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St. Edmondsbury. On 6 Jan. 1215, they presented
their demands to king John, who deferred his
answer. On 19 May they were censured by the
pope. On 24 May they marched to London, and
the king was compelled to yield. The charter was
sealed by John at Runnymede, near Windsor,
15 June, 1215. It was many times confirmed, by
This last king's
Henry III. and his successors.
grand charter was granted in 1224, and was assured
The original MS.
by Edward I.; see Forests.
charter is lost. The finest MS. copy, which is at
Lincoln, was reproduced by photographs in the
"National MSS." published by government, 1865.

MAGNA GRECIA, the independent states
founded by Greek colonists in South Italy, Sicily,
&c. Cume, in Campania, is said to have been
founded in 1034 B.C. Pandosia and Metapontum
in 774 B.C. These states were ruined through siding
with Hannibal when he invaded Italy, 216 B.C.
Syracuse founded about
Leontinum and Catana.


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B. C. 734








MAGNANO (N. Italy). Here Scherer and a French army were defeated by the Austrians under Kray, 5 April, 1799.

MAGNESIA (Asia Minor). Here Antiochus the great, king of Syria, was defeated by the Scipios, 190 B.C.-Magnesia alba, the white akaline earth used in medicine, was in use in the beginning of the 18th century. Its properties were developed by Dr. Black in 1755.

MAGNESIUM, a metal first obtained from magnesia by sir Humphry Davy in 1808, and since produced in larger quantities by Bussy, Deville, and especially by Mr. E. Sonstadt, in 1862-4. Its light when burnt is very brilliant, and is so rich in chemical rays that it may be used in photography. Lamps made for burning magnesium wire, were employed by the excavators of the tunnel through Mount Cenis. By its light photographs of the interior of the Pyramids were taken in 1865. Larkin's magnesium lamp (in which the metal is burnt in the form of a powder) was exhibited at the Royal Institution on 1 June, 1866, and before the British Association at Nottingham in Aug. 1866.

MAGNETISM. Magnes, a shepherd, is said to have been detained on Mount Ida by the nails in his boots. The attractive power of the loadstone or magnet was early known, and is referred to by Homer, Aristotle, and Pliny; it was also

known to the Chinese and Arabians. The Greeks
are said to have obtained the loadstone from
Magnesia in Asia, 1000 B.C. Roger Bacon is said
to have been acquainted with its property of point-
ing to the north (1294). The invention of the
mariner's compass is ascribed to Flavio Gioia, a
Neapolitan, about 1310; but it was known in Nor-
way previous to 1266; and is mentioned in a French
poem, 1150; see under Electricity, p. 232.
Robert Norman, of London, discovered the dip of
the needle
Gilbert's treatise "De Magnete," published
Halley's theory of magnetic variations published
Marcel observed that a suspended bar of iron be-
comes temporarily magnetic by position
Artificial magnets made by Dr. Gowan Knight
The variation of the compass was observed by Bond,
about 1668; the diurnal variation by Graham,

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about 1576




. 1722

1722; on which latter Canton made 4000 observa-
tions previous to

Coulomb constructed a torsion balance for deter
mining the laws of attraction and repulsion, 1786;
also investigated by Michell, Euler, Lambert,
Robison, and others'



current was discovered by Ersted
The deflection of the magnetic needle by the voltaic
Mr. Abraham invents a magnetic guard for persons
engaged in grinding cutlery

The magnetic effects of the violet rays of light ex-
hibited by Morichini, 1814; polarity of a sewing
needle so magnetised shown by Mrs. Somerville
Mr. Christie proves that heat diminishes magnetic

Sir W. Snow Harris invents various forms of the

Electricity produced the rotation of a magnet by
professor Faraday, 1831; his researches on the
action of the magnet on light, on the magnetic
properties of flame, air, and gases (published
1845), on dia-magnetism (1845), on magno-crys-
tallic action (1848), on atmospheric magnetism
(1850), on the inagnetic force.
Magnetic observations established in the British
colonies under the superintendence of col. Edward






[blocks in formation]

Wm. Robinson patented a method of making wrought
iron from cast iron by the help of magnetism,
announced, July, 1867
Wilde's magneto-electric machine exhibited (see
under Electricity, p. 232)

In the present century our knowledge of the phe-
nomena of magnetism has also been greatly in-
creased by the labours of Arago, Ampère, Hans-
teen, Gauss, Weber, Poggendorff, Sabine, Lamont,
Du Moncel, Archibald Smith, &c. (see Animal

In the Royal Institution, London, is a magnet by
Logeman, of Haarlem, constructed on the princi-
ples of Dr. Elias, which weighs 100 lb, and can
sustain 430 lb. Hacker, of Nuremberg, con-
structed a magnet weighing 36 grains, capable of
sustaining 146 times its own weight. This was
exhibited in 1851, also at the Royal Institution.

MAGNETO-ELECTRICITY, the discovery of professor Faraday; see Electricity, p. 232. Magneto-electricity has been recently applied to teleForeland lighthouse, near Dover, was illuminated graphic and to lighthouse purposes. The South by the magneto-electric light in the winter of 1858-9 and 1859-60, and removed to Dungeness in 1861.

MAGNOLIA. Magnolia glauca was brought here from N. America, 1688. The laurel-leaved about 1734. The dwarf Magnolia, Magnolia pumila, Magnolia, Magnolia grandiflora, from N. America brown stalked, 1789: the purple, 1790; and the from China in 1789; and (also from China), the slender, 1804.

MAGYARS, see Hungary.

MAHARAJPOOR (India). Here sir Hugh Gough severely defeated the Mahratta army of Gwalior, 29 Dec. 1843. Lord Ellenborough was present.

MAHEDPORE, see Mehedpore.

MAHOGANY is said to have been brought to England by Raleigh, in 1595; but not to have come into general use till 1720.

MAHOMETANISM embodied in the Koran, includes the unity of God, the immortality of the soul, predestination, a last judgment, and a sensual paradise. Mahomet asserted that the Koran was

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in battle.




8 June, 632

Defeats the Christians at Muta Is acknowledged as a sovereign Dies, it is said, of slow poison, administered by a Jewess to test his divine character The Mahometans are divided into several sects, the two chief being the Sonnites, or the Orthodox (who recognised as caliph Abubeker, the fatherin-law of Mahomet, in preference to Omar and Ali), and the Shiites (Sectaries), or Fatimites, the followers of Ali, who married Fatima, the prophet's daughter.

The Ottoman empire is the chief seat of the Sonnites, the sultan being considered the representative of the caliphs; Persia has been for centuries the stronghold of the Shiites.

The Mahometans conquered Arabia, North Africa, and part of Asia, in the 7th century; in the 8th they invaded Europe, conquering Spain, where they founded the califat of Cordova, which lasted from 756 to 1031, when it was broken up into smaller governments, the last of which, the kingdom of Grenada, endured till its subjugation by Ferdinand in 1492; but the Mahometans were not finally expelled from Spain till.

Their progress in France was stopped by their defeat at Tours by Charles Martel, in After a long contest, the Turks under Mahomet II. took Constantinople; he made it his capital and the chief seat of his religion Though considered to be declining, Mahometanism is calculated as including roo millions amongst its votaries.





Nov. 1858

Coomroodeen Tyabjee, a Mahometan, admitted to practise as an attorney in England, having taken the oaths upon the Koran Budroodeen Tyabjee, a Mahometan, called to the 30 April, 1867 MAHRATTAS, a people of Hindostan, who originally dwelt north-west of the Deccan, which they overran about 1676. They endeavoured to overcome the Mogul, but were restrained by the Afghans. They entered into alliance with the East India company in 1767, made war against 1774, again made peace in 1782, and were finally subdued in 1818. Their last prince, Sindiah, is now a pensioner of the British government.


MAID, see Holy Maid, Elizabeth Barton, and Joan of Arc, maid of Orleans.

MAIDA (Calabria) where the French, commanded by general Regnier, were signally defeated by the British under major-general sir John Stuart, 4 July, 1806.

MAIDEN, see Guillotine.

MAIDS OF HONOUR. Anne, daughter of Francis II. duke of Brittany, and queen of Charles VIII. and Louis XII. of France (1483-98), had young and beautiful ladies about her person, called maids of honour. The queen of Edward I. of England is said to have had four maids of honour (1272-1307); queen Victoria has eight.

MAIL-COACHES, for the conveyance of letters, were first set up at Bristol by Mr. John Palmer, of Bath, 2 Aug. 1784. They were employed for other routes in 1785, and soon became general in England. The mails were first sent by rail in 1838.

MAILLOTINS (small mallets), a name given to certain citizens of Paris, who, in March, 1382, violently opposed the collection of new taxes imposed by the duke of Anjou, the regent. They armed themselves with small iron mallets (taken from the arsenal), and killed the collectors; for which they were severely punished in Jan. 1383.


MAIN PLOT, a name given to a conspiracy to make Arabella Stuart sovereign of England in place of James I. in 1603. Lord Cobham, sir Walter Raleigh, and lord Grey, were condemned to death for implication in it, but reprieved; others were executed. Raleigh was executed, 29 Oct. 1618.

MAINE, 1. a province, N.W. of France, seized by William I. of England in 1069. It acknowledged prince Arthur, 1199; was taken from John of England by Philip of France, 1204; was recovered by Edward III. in 1357; but given up, 1360. After various changes it was finally united to France by Louis XI. in 1481.-2. MAINE (N. America), was discovered by Cabot, 1497; and colonised by the English about 1638; it became a state of the union in 1820. The boundary line between the British and the United States territories in Maine was settled by the Ashburton treaty, concluded 9 Aug. 1842. The Maine liquor law, prohibiting the manufacture, sale, and use of intoxicating drinks, with certain exceptions, was enacted in 1851. In 1872, it was officially reported to have greatly decreased drunkenness and rendered the trade disreputable.

MAJESTY. Among the Romans, the emperor and imperial family were thus addressed, and also the popes and the emperors of Germany. The style was given to Louis XI. of France in 1461. Voltaire. Upon Charles V. being chosen emperor of Germany in 1519 the kings of Spain took the style. Francis I. of France, at the interview with Henry VIII. of England, on the Field of the Cloth of Gold, addressed the latter as Your Majesty, 1520. James I. used the style Sacred," and "Most Excellent Majesty."


MAJOLICA WARE, see Pottery.

MAJORCA, see Balearic Isles, and Minorca. Majorca opposed Philip V. of Spain in 1714; but submitted, 14 July, 1715.

MALABAR (W. coast of Hindostan). The Portuguese established factories here in 1505; the English did the same in 1601.


MALACCA, on the Malay peninsula, E. Indies, was made a Portuguese settlement in 1511. The Dutch factories were established in 1640. Dutch government exchanged it for Bencoolen in Sumatra in 1824, when it was placed under the Bengal presidency. It is now part of the Straits Settlements (which see).

MALAGA (S. Spain), a Phoenician town, taken by the Arabs, 714; retaken by the Spaniards, after a long siege, 1487; see Naval Battles, 1704. An insurrection against the provisional government was put down with much slaughter, 31 Dec. 1868.

MALAKHOFF, a hill near Sebastopol, on which was situated an old tower, strongly fortified by the Russians during the siege of 1854-55. The allied French and English attacked it on, 17, 18

June, 1855, and after a conflict of forty-eight hours were repulsed with severe loss; that of the English being 175 killed and 1126 wounded; that of the French 3338 killed and wounded. On 8 Sept. the French again attacked the Malakhoff; at eight o'clock the first mine was sprung, and at noon the French flag floated over the conquered redoubt; see Sebastopol. In the Malakhoff and Redan were found 3000 pieces of cannon of every calibre, and 120,000 Ibs. of gunpowder.

MALAY ARCHIPELAGO, sce Moluccas, Philippines, &c.

MALDON (Essex), built 28 B.C., is supposed to have been the first Roman colony in Britain. It was burnt by queen Boadicea, and rebuilt by the Romans; burnt by the Danes, A.D. 991, and rebuilt by the Saxons. Maldon was incorporated by Philip and Mary. The singular custom of BoroughEnglish is kept up here, by which the youngest son, and not the eldest, succeeds to the burgage tenure on his father's death; see Borough English.

MALEGNANO or MELEGNANO, modern names of Marignano (which see).

MALICIOUS DAMAGES. The law respecting them was consolidated and amended by

6,676,849.-1857 (tax reduced), 5,690,950l.;-1860, 6,648,8817; 1862, 6,208.813.; 1867, 6,816,385.;-1871, 6,978,3711.--1872, 6,910,3661.

Malt made and retained in the United Kingdom: in 1825, 36,205,451 bushels; in 1835, 42,892,012; in 1847. 35,307,815 in 1857, 44,545,649; in 1861, 46,650,100; in 1870, 56,775,614.

MALTA (formerly Melita), an island in the cians, Carthaginians, and Romans, which last conMediterranean, held successively by the Phoniquered it, 259 B.C. The apostle Paul was wrecked here, A.D. 62 (lets xxvii. xxviii.) Malta was taken by the Vandals, 534; by the Arabs, 870; and by the Normans from Sicily, 1090. With Sicily it became successively part of the possessions of the houses of Hohenstaufen, of Anjou (1266), and of Aragon (1260). In 1530 Charles V. gave it to the Knights Hospitallers, who defended it most courageously and successfully, in 1551 and 1565, against the Turks, who were obliged to abandon the entertaken by Bonaparte in the outset of his expedition prise after the loss of 30,000 men. to Egypt, 12 June, 1798. He found in it 1200

The island was

24 & 25 Vict. c. 97. This act protects works of art, it was stipulated that it should be restored to the electric telegraphs, &c., 1861. MALINES, see Mechlin.

MALINS' ACT, 20 & 21 Viet. c. 57, relating to the powers of women in regard to property, was passed in 1857.

MALO, ST. (N. W. France). This port, as a great resort of privateers, sustained a tremendous bombardment by the English under admiral Benbow in 1693, and under lord Berkeley in July, 1695. In June, 1758, the British landed in considerable force in Cancalle bay, and went up to the harbour, where they burnt upwards of a hundred ships, and did great damage to the town, making a number of prisoners. It is now defended by a very strong castle, and the harbour is very difficult of access.

MALO-JAROSLAVITZ, near Moscow, central Russia the site of severe encounters between the Russians and the retreating French army, 24 Oct. 1812. The latter were victorious, but with great loss.

MALPLAQUET (N. France). Here the allies under the duke of Marlborough and prince Eugene defeated the French commanded by marshal Villars, II Sept. 1709. Each army consisted of nearly 120,000 choice soldiers. There was great slaughter on both sides, the allies losing 18,000 men, which loss was but ill repaid by the capture of Mons.

MALT, barley prepared for brewing and distillation. A duty was laid upon malt in 1667, 1697, et seq. Important acts for the regulation of malt duties was passed in 1830 and 1837. In March, 1858, there were 6157 licensed maltsters in the United Kingdom. The duty on malt in 1863 amounted to 6,273,727. In 1864 the duty was remitted on malt used for cattle feeding; and in 1865, an act was passed allowing the excise duty to be charged according to the weight of the grain used. A parliamentary committee to consider repeal of malt tax (6d. a bushel) was agreed to, 14 May, 1867.

Revenue from the malt duties; in the year ending 31 March 1850, 5,391,322.;-1854, 5,418.4187. ;-1856.

pieces of cannon, 200,000 lbs. of powder, two ships of the line, a frigate, four galleys, and 40,000 muskets, besides an immense treasure collected by superstition; and 4500 Turkish prisoners, whom he set at liberty. Malta surrendered to the British under Pigot, 5 Sept. 1800. At the peace of Amiens knights. The British, however, retained possession, and the war recommenced between the two nations; but by the treaty of Paris, in 1814, the island was guaranteed to Great Britain. La Valetta, the capital, was founded in 1557 by the grand master La Valetta, and completed and occupied by the knights, 18 Aug. 1571. The Protestant college was founded in 1846. A grand new naval dry dock was opened, May, 1871. Governor of Malta and Gozo, sir Patrick Grant, March, 1867; sir C. T. Van Straubenzee, 1872.

MALTA, KNIGHTS OF. A military religious order, called also Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of St. John, and Knights of Rhodes. Some merchants of Malti, trading to the Levant, obtained leave of the caliph of Egypt to build a house for those who came on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and whom they received with zeal and charity, 1048. They afterwards founded a hospital for the reception of pilgrims, from whence they were called Hospitallers (Latin, hospes, a guest). The military order was founded about 1099; confirmed by the Pope 1113. In 1119 the knights defeated the Turks at Antioch. After the Christians had lost their interest in the East, and Jerusalem was taken, the knights retired to Acre, which they defended valiantly in 1290. John, king of Cyprus, gave them Limisso in his dominions, where they stayed till 1310, in which year they took Rhodes, under their grand master De Vallaret, and the next year defended it under the duke of Savoy against an army of Saracens. The story that his successors have used F. E. R. T. (Fortitudo ejus Rhodum tenuit, or his valour kept Rhodes) for their device is much doubted. From this they were also called knights of Rhodes; but Rhodes being taken by Solyman in 1522, they retired into Candia, thence into Sicily. Pope Adrian VI. granted them the city of Viterbo for their retreat; and in 1530 the emperor Charles V. gave them the isle of Malta. The order was suppressed in England in 1540; restored in 1557; and again suppressed in 1559. St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, a relic of their possessions, still exists. The emperor Paul of Russia declared himself grand master of the order in June, 1799

The knights sent a hospital establishment into Bohemia during the war in 1866, which afforded great relief to the wounded and sick.

MAMELUKES, originally Turkish and Circassian slaves, established by the sultan as a bodyguard, about 1240. They advanced one of their own corps to the throne of Egypt, May, 1250, and continued to do so until it became a Turkish province, in 1517, when the beys took them into pay, and filled up their ranks with renegades from various countries. On the conquest of Egypt by Bonaparte, in 1798, they retreated into Nubia; but, assisted by the Arnauts, reconquered Egypt from the Turkish government. In 1804, Napoleon embodied some of them in his guard. On 1 March, 1811, they were decoyed into the power of the Turkish pacha, Mehemet Ali, and slain at Cairo. MAMELON, a hill, one of the defences of Sebastopol, was captured by the French, 7 June, 1855.

MAMERTINI, sons of Mamers or Mars, were Campanian soldiers of Agathocles. They seized Messina in Sicily, in 281 B.C., and when closely besieged by the Carthaginians, and Hiero of Syracuse, in 264, they implored the help of the Romans, which led to the first Punic war.

MAMMOTH, an extinct species of elephant. An entire mammoth, flesh and bones, was discovered in Siberia, in 1799. Remains of this animal have since been found at Harwich, in 1803, and at places in Europe, Asia, and America. MAN, ANTIQUITY OF. In 1836, M. Boucher de Perthes found some rude flint implements, which he believed to be of human manufacture, mingled with bones of extinct animals, in the old alluvium near Abbeville in Picardy, France, and also in 1847, near Amiens. Similar flints have since been found in Sicily by Dr. Falconer, at Brixham by Mr. Pengelly, and lately in various parts of the world. Hence many geologists infer that man existed on the earth many ages earlier than has been hitherto believed. The " Engis skull" found by Schmerling in the valley of the Meuse, Sir Charles Lyell's "Antiquity of Man" was published in 1863, and sir John Lubbock's "Prehistoric Times" in

about 1834

A human jaw said to have been found in the drift
at Moulin Quignon, near Abbeville March, 1863
The skeleton of a man supposed to have been a con-
temporary of the mammoth and cave-bear was
found with polished flint implements by M.
Rivière in the Cavillin cavern, near Mentone,
26 March, 1872. Mr. W. Pengelly went to exa-
mine these remains.

"The Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons, and Or-
naments of Great Britain," by John Evans, F.R.S.,

July, 1872

MAN, ISLE OF, was subdued by Edwin, king of Northumberland, about 620; by Magnus of Norway, 1098; by the Scots, 1266; occupied by Edward at the wish of the inhabitants; recovered by the Scots in 1313; but taken from them by Montacute, afterwards earl of Salisbury, to whom Edward III. gave the title of king of Man, in 1343. It was afterwards subjected to the earl of Northumberland, on whose attainder Henry IV. granted it in fee to sir John Stanley, 1406. It was taken from this family by Elizabeth, but was restored in 1610 to the earl of Derby, through whom it fell by inheritance to the duke of Athol, 1735. He received 70,000l. from parliament for the sovereignty in 1765; and the nation was charged with the further sum of 132,9447. for the purchase of his remaining

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interest in the revenues of the island in Jan. 1829. The countess of Derby held the isle against the parliament forces for a time in 1651. The new queen's landing pier (cost 46,400l.) inaugurated by the lieut. governor, H. B. Lech, 1 July, 1872. Act relating to the harbours and coasts, passed June, 1872. The BISHOPRIC is said to have been prethat St. Patrick was the founder of the see, and that sided over by Amphibalus about 360. Some assert Germanus was the first bishop, about 447. It was united to Sodor in 1113. The bishop has no seat in the house of lords; but lord Auckland (bishop, 1847-54) sat by right of his barony. Present in

come, 2000l.


1784. Claudius Crigan: died in 1813.
1813. George Murray, trans. to Rochester, 1827.
1828. William Ward; died in 1838.

1838. James Bowstead, trans. to Lichfield, Dec. 1839.
1841. Thos. Vowler Short, trans. to St. Asaph, 1846.
1840. Henry Pepys, trans. to Worcester, 1841.
1846. Walter Augustus Shirley; died in 1847.
1847. John Eden (lord Auckland), trans. to Bath, 1854.
1854. Hon. Horatio Powys.

States), an important military position, where the
Alexandria and Manassas Gap railways meet, near
a creek named BULL RUN. I. It was held by the
the federal general Irwin McDowell. He began
confederates in 1861, when they were attacked by
his march from Washington on 16 July, and gained
some advantage on the 18th at Centreville. On
the 21st was fought the first battle of Bull Run.
The federals, who began the fight, had the advan-
tage till about three o'clock p.m., when the con-
federate general Johnston brought up reinforcements,
which at first the federals took for their own troops.
After a brief resistance, the latter were seized with
sudden panic, and, in spite of the utmost efforts of
their officers, fled, abandoning a large quantity of
arms, ammunition, and baggage. The confederate
generals Johnston and Beauregard did not think it
prudent to pursue the fugitives, who did not halt
till they arrived at Washington. The federal army
is said to have had 481 killed, 1011 wounded,
1216 missing. The loss of the confederates was stated
to be about 1500.-In March, 1862, when the army
of the Potomac, under general McClellan, marched
into Virginia, they found that the confederates had
quietly retreated from the camp at Manassas. 2. On
30 Aug. 1862, this place was the site of another great
battle between the northern and southern armies.
In August, general "Stonewall" Jackson, after
compelling the federal general Pope to retreat, de-
feated him at Cedar mountain on the 9th, turned
his flank on the 22nd, and arriving at Manassas
repulsed his attacks on the 29th. On the 30th
general R. E. Lee (who had defeated general
McClellan and the invading northern army before
his army, and Pope received reinforcements from
Richmond, 26 June to 1 July) joined Jackson with
Washington. A desperate conflict ensued, which
ended in the confederates gaining a decisive victory,
compelling the federals to a hasty retreat to Centre-
ville, where they were once more routed, I Sept. The
remains of their army took refuge behind the lines
seded, and McClellan resumed the command to
of Washington on 2 Sept. Pope was at once super-
march against the confederates, who had crossed
the Potomac and entered Maryland; see United

MANCHESTER (Lancashire), in the time of the Druids, was one of their most principal stations, and had the privilege of sanctuary attached to its altar, in the British language Meyne, a stone.


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Manchester declared to be a CITY, and formally so gazetted.


it his quarters

28 Nov. 1745

Queen's theatre first built


The Infirmary instituted, 1752; built

The engineers' strike


The inhabitants discharged from their obligation to

the citizens

grind their corn at Irk-mill


Opening of the Free library.

Cotton goods first exported


Manchester navigation opened, by Bridgewater



Lunatic asylum founded


Agricultural society instituted


Christian, king of Denmark, visits Manchester, and

puts up at the Bull-inn.


The Queen's theatre rebuilt

Subscription concerts established

. 1777

Riots against machinery

9 Oct. 1779

Manufacture of muslin attempted here

about 1780

Philosophical society established

New Bailey bridge completed .

1781 1785

, 1790

New Bailey built

Philological Society instituted.

. 1792

Queen's theatre burnt down, 19 June, 1789; re


Assembly-rooms, Mosley-street, built.

Fever hospital erected, 1805; Theatre-royal The portico erected

The weavers' riot


[blocks in formation]

Exchange and Commercial buildings erected, Jan. 1809
Manchester and Salford water-works established
Blanketeers' meeting
Lock-hospital established.

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4 Nov. 1817 1819

Manchester reform meeting (called Peterloo) of from 60,000 to 100,000 persons, men, women, and children. Mr. Hunt, who took the chair, had spoken a few words, when the meeting was suddenly assailed by a charge of cavalry, assisted by a Cheshire regiment of yeomanry, the outlets being occupied by other military detachments. The unarmed multitude were driven upon each other; many were ridden over by the horses, or cut down by their riders. The deaths were 11 men, women, and children, and the wounded about 600

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Great strike of minders and piecers . 7 Nov. 1855 EXHIBITION OF ART TREASURES determined on, 20 May, 1856; 1115 old paintings, 689 new paintings, 969 water-colours, 388 British portraits, &c. collected; opened by prince Albert, 5 May; visited by the Queen, 29, 30 June; visited by 1,335,915 persons; expenses, 99,500l., receipts, 98,5ool; closed 17 Oct. 1857 Sir John Potter, a benefactor to the town, died 25 Oct. 1858 British Association meet here (2nd time), 4 Sept. 1861 Great county meeting: 130,000l. subscribed to the Lancashire Relief fund

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Meeting of the Church Congress
Great Reform meeting; Mr. Bright there, 24 Sept. 1866
Manchester Education bill committee appointed
Additional M. P. granted by Reform act 15 Aug. 1867
Meeting of Manchester and Liverpool agricultural
27 Aug.
Trades' Unions commission opened; evidence ob-
tained of gross outrages
3-24 Sept.
Two Fenians, Kelly and Deasy, forcibly taken from
a police-van, near Manchester, and Brett, a
policeman killed
18 Sept.

23 persons committed for trial: trial, 29 Oct.-12
Nov.; five condemned to death for murder, 1
Nov. others to imprisonment; Allen, Gould,
and Larkin executed
23 Nov.

Jacob Bright elected M. P. (Lily Maxwell, a widow,
voted for him)

26 Nov. False alarm of fire at Lang's music-hall, 23 killed,

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1823 Owen's college new buildings founded Grammar school: additional building opened by earl of Derby Visit of Mr. Disraeli; enthusiastically received,

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Musical festival first held.


At the launch of a vessel which keeled and upset, upwards of 200 persons precipitated into the

river; 51 perished

In a tumult, a factory burnt, and much machinery destroyed

29 Feb.

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New concert-room established

3 May,

The races established

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25 Oct. 1871

2-5 April, 1872

MANCHESTER, BISHOPRIC OF. An order in council in Oct. 1838, declared that the sees of St. Asaph and Bangor should be united on the next vacancy in either, and that the bishopric of Manchester should be immediately created within the jurisdiction of the archiepiscopal see of York; the county of Lancaster for that purpose to be detached

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