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Celsus; midwifery, &c., 37
Cerdie; Britain (Wessex)
Cerinthus; apocalypse

Cervantes, M.S., 1547-1616; don

Chabannes, écorcheurs, 1438
Chacornae; planets, 1853

Chad, St.; baths, 667

Chaffers, Alex., statutory declaration
Challoner, T.; alum, 1608
Chalmers, Dr. T., 1780-1847
Chambers, bishop; Peterborough,


Chambers; encyclopædia, 1728, 1859; R., 1802-71

Chambers, sir William; Somersethouse, 1775

Chambord, comte de, b. 1820; France, 1870-3

Changarnier, general; France, 1851 Channing, W., 1780-1842

Chantry, F., sculpt., 1782-1841 Chanzy, gen., Franco-Prussian war, 1870-1

Chappe, M.; telegraphs, 1793
Chares; colossus, 288 B.C.
Charlemagne, 742-814; academy,

couriers, Avars, Bavaria, Christianity, France, Germany, Navarre Charles Albert: Sardinia, 1831; Novara, 1849

Charles; England, France, Spain, Savoy, Germany, Sweden, Sicily, &c.

Charles V.; emperor, 1500-58; Spain,

Austria, Germany, Spires Charles V.; Bastile, 1369 Charles VI.; picquet, 1390 Charles XII, 1682-1718; Sweden, Frederickshald

Charles the Bold; Burgundy, 1468,
Nancy, Liege

Charles, archduke, 1771-1847; As-
perne, Eckmühl, Essling
Charles of Anjou; Naples, 1266
Charles of Hohenzollern, prince, b.

1839; Danub. prine. 1866
Charles of Lorraine; Lissa, 1757
Charles Stuart, prince; pretender,
Culloden, 1746

Charlesworth, J. C.; trials, 1861 Charlotte, queen, England (George III.)

Charlotte, princess of Wales, 17961817; Claremont

Charteris, col.; trials, 1730
Chasse, gen.; Antwerp, 1832
Chateaubriand, viscount,

writer, 1768-1848


Chatham, earl of, 1708-78; Newcastle admin., 1757; Chatham admin., 1766; Walcheren, 1809 Chatterton, T., poet, 1752-70 Chaucer, G., 1328-1400; Canterbury tales

Chaves, marq. of; Portugal, 1826 Chelmsford, ld.; Derby adm., 1858 Cherubini, music. comp., 1760-1842 Chesham, Sarah; trials, 1851 Cheshire rioters; trials, 1842 Chesney, col.; Assyria, 1835: Euphrates, 1850

Chevallier, M., b. 1806

Chevreul, E., chemist, &c., b. 1786; candles, glycerine

Chicheley, archbishop; Canterbury,

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Christian IV.; Christiania, 1624 Christian VII.; Denmark, 1775; Oldenburg

Christina; Sweden, 1633; Spain, 1833

Christophe; Hayti, 1811
Christopher: Denmark (kings), 1252,


Christopher, Robt. Adam; Derby adm., 1852

Chrysostom; fathers, 354-407 Churchill, C.; satires, 1731-64 Cialdini, gen.; Italy, 1860; Castel Fidardo, Gaeta

Cibber, C., 1671-1757; poet-laureate
Cicero, 106-43 B.C.; Athens, Rome,
Catiline, Philippics

Cid (Spanish hero), d. 1099
Cimabue, painter, 1240-1300
Cimarosa, musician, 1754-1801
Cimon; Eurymedon, 466 B. C.
Cincinnatus, dictator, 458 B. C.
Cinna, consul, killed, 84 B.C.
Clanny, Dr. Reid; safety lamp, 1817
Clanricarde, marq. of; postmaster,

1846; Russell administration, 1851; Palmerston administration, 1855

Clapperton, Hugh, traveller, 17881827

Clare, John, poet, 1793-1864 Clare, earl of; duel, 1820 Clarence, duke of; Anjou, Clarencieux; rebellion, 1478; admiralty, 1827

Clarendon, earl of (Hyde), 1608-74: administrations, 1660, 1685;-earl of, G. F. Villiers, 1800-70;-Ireland, lord-lieut.; Aberdeen, Palmerston

Clark, sir James, phys., 1788-1870
Clarke, Adam, theol., 1760-1832-
Sam., theol., 1675-1729;-Edw. D.,
traveller, 1768-1822

Clarke, M. A.; trials, 1814
Clarke, gen.; Cape, 1795
Clarke, M. C., b. 1809; Shakspeare,
concordance, 1847

Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-1846; slav


Claude Lorraine, painter, 1600-82 Claudian, Latin poet, d. about 408; archery

Claudius; Rome, emperor, 41; II.,
Goths, 269; Naissus

Claudius, App.; decemviri, 451 B.C.
Clausel, marshal; Algiers, 1836
Claussen, chev.; flax, 1851
Claverhouse; Bothwell, 1679
Clay, Mr.; slavery, U. S., 1820;

Claytou, Mr.; duel, 1830
Clayton, Dr.: gas, 1739
Cleaver, bishop; Bangor, St. Asaph,

Cleisthenes; ostracism, 510 B.C.
Clemens Romanus; popes, 662;—
Alexandrinus, d. abt. 213
Clement; popes, 91; IV.; conclave,
1268; - VII.; pontiff, benefices,
Clementines, 1378;-VIII. ; index;

XIV. (Ganganelli), 1769;
Clement, Jacques; France, 1589;-
Joseph planing machine, 1825 ;-
Julian; midwifery, 1663
Clementi, M., music. d. 1832
Cleombrotus; Sparta, 380 B. C.
Cleomenes; Sparta, 520 B.C.
Cleon, Athenian demagogue, killed
422 B.C.; Amphipolis

Cleopatra: Egypt, 69-30 B.C.; rose
Clifford, C.; life-boat, 1856
Clifford, J.; trials, 1870

Clifford, lord: Roman Catholics, 1829--sir Tho., cabal, 1670 Clinton, H. Fyues, 1781-1852; chronology

Clinton, sir H.; Yorktown, 1781 Clinton, Geoffrey de; Kenilworth,


Clive, Robt., lord, 1725-74; Arcot,
India, Plassey

Cloncurry, lord, v. Piers; trials, 1807
Close, Mr.; duels, 1836

Clotaire; France (kings), 558
Clovis (Chlodowig, Ludwig, Ludo-
vicus, Louis); France, 481; Nor-
mandy, Paris, Clovis, Salique,
fleur-de-lis, Alemanni

Cloots, Anacharsis, exec. 1794
Clune, &c.; trials, 1830

Cluseret, gen.; Lyons, 1870; France,
1871; Fenians, 1872
Clyde, lord; India, 1857
Clymer; printing-press, 1814
Cobbett, William, 1762-1835: trials,
1809, 1811, 1831

Cobden, R., 1804-65; anti-corn-law
league, free trade, French treaty,
peace congress

Cobham, ld.; Lollards, 1418
Coburg, prince of; Fleurus, 1794 (see

Cochrane, lord (afterwards Dundonald), d. 1860; Basque roads, stocks, trials, 1814

Cockburn, sir A., b. 1802; solicitor-
general, 1858: attorney-general,
king's bench, ch. j., Alabama
Cocking, Mr.; bailoons, 1837
Codrington, admiral sir E.; Nava-
rino, 1827

Codrus; Athens, 1092 B.C.
Cohorn, B. van, military engineer,

Coke, sir Edw., 1560-1634; parliaments, 1592

Colbert, J. B., 1619-83; tapestry
Colborne, sir John: Canada, 1838
Colclough, Mr.; duels, 1807
Coleman, St.; Cloyne, 6th cent.
Coleman, Mrs. ; actress, 1656
Colenso, bp., b. 1814; church of
England, 1863; trials, 1866
Coleridge, Samuel T., poet, &c.,
1772-1834-sir J., solic.-gen.; att.-
gen., 1871

Coles, capt. Cowper, 1831-70; navy
of England, 1855-70; captain
Colet, J. Paul's school, 1512
Coligui, admiral, killed, 1572
Collard, rear-adml.; suicide, 1846
Collier, J. P.; Shakspeare, 1849
Collier, Jeremy; eccles.-hist., 1650-

Collier, sir R. P.; att gen., 1868
Collingwood, lord, 1748-1810; Trafal-
gar, 1805; naval battles, 1809
Collins, govr.; Hobart Town, 1804
Collinson, capt.; Franklin, 1850
Collucci, V.; trials, 1861
Colman, G., d. 1794 :-G. jun., 1762-

1836; theatres, 1777.

Colonna family flourish, 1288-1555
Colonna, V., poetess, 1490-1547
Colpoys, admiral; mutinies, 1797
Colt, colonel; pistols, 1853
Columba, St., 521-97; isles
Columbanus, d. 614 or 615
Columbiere; armorial bearings, 1639
Columbus, Chr., 1436 or 1442-1506;
America, Bahama, Caraccas,
Christopher's, Salvador, Domingo
Columbus, Bartholomew; maps, 1489
Columella, medical writer, abt. 46
Colville, sir C.; Cambray, 1815
Combe, G., 1788-1858; craniology
Combermere, ld.; Bhurtpore, 1826
Comines, Ph. de, Fr. hist., 1445-1509
Commodus; Rome, emperor, 180
Comneni; eastern emperors, 1057:
Pontus, Trebizond, 1204

Comte, A., 1795-1857: positive philosophy

Comyn, Mr.; trials, 1830

Concha, gen. ; Spain, 1868
Condé, Louis; Jarnac, 1569
Conflans; Quiberon, 1759
Confucius, d. 479 B.C.; China
Congleton, lord; suicide, 1842
Congreve, W., dramatist, 1670-1729
Congreve, sir Wm., 1772-1828; fire-
works, 1814

J., 1795-1866; lunatics,

1839 Conon; Sparta, 394 B.C.; Arginusæ Conrad; Germany, emperor, 911 Conrad II.; Germany, 1024; Burgundy

Conradin; Naples, Germany, 1268
Constans; Aquileia, 340

Constantine; Rome, emp., 323
Adrianople, aruspices, banner,
Britain, Eastern empire, Rome,
York, Scotland

Constantine II.; Aquileia, 340 Constantine IV.; monasteries Constantius; Rome, emps., 305 Contarini (doges at Venice), 10411694

Conway, sir Edw. ; administrations, 1621--general, Chatham administration, 1766

Cook, capt James, 1728-79; Austra-
lia, Cook's voyages, Behring's
Straits, Botany Bay, Flattery Cape,
New Hebrides, New Zealand, Nor-
folk Island, Otaheite, Owhyhee,
Port Jackson, Society isles
Cook, Mrs., murdered; trials, 1841
Cook, J. P., murdered; trials, 1856
Cooke, sir George; Chatham 1766
Cooke, E. W., R. A., b. 1810 or 1811
Cooke, Eliz.; trials, 1832
Cooke, Geo. Fred,, actor, 1755-1812
Cooke, W. F., electric teleg., 1837
Cooper, Astley, surgeon, 1768-1841
Cooper, J. Fenimore, Am. novelist,

Cooper, Mr.; slave trade, 1787
Cooper; trials, 1805, 1842
Coote, sir Eyre; India, Arcot, 1760;
Carnatic, Cuddalore, Porto Novo
Cope, sir John; Prestonpans, 1745
Copernicus, Nic., 1473-1543; astro-
nomy, attraction, solar system
Copleston, bishop; Llandaff, 1827
Copley, J., painter, 1738-1815
Coram, capt. Thos., d. 1751; found-
ling hospital, 1739

Corday, Charlotte; France, 1793
Corder, William; trials, 1828
Cordova, general de; Granada, 1492
Corelli, A., musician, b. 1653
Corin; libertines, 1525
Coriolanus; Rome, Volsci, 490 B.C.
Cormac; Cashel, 901

Corneille, P., tragedy, 1606-84
Cornelia, Maximiliana; vestals, 92
Cornelius; Spitzbergen, 1595
Cornelius, P. von; Ger. paint., 1787-

Cornell, E.; Cornell univ., 1868 Cornhill, Henry; sheriff, 1189 Cornwall, bp.; Worcester, 1808 Cornwallis, abp.; Canterbury, 1768; Lichfield, 1781

Cornwallis, marquis, 1738-1805; admiralty, India, America, Bangalore, Ireland (lord-lieut.), Seringapatam

Corebus: Olympiads, 776 B.C.
Correggio, A., painter, 1494-1534
Corry; duel, 1800

Corry, H. T. L., b. 1803; admiralty, 1867

Cort, H.; iron, 1781
Corte Real ;

passage, 1500

America, north-west

Cortez, F., 1485-1554; Mexico, 1521 Coryate, Thomas, forks, 1608 Cosmo, I.; Port Ferrajo, 1548

Costa, M., musician, b. 1810

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Cowper, E.; printing-machine, 1815
Cowper, Wm., poet, 1731-1800
Cox, Walter; trials, 1811
Coyle, Mr. Bernard; duel, 1802
Crabbe, Geo., poet, 1754-1832
Craggs, Mr.; Sunderland admin.,

Crampton, Mr.; United States, 1856
Crane, sir Francis; tapestry, 1619
Cranfield, Lionel, lord; adininistra-
tions, 1621

Cranmer, archbp., 1489-1556; Canterbury, administrations, 1529; Cranmer, homilies, martyrdom Cranworth, lord; chancellor, 1852 Crassus, Marcus, slain; ovation 53

B. C.

Craterus; Cranon, 322

Crawfurd, earl of; Brechin, 1452
Crawley; trials, 1802-1863; steel
Crellin, Miss; trials, 1842
Crespigny, Mr.; duel, 1828
Cresswell, sir C., 1794-1863; probate,

Creswick, T.: paint., 1811-69
Crewe, bp.; Bambrough, 1778
Crichton, Jas. (the admirable), m.
about 1560

Crillon, duc de; Gibraltar, 1782
Crockatt v. Dick; trials, 1818
Croesus: Lydia, 560 B.C.
Croft; impostors, 1553

Croft, sir Richard; suicide, 1818
Crofts, Mr.; dwarfs, 1653
Crollius; calomel, 1608
Croly, Geo.; poet, 1780-1860
Crompton, Sam., 1753-1827; cotton;

mule, 1779.

Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658; administrations, 1653; Amboyna, agitators, commonwealth, England, Drogheda, Dundalk, mace, land, Marston Moor, Naseby, Worcester


Cromwell, Richard; administrations,
1658; England
Cromwell, T., lord Essex; adminis-
trations, 1532; registers
Crookes, W.; thallium, 1861; spirit-

Crosbie, sir Edward; trials, 1798
Cross, E.; Surrey Gardens, 1831
Crossley, F.; Halifax, 1857
Crouch; trials, 1844
Crowse, E.; needles
Crowther, lieut.; duel, 1829

Crozier, capt.; N.-W. passage, 1845

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Darling, Grace; Forfarshire, 1838 Darling, sir C.; Jamaica, 1857; Victoria, 1963

Darmes; France, 1840

Darnley, lord; Scotland, 1565 Dartmouth, earl of; Oxford administration, 1711; Rockingham admin., 1766

Darwin, Charles, naturalist, b. 1809, species, development

Darwin, Erasmus, naturalist, 17311802

Dashwood, sir Fr.; Bute admin., 1762

D'Aubigné, Merle, ecclesiastical hist., 1794-1872

Daubeny, C.; 1795-1867; atomic theory, 1850

Dauglish, Dr.; bread, 1856

Daun, count, d. 1766, Hochkirchen, Torgau

Davenant, William; drama, opera, 1684

Davenport, Miss; theatres, 1844
David; Jews, 1065 B.C.

David, George; impostors, 1556
David, I.; Scotland, 1124; Carlisle
David, J., painter, 1748-1825
Davidson, D.; trials, 1855

Davila, E. C., Ital. hist., 1576-1631
Davis, Jefferson, b. 1808;

States, 1861


Davis; N.-W. passage, 1585; quadrant, China

Davoust, marshal; Krasnoi, Mo-
hilow, Jena, Eckmühl, 1809
Davitt and Wilson; trials, 1870
Davy, sir Humphry, chemist, &c.,
1778-1829: Penzance, Royal Insti-
tution, barium, electricity, phos-
phorus, calcium, magnesium, po-
tassium, sodium, safety lamp,

Davys, bp.; Peterborough, 1839
Dawes, abp.; York, 1714
Dawson, lieut.; Africa, 1872

Day (Kossuth's notes case), trials, 1860

Day, Mr.; Fairlop fair

Deacle v. B. Baring; trials, 1831
Deane, adml.; naval battles, 1653
Deane, abp.; Canterbury, 1501
Debain; harmonium

De Balton; duels, 1811
De Burgh, Hubert; Whitehall

De Candolle, A., botanist, 1778-1841
De Courcy, baron; peers, 1181
Decius Mus sacrifices himself,

295 B. C.
Dee, Dr. J., d. 1608; astrology
Deerfoot, pedestrianism, 1861
De Foe, Daniel, 1663-1731; Robinson
Crusoe, Juan, plague

De Foix, Gaston; Ravenna, 1512
De Gasparis, A.; planets, 1849
De Genlis, mad., 1746-1830

De Grasse, admiral; Chesapeake,
naval battles, Tobago, 1781
De Grey, earl; Ireland, lord lieu-
tenant, 1427

De Grey, Gladstone adm., 1868
De Haven, lieut.; Franklin, 1850
Delabeche, H., 1796-1855; geology
De la Clue, admiral; Lagos, 1759
Delambre, J., Fr. mathemat., 1749-


De la Rue; trials, 1845

De la Rue, Warren; photography, 1857; eclipse, 1860

De la Roche, Paul, Fr. paint., 17971856

De l'Epée, abbé, 1712-89; deaf

De Lesseps, M.; Suez, 1857

De Loundres, Henry; Dublin, 1205
D'Estaign, count; Bencoolen, 1760;

D'Esterre, Mr.; duels, 1815
D'Etrees, adml.; Texel, 1673

Delille, J., Fr. poet, 1738-1813 Demetrius; Athens, Macedon, impostors, Poland

Democritus, b. about 470 B.C.
De Moivre; annuities, 1724
De Morgan, A., mathemat., 1806-71;
almanacs, 1851: paradoxes, 1872
Demosthenes, about 382-322 B.C.;

Denison, archdeacon; trials, 1856
Denison, bishop; Salisbury, 1801
Denison, E. B.; bells, 1856
Denison, J. E.; speaker, 1857
Denman, lord, 1779-1854; att.-gen.,
king's bench

Denmark, prince George, admiralty,

1702, queens (Anne) Denner, J., clarionet, about 1690 Denny, J.; trials, 1851

De Quincey, Thos., essayist, 17851859

Derby, earl of, races, 1799

Derby, earl of, 1799-1869; Derby admin., 1852, 1858, 1866

Derby, countess of; Latham-house, 1644

Derby, earl of; Man, Wigan, Derby De Roos, lord, v. Cumming; trials, 1837

De Rossi, catacombs

De Ruyter, adml.; Sheerness, 1667; Chatham, Texel

Derwentwater, earl of, executions, 1716; Greenwich

Des Cartes, René, 1596-1650; cartesian, rainbow

Desmoulins, Camille, exec. 1794; clubs, 1782

Dessaix, general; Marengo, 1800
Dessalines; Hayti, 1803

De Stael, madame, 1766-1817
Deucalion; deluge, 1503 B. C.

De Veres, earls of Oxford; ld. gt.
chamberlain, marquis, duke
Devigne, Hen.; billiards, 1571
Deville, H. St. C.; aluminium, 1856;
platinum, 1859

Devon, W. R., earl of, b. 1807; Disraeli, 1868

Devonshire, duke of; Devonshire administration, 1756

De Wimpffen, gen.; Sedan, 1870
De Winter, adm.; Camperdown, 1797
De Witt; chain shot, 1666; (pen-
sionary) murdered, 1672; Hague
Dhuleep Singh; India, 1849; Punjab
Diaz, B., discovers Cape of Good
Hope, 1487

Di Bardi, Donato; sculpture, 1383
Dibdin, C., 1745-1814; ballads
Dibutades; models
Dick, Mr.; trials, 1818
Dickens, Chas., novelist, 1812-70
Dickinson, capt.; trials, 1829
Dickson, col.; trials, 1859, 1863
Diderot, D., philos., 1713-84
Didius Julianus; Rome, emp. 193
Dido; Carthage, 869 B. C.
Didot, M.; paper-making, stereotype
Diebitsch, gen.; Balkan, 1829
Diesbach; prussic acid, 1709
Digby, E.; gunpowder plot, 1605
Digges, L.; optics, 1671
Dillon, Mr. Luke; trials, 1831
Diocletian; Rome, emp. 284; Dal-

Diodati, J., theologian, 1576-1649
Diodorus Siculus, 50 B. C.-13 A.D.;

Diogenes, cynic, d. 323 B. C. Dionysius; Portugal, anno domini, catapultæ

Dionysius Halicarnassus, Gr. poet, fl. 30 B.C.

Dionysius; Syracuse, 406 B.C.
Diophantus; algebra, 370

Dipenus; sculpture, marble

Direks, H.; ghosts, 1858

Disraeli, I., 1767-1848:-Benjamin, b. 1805: Derby admin., 1852, 1858: Disraeli admin., 1868

Ditmar, C.; dualin, 1870
Diver, Jenny; trials, 1740
Dixblancs, M.; trials, 1872
Dixon, capt.; Apollo

Dixon, Hepworth, b. 1821; Ebelians, mormonites:-. Smith (Pall Mall Gazette); trials, 1872

Döbereiner, J. W., nat. phil., 1780-
1849; diffusion, philos. lamp
Dockwra, Mr.; penny post, 1683
Dodd, Mr.; steamer, 1815

Dodd, Dr.; trials (executed for forgery), 1777; Magdalens, forgery Doddridge, Philip, theol., 1702-51 Dodsley, R.; annual register, 1758 Dodson, sir John; admiralty court, 1857

Doggett, Thos.; Doggett prize, 1715
Dolce, gen.; Spain, 1868-9
Dolci, C., painter, 1616-86
Dolben, abp.; York, 1683

Dollinger, Dr.; papal infallibility, old catholics, 1871

Dollond, John, 1706-61; achromatic
telescopes, 1753: opties
Domenichino, Z., painter, 1581-1641
Dominic, St.; Dominicans, 1215
Domitian; Rome, emp. 81

Donald of the Isles; Harlaw, 1411
Donatus, grammarian, f. 355

Donders, phenophthalmoscope, 1870
Donizetti, G.; music, 1798-1848
Donkin, sir R.; suicide, 1841
Donne, W. B., examiner (of plays),

Donovan; duels, 1779.

Doré, Gustav, artist, b. 1833 Doria, And., Genoese adil., 14681560

Dormer, lord; Roman Catholics, 1829 Dorset, duke of; administrations,

1689; Pelham administration, 1744 D'Orvilliers; Ushant, 1778 Dost Mahomed; Afghanistan, 1829 Douay, gen. A.; Wissembourg, 1870 Douglas, earl of; Homildon, 1402 Douglas, James; British Columbia, 1858

Douglas, Wm.; Otterburn, 1388 Douglass, sir John; delicate investigation. 1806

Douw, Gerard, Dutch paint., 1613-74 Dove, H., b. 1803; dichrooscope, 1860 Dove, W.; trials, 1856

Dowdeswell, William; Rockingham administration, 1765

Doyle, sir John; Portugal, 1828
Doyle, J.; caricatures

Doyle v. Wright; trials, 1851

Draco, Athens, 621 B.C.; laws, Draco Drake, Francis, 1545-96; Armada, Cadiz, California, Chatham circumnavigators, Drake's circumnavigation, Deptford, New Albion. Drayton, M., poet, 1563-1631 Drebbel; optics, 1621; microscope,


Dred Scott case; slavery, U.S.
Dreyse, J. N.; needle-gun
Dronet; Varennes, 1791
Druitt, G.; trials, 1867

Drummond, abp.; York, 1761

Drummond, gen.; Chippawa, 1814

Drummond, lieut.; lime-light, about 1826

Drummond, Mr., m.; trials, 1840

Dryden, John, poet, 1631-1701; poet laureate

Dubois, cardinal, 1656-1723

Duboscq, M.; electric lamp, 1855

Dubritius, St.; Caerleon, Llandaff, 612

Duchesne, Père, see Hebert

Duckworth, sir J.; Dardanelles, 1807

Duerow; theatres, Astley's, 1825

Dudley, earl of Leicester; administrations, 1558

Dudley, lord; administrat., 1551
Duell, William; trials, 1740
Dufay; electricity, 1733
Duff, captain; trials, 1841
Dufferin, ld.; Gladstone, 1868; Canada,

Dufour-Arlès, J. B.; France, 1870-2
Dugdale, W., antiquary, 1605-86
Duggan, Win.; trials, 1832

Du Guesclin, B.; Montiel, 1369 Duilius defeats Carthaginians, 260


Dulong, P. L., 1785-1838; acids Dumas, A. D., Fr. nov., 1803-70 Dumouriez, gen., 1739-1823; Jem

mappes, 1792 Dun, John; bailiff

Dunant, H., Geneva convention
Duncan, Dr.; ichnology, 1828
Duncan I.; Scotland, 1033
Duncan, admiral lord; Camperdown,
1797; Texel

Duncannon, viscount; Melbourne administration, 1834-5

Duncombe, F.; sedan-chairs, 1634
Dundas, Henry; savings banks, 1810;
Pitt administration, 1804
Dundas, sir D.; solicitor-general,
1846; com.-in-chief, 1809
Dundas, gen.; Kilcullen, 1798
Dundas, lieut.-col.; Prescott, 1838
Dundas, major; trials, 1831
Dundas, sir R.; Baltic, 1855
Dundee, visc.; Killiecrankie, 1689
Dundonald, earl, 1775-1860 (see Coch-

Dunn, Richard; trials, 1847
Dunstan, abp., d. 988; Canterbury,
959; coronation

Duns Scotus, d. 1308; burying alive,

Dupetit-Thouars; Otaheite, 1843
Dupont, gen.; Baylen, 1808
Durand, sir H.; India, 1871
Durazzo, Charles of, m. 1386; Naples,
kings, 1381

Durer, A. U., 1471-1528; engraving
Durham, earl of, 1792-1840; Grey

admin., 1830; Canada, 1838 Duroc, marshal; Bautzen, 1813 Dutrochet, R. J. H., 1776-1847; endosmosis

Du Val, Claude; robbers, 1670
Dwyer; trials, 1843

Dyce, Wm.; painter, 1806-64
Dymocke family; championship.


Eadbald; convents, 630
Eadmer, d. about 1124

Eastlake, sir C., 1793-1865; Royal

Eaton, Daniel; trials, 1796, 1812
Ebdy v. McGowan; trials, 1870
Eden, bp.; Man, 1847
Edgar; England, kings, 958

Edgar, rev. Mr.; temperance, 1829
Edgeley, T.; trials, 1868

Edgeworth, Maria; novels, 17671849

Edmund; England, 940, 1016 Edmunds, Christiana; poisoning,

trials, 1872 Edmunds, Mr.; patents Edward the Confessor; England, kings, 1042; Danegeld Edward L.; England, kings, 1272; Lewes, Scotland, Wales Edward III; England, kings, 1327; Cressy, Sluys, garter Edward IV.; England, kings, 1461; Barnet, Tewkesbury, Towton Edward VI.; England, kings, 1547; Christ's hospital

Edward, Black Prince, 1330-76; duke,
Cressy, Poitiers
Edwardes, lieut.; India, 1848
Edwy; England, 955
Egan, Mr.; trials, 1843
Egbert; England, kings, 828
Egerton, sir Thomas; chancellor, lord
high, 1596

Egg, Aug., painter, 1816-63
Eglinton, earl of; Ireland, lord-lieu-

tenant, 1852; tournament Egmont, lord; administrations, 1763 Egremont, earl of; Grenville administration, 1762

Ehrenberg, C., naturalist, b. 1795
Eick, H.; trials, 1859

Eirinus, Dr. asphalt, 1712
Ekenhead, lieut., swimming
Elcho, ld., b. 1818; Adullam, 1866;
cabs, volunteers

Eldon, lord, 1751-1838; chancellor, 1801

Eleanor: queens (Edward I., Hen. II. and III.)

Elgin, Lord; Elgin marbles; d. 1841;
-James, lord, 1811-63; Canada,
1846; China, 1857; Japan, Palmer-
ston, India, 1861; govr.-gen., 1861
Elgin, lord, v. Ferguson; trials, 1807
Elijah prophesies about 910 B.C.
Elisha prophesies, 896 B.C.
Elizabeth, queen, 1533-1603; England,
1558; goose, poor laws, Richmond,

Elizabeth; England, queens (Edward
IV. and Henry VII.)
Elizabeth; France, trials, 1794
Elkington; gilding, electrotype
Ellenborough, lord; att.-gen., 1801;

king's bench, delicate investigation; lord (son), 1790-1872; Wellington admin., 1828; India, govr.gen., 1842; Derby adm., 1858 Ellesmere, lord; administrations, 1615; chancellors, ld., 1603 Ellice, E.; Melbourne administration, 1834

Eliott, gen.; Gibraltar, 1781
Eliott, sir Gilbert; North adminis-
tration, 1770

Elliot, captain; China, 1840
Elliotson, Dr. J., 1785-1868

Ellis, sir H., lib. Brit. Mus., 1777-1869 Ellis, Wellbore; Grenville administration, 1770

Elphinstone, admiral; Cape of Good Hope, 1795; Saldanha

Elsynge, W.; Sion college, 1340 Elzevir family, printers, 1583-1680 Emerson, R. W.; essayist, b. 1803 Emmet, Robert; rebellions, conspiracies, trials, 1803; press Empedocles; suicide

Encke, J. F., 1791-1865; comets, 1818 Enderby, Messrs.; southern continent, 1838

Engels, prof.; lithofracteur, 1869
Enghien, duc d', executed, 1804
Ennius, 239-169 B.C.; stenography
Eötvos, Joseph; Hung. nov. 1813-71
Epaminondas, 371 B.C.; Leuetra,

Epictetus, philoso., f. 118
Epicurus, 342-270 B.C.; philosphy
Epiphanius, St.; abstinence
Erasistratus; anatomy, ab. 300 B.C.
Erasmus, D., 1467-1536; Greek lan-
guage, Rotterdam

Eratosthenes; degree, 250 B. C.; armillary sphere

Eratostratus (or Herostratus) fires
Diana's temple, 356 B.C.
Erechtheus; Athens, 1383 B.C.
Eric; Denmark

Erichthonius; Troy, 1449 B.C., car
Ericsson, capt.; heat, 1853
Erle, sir W.; common pleas, 1859
Ermeland, bp. of; Prussia, 1871

Ernley, sir John; administrations, 1685

Erroll, earls of; constable of Scotland, lord high

Erskine, lord; chancellor, lord;
Grenville administration, 1806
Erskine, gen. ; India, 1795
Esdaile, E.; trials, 1858

Esmonde case; trials, 1868

Espartero; Spain, 1841-72; Bilboa, 1836

Esquirol, E.; lunatics, 1810 Essex, earl of; administrations, 1532, 1579; Newbury, 1643

Este, sir Augustus d'; marriage act, royal, 1844

Ethelbert, 560, Canterbury
Etheldreda; Ely, 673

Ethelred, 979; coronation, Danegeld
Ethersey, com.; suicide, 1857
Etty, W. painter, 1787-1849
Euchidas; pedestrianism
Euclid; geometry, 300 B.C.
Euler, L., 1707-83; acoustics
Eugene, prince, 1663-1736; Belgrade,
Turin, Zenta

Eugénie, empress; France, 1853
Eugenius; popes, Aquileia
Eumenes; parchment, 190 B. C.
Eumolpus; Eleusinian mysteries
Euripides, 480-406 B. C.; tragedy
Eurysthenes; biarchy, 1102 B.C.
Eurystheus; Mycenæ, 1289 B.C.
Eusden, L.; poet laureate, d. 1730
Eusebius, of Cæsarea, ab. 275-340
Eustachius; thoracic duct, 1563
Euthalius; accents, 458
Eutyches, fl. 447

Evander; Circensian games

Evans, general de Lacy; British legion, 1835; Spain, 1835; Irun, Sebastian

Evans; trials, 1858

Evans, J.; man

[blocks in formation]

Faber, F.; oratorians, 1848
Fahrenheit, G. D., 1686-1736; ther-
mometer, about 1726
Faidherbe, gen.; Franco-Pruss. war,
1871; St. Quentin, 1871
Fairbairn, Mr.; tubular bridge, 1849
Fairfax, T.; Naseby, 1645
Falck, Dr.; steam-engine, 1779
Falconbridge; London, 1453
Falconer, H. geologist, d. 1865
Falieri, Marini; Venice, 1335
Falkland, viset.; Newbury, 1643
Falstaff, sir John; taverns
Fancourt, Samuel; circulating li-
braries, 1740

Faraday, Michael, 1791-1867; Royal
Institution, chemistry, electricity,
gas, magnetism, magneto-electri-
city, ice, Albert medal
Farquhar, Mr., buys Fonthill abbey,

Farragut, D., admiral, 1866; United
States, 1864

Farrar, F. A.; trials, 1868
Farr, Dr.; annuities, 1864

Farren, Miss, actress, retires, 1797
Farrer; trials, 1859

Fatima; Mahometanism, note

Faulkner, G.; newspapers, 1728
Fauntleroy, H.; forgery, 1824
Faust, John; printing, 1442
Faustin I.; Hayti, 1849
Faustulus; Alba, 770 B.C.

Faux, Guy; gunpowder plot, 1605
Favre, Jules; France, 1870-2
Fawcett, col.: duel, 1843
Felix, popes, 269 et seq.
Fellows, C.; Lycia, 1840

Felton assassinates Buckingham at
Portsmouth, 1628

Fénélon, abp., 1651-1715; Cambray Fenning, Eliza; executions, 1815 Fenwick, J.; executions, 1697 Ferdinand; Austria, Naples, Portugal, Sicily, Spain, Tuscany, Castile, Cordova

Ferdinand of Brunswick, Minden, 1759

Fergus; Scotland, coronation
Ferguson, J.; planets, 1854

Ferré; France, 1871

Ferrers, earl; trials, 1760
Fessel; gyroscope, 1852

Field, Cyrus; electric telegraph, 1868

Fielding, H., novelist, 1707-54; magistrates

Fieschi; France, 1836
Figueras; Spain, 1873
Figueroa; Spain, 1868

Fillmore, M.; United States, president, 1850

Finch, sir John; chancellor, lord;
administrations, 1640; Heneage,
chancellor, 1673
Finch, D.; admiralty, 1680
Finiguerra; engraving, 1460
Finnerty, Peter; trials, 1808, 1811
Finnis, T.; lord mayor, 1856
Finnis, col.; India, 1857, note
Fisher, bp.; administrations, 1509;
Salisbury executed, 1535
Fisher; duels, 1806

Fisk, James; New York, 1871
Fitzgerald, H.; life-boat, 1856
Fitzgerald, lord; attainder, 1798
Fitzgerald, lord, v. Mrs. Clarke;
trials, 1814

Fitzgerald, lord; Wellington administration, 1830

Fitz-Osborn; justiciars, 1067 Fitzpatrick; Grenville administration, 1806

Fitzpatrick, Hugh; trials, 1813 FitzRoy, R., 1805-65; circumnavigation, 1826; New Zealand, 1843; meteorology, 1857

Fitzwalter, Robert de; Dunmow,

[blocks in formation]

Follett, sir Wm.; solicitor-gen., attorney-gen., 1844

Folliott, bp.; Hereford, 1803
Foote, Sam., 1721-77; theatres
Foote v. Hayne; trials, 1824
Forbes, lord; horse-guards, 1702
Forbes, Edwd., naturalist, 1815-54
Forbes, J. D., nat. philos., 1809-68
Forster, Mr.; Preston, 1715
Förster, M.; planets, 1860
Forsythe, Rev. Mr.; fire-arms, 1807
Fortescue, lord; Ireland, lord-lieu-
tenant, 1839

Fortescue, C. S.; Gladstone, 1868 Forwood, S. (Southey); executions, 1866

Foscaro, doge; Venice, 1457
Foster, John, essayist, 1770-1843
Fottrell, capt.; duels, 1817
Foucault, M., 1819-68; pendulum,

Fouché, J., due d'Otranto, 1763-1820
Fould, Achille, 1800-67; France,


Foulis, R. & A., printers, 1707-76 Fourdrinier, M.; paper, 1807 Fourier, C., d. 1837; Fourierism Fowke, capt.; exhibition, 1862; Albert hall

Fox & Henderson; crystal palace, 1851

Fox, bishop of Winchester; administrations, 1509; privy seal

Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806; duel, 1779: Portland admin., 1783; India bill, people

Fox, George, 1624-90: quakers
Fox, Henry; Newcastle administra-
tion, 1757

Fox, sir Stephen; Chelsea, 1628
Foxe, John, martyrologist, 1517-87
Francia, Dr., 1755-1840; Paraguay
Francis, St., 1182-1226; Cordeliers
Francis I., emperor; Germany, 1745:
Austria, 1804

Francis I.; France, 1515; duelling, cloth of gold, Marignan, Pavia, Sicily

Francis; trials, 1842
Francis, sir Philip, 1740-1818; Ju-


Francisco d'Assise; Spain, 1846 Franke, A.; orphanhouses, 1698 Frankfort, lord, v. Alice Lowe; trials, 1842, 1852

Frankland, Edw.; amyl, ethyl, methyl, 1849

Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-90; elec-
tricity, 1752 lightning
Franklin, sir John; north-west pas-
sage, 1825; Franklin
Franks; suicide, trials, 1825
Fraser v. Bagley; trials, 1844
Frederick, duke of York, 1762-1827;

Frederick II.; Corte Nuova, 1237
Frederick; Germany, Prussia, Hesse,
Nuremberg, Palatinate, Prague,
Hochkirchen, Torgau
Frederick-Augustus; Poland, 1697
Frederick-Charles, prince of Prussia,
Franco-Pruss. war, 1870-1; Metz,

Frederick-Lewis, prince; Wales, 1729 Fremont, J. C., b. 1813; U. States, 1856

Frémy, M.; steel, 1861
French, col.; trials, 1820
Freney; trials, 1749

Frere, sir Bartle; slave trade, Zanzibar, 1872

Frewen, abp.; York, 1660
Frith, W. P., painter, b. 1820
Frivell, Wm., post-office, 1631
Frobisher, sir Martin, d. 1594; north-
west passage, 1576

Froissart, historian, 1337-1410
Frost, John, chartist; Newport, 1839

Froude, J. A., historian, b. 1818
Frumentius; Abyssinia, 329
Fuad Pasha, 1814-69; Damascus,
Turkey, 1860-9

Fuller, J.; Royal Institution, 1833 Fulton, R., 1765-1815; steam-engine, 1803

Furley, Mary; trials, 1844
Furneaux, capt.; Adventure Bay,
New Holland; returns, 1774
Fuseli, H., painter, 1741-1825


Gage, gen.; America, 1775

Gaine, W.; parchment paper, 1857 Gainsborough, Thomas, painter, 1727


Galba; Rome, emp., 68

Gale; balloons, gunpowder, 1865
Gale Jones; trials, 1811

Gale, Sarah, and Greenacre; trials, 1857

Galen, 130-200; physic
Galgaeus, 84; Grampians

Galileo di Galilei, 1564-1642; acousties, astronomy, falling bodies, harmonic curve, ice, inquisition, pendulum, planets, sun, tele


Gall, J., 1758-1828; craniology
Galle, Dr.: Neptune, 1846
Gallien; balloons, 1755
Gallienus; Rome, emp. 260

Galvani, Louis, 1737-98; electricity, 1791; voltaic pile

Galway, earl of; Almanza, 1707
Gama, Vasco de, d. 1525

Gambetta, L. b. 1838; France, 1870-3
Gambier, lord; Basque Roads, 1809;

Gambier and Rumble, trials, 1869 Gamond, Thomé de, tunnels, 1867 Ganganelli; Clement XIV., popes, 1769

Gangeland; apothecary

Gardiner, bp.; administrations, 1529 Gardiner, lieut. Alan; missions, 1850 Garibaldi, Joseph, b. 1807; Italy,

1859-67; Solferino, Sicily, Naples, Volturno; Franco-Prussian war, 1870

Garnerin, M.; balloons, 1802
Garnet; gunpowder plot, 1605
Garnet, Dr. Thos.; Royal Institu-
tion, 1801

Garrick, David, 1716-79; theatres,
Drury-lane, jubilees

Garrison, W. L.; slavery in United
States, 1831

Garrow, Wm.; att.-gen., 1813
Garth, Dr.; Kit-Cat club, 1703
Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. novelist; 1811-65
Gassendi, 1592-1655; sun, sound
Gaston de Foix; Ravenna, 1512
Gates, gen. ; Saratoga, 1777; Camden,

Gauden, bp. ; eikon basilike, 1649
Gauden, M.; sapphire, 1857

Gaunt, John of, b. 1340; Ghent,

roses, wars

Gausius, 335 B.C.; caustic
Gavarni, Fr. carie. 1801-66
Gavestons, beheaded, 1312; rebellions
Gay, John, 1688-1732; fables, operas
Gay-Lussac, J., 1778-1850; balloons
Ged, William; stereotype, 1730
Geffrard, gen. Fabre; Hayti, 1858
Gelasius I. popes 492; breviary,
pall: Candleinas

Gellert, C. F., Germ. fabulist, 1715-69 Gellius, Aulus, Latin miscellany, f 117-180

Gelon; Syracuse, 485 B.C., Himera Genghiskhan; see Jenghis Khan Genseric lauds in Africa, 429

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