.

CLXXXVI. The reform being verified, it shall pass to the Executive Power for publication, or for the suggestion of amendments. Should it be returned with amendments, three-fourths of the votes of each Chamber shall ultimately sanction it.



CLXXXVII. This Constitution shall be presented for the examination and free acceptance of the Capital and the Provinces, through the medium of the Juntas which exist at present, or which may be formed for that purpose.

CLXXXVIII. The acceptance of it by two-thirds of the Provinces, including the Capital, shall be sufficient to carry it into effect, in those Provinces, and relations and good intelligence shall be maintained with those which may delay giving their assent to it.

CLXXXIX. If the Provinces should determine to abide by the judgment of the Constituent Congress, it shall proceed to accept their determination by a special declaration.

CXC. In the latter case, or in that of the preceding Article, orders shall be immediately issued for the formation of both Chambers, and for the installation of the first Legislature, in order that this Constitution may be solemnly sworn to throughout the Territory of the State.

CXCI. Every one conspiring, or lending any aid towards conspiring, against the present Constitution, after it shall have been accepted,

shall be punished, even unto death, according to the magnitude of

the crime.

Given in the Hall of Session of the General Constituent Congress, in Buenos Ayres, the 24th day of December, 1826.

Signed by JOSE MARIA ROXAS, President, and by 9 other Deputies for the Capital; by 8 Deputies for the Territory dismembered from the Capital; 6 for the Province of Cordova; 5 for Corrientes; 4 for Catamarca; 4 for Entre Rios; 4 for Mendoza; 2 for Misiones; 4 for Montevideo; 2 for Rioja; 6 for Salta and Jujuy; 6 for Santiago del Estero; 2 for Santa Fé; 1 for San Juan; 3 for San Luis; 4 for Tucuman; and 1 for Tarija. ALEJO VILLEGAS, Secretary. JUAN C. VARELA, Secretary.

TREATY of Federation between Peru and Bolivia.-Signed at Chuquisaca, the 15th of November, 1826.

DESEANDO los Gobiernos de las Repúblicas Peruana y Boliviana asegurar de un modo firme su independencia, y libertad, y queriendo ademas estrechar las relaciones que las unen, han acordado un Pacto de Federacion.

Con este fin han nombrado sus respectivos Plenipotenciarios: á saber:

El Consejo de Gobierno de la República del Perú, al Señor Don Ignacio Ortiz de Zeballos, Ministro de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de aquel Estado: y el Presidente de la República Boliviana à su Ministro en el Departamento de Relaciones Exteriores, Coronel Facundo Infante, y al Señor Don Manuel Urcullu, Diputado en el Congreso Constituyente, y Ministro de la Córte Suprema de Justicia.

Quienes habiendo cangeado sus respectivos: Plenos Poderes, y hal. landose estos extendidos en debida forma, han concluido y convenido en los Artículos siguientes:


THE Governments of Peru and Bolivia, being desirous to insure in a firm manner their Independence and liberty, and wishing moreover to draw closer the ties which unite them, have agreed to a Treaty of Federation.

For this purpose they have named their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

The Council of Government of the Republick of Peru, Senor Don Ignacio Ortiz Zeballos, Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of that State: and the President of the Republick of Bolivia, his Minister in the Department of Foreign Affairs, Colonel Facundo Infante, and Senor Don Manuel Urcullu, Deputy in the Constituent Congress, and Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice.

Who having exchanged their respective Full Powers, and these having been found in proper form, have concluded and agreed upon the following Articles:

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