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are paid or shall be paid on the same articles of any other foreign country; nor shall other or higher duties be imposed in the territories of either of the Contracting Parties, on the exportation of any articles to the territories of the other than those which are paid or shall be paid on the exportation of the same articles to any other foreign country; nor shall any prohibition be imposed on the importation or exportation of any articles of natural production or of industrial or of manufacturing production of the territories of one of the Contracting Parties, to or from the territories of the other, which shall not also extend to the same articles of any other foreign country.

V. No other or higher duties shall be imposed for tonnage, light, or harbour dues, pilotage, salvage in case of damage or shipwreck, or any other local charges in any of the ports of either of the two Contracting Parties, on the ships of the other, than those which are paid in the same ports by their own ships.

VI. The same duties shall be paid, and the same allowances and privileges conceded, on the importation or exportation of every article to or from the territory of the Argentine Confederation, or to or from the territory of the States of the Zollverein, whether the said importation or exportation be made in vessels of the Argentine Confederation or in vessels of the States of the Zollverein.

VII. Both the Contracting Parties agree to consider as vessels. of the Argentine Confederation and as those of one of the States of the Zollverein, all those which, being furnished by the competent authorities with a patent or register drawn up in due form, may, according to the laws and statutes then existing, be fully and bond. fide recognized as national vessels by the country to which they respectively belong.

VIII. All merchants, commanders, and captains of vessels, andother persons of the Argentine Confederation shall have full liberty in all the States of the Zollverein to manage their business for themselves, or to confide them to whomsoever they may choose, as broker, factor, agent, or interpreter, and they shall not be obliged to employ for the said purposes, other persons than those employed by the subjects of the States of the Zollverein, nor to pay them other fee or salary than that which is paid in the same circumstances by the subjects of the States of the Zollverein. Absolute freedom is con

ceded in all cases to buyer and seller to treat and fix the price of any article as they may please, as well as of any merchandize or goods imported into or exported from the States of the Zollverein, according to the observance and custom of the laws established in the country. The same rights and privileges in all respects are conceded in the Argentine Confederation to the subjects of the States of the Zollverein. The citizens and subjects of the two

Contracting Parties shall receive and enjoy reciprocally the most complete and perfect protection in their persons, goods, and properties, and shall have frank and free access to the tribunals of justice in the respective countries for the prosecution and defence of their just rights, having at the same time freedom to employ, in all cases, the advocates, attorneys, or agents, whom they may think proper, and they shall enjoy in this respect the same rights and privileges as the native citizens or subjects.

IX. In all that relates to the police of the ports, lading and unlading of vessels, security of merchandize, goods, and effects, acquisition and mode of disposing of property of every class and denomination, whether by sale, donation, exchange, testament, or any other manner, as well as in all that relates to the administration of justice, the citizens and subjects of the two Contracting Parties shall reciprocally enjoy the same privileges, prerogatives, and rights as the citizens and subjects of the most favoured nation, and in none of these cases shall they be burdened with imposts or duties greater than those which are or may be paid by the citizens or subjects of the country, always with subjection to the laws and ordinances of each respective country. If any citizen or subject of either of the two Contracting Parties should die intestate or without a final disposition of his property in the territories of the other, the ConsulGeneral or Consul of the nation to which the deceased belongs or the representative of the said Consul-General or Consul in the absence of these, shall have the right to intervene in the possession, administration, and judicial liquidation of the property of the deceased, in accordance with the laws of the country, for the benefit of his creditors and legal heirs.

In case of dispute concerning the inheritance or any of the property of which it consists, or concerning any credit, active or passive, which cannot be determined by arbitrators, it shall be submitted to the tribunals of the country.

X. The citizens of the Argentine Confederation residing in the States of the Zollverein, and the subjects of the States of the Zollverein residing in the Argentine Confederation, shall be exempt from all obligatory military service, whether by sea or land, and from all forced loans and military aid or requisitions, nor shall they be compelled upon any pretext whatsoever to bear any ordinary charge, requisition, or tax, greater than those borne or paid by the natural citizens or subjects of the Contracting Parties respectively.

XI. Each of the Contracting Parties may appoint Consuls for the protection of their commerce to reside in any of the territories of the other party, but before acting as such the Consuls must be approved and admitted in the customary form by the Government to which they are accredited, and either of the Contracting Parties may except

from the residence of the Consuls such particular places as they think proper.

The archives and papers of the Consuls of the Contracting Parties shall be inviolably respected, and upon no pretext can any public employé or any local authority take possession of the said archives and papers, nor interfere with them in the slightest


The Consuls of the States of the Zollverein in the Argentine Confederation, shall enjoy all the privileges, exemptions, and immunities which are conceded or may be conceded, to Consuls of the same rank of the most favoured nation, and in like manner the Consuls of the Argentine Confederation in the territories of the States of the Zollverein shall enjoy with the most scrupulous reciprocity all the privileges, exemptions, and immunities which are conceded or may be conceded in the States of the Zollverein to the Consuls of the most favoured nation.

XII. For the greater security of commerce between the Argentine Confederation and the States of the Zollverein, it is agreed that in any case in which any interruption of the friendly relations of commerce may unfortunately occur, or in case of a rupture between the two Contracting Parties, the citizens and subjects of either of them residing in the territories or States of the other, shall have the privilege of remaining and continuing their trade or occupation therein, without any interruption, so long as they shall conduct themselves peaceably and not transgress the laws in any way, and their property and effects, whether intrusted to private individuals or to the State, shall not be subject to embargo or sequestration, or any other exaction than such as may be made in respect of the same class of property or effects belonging to natives of the respective States.

XIII. The citizens of the Argentine Confederation and the subjects of the States of the Zollverein respectively residing in the territories of the other Contracting Party, shall enjoy in their houses, persons, and property the complete protection of the Government. They shall not be disturbed, molested, or inconvenienced in any manner on account of their religion, and shall have perfect liberty of conscience, provided that they duly respect the religion and customs of the country in which they reside, and abstain from interference therein.

With regard to the celebration of worship in accordance with the rites and ceremonies of their own church, whether in private houses or in their own churches and chapels; with regard to the right of building and supporting such churches and chapels; and finally with regard to the right of acquiring, occupying, and maintaining sites for their own cemeteries, the citizens and subjects of each of the Con[1856-57. XLVII.]

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tracting Parties who reside in the territories and dominions of the other, shall enjoy the same liberty and the same rights, and the same protection shall be granted to them as to the citizens and subjects of the most favoured nation.

XIV. The present Treaty shall be in force for the space of 8 years from this date, and further until 12 months more after one of the Contracting Parties shall have given notice to the other of its intention to terminate it, each of the Contracting Parties reserving to itself the right of giving the other such notice at the expiration of the said period of 8 years or at any time thereafter.

And it is hereby stipulated between them that at the expiration of 12 months after the receipt of such notice this Treaty and all its stipulations shall cease and be entirely at an end.

XV. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged within the space of two years from its date, in the place of the residence of the Government of the Argentine Confederation.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty, and affixed their seals thereto in the City of Paraná the 19th of September, 1857.




To Article III of the Treaty.

THE stipulations of Article III of the Treaty concluded and signed this day between the Argentine Confederation and the States of the Zollverein, shall also extend to the dues which the Government of the Kingdom of Hanover collects under the denomination of Brunshausen (formerly Stade) dues, so that the vessels of the Confederation with their cargoes shall be treated in the same manner with respect to those dues as the vessels of the Kingdom of Hanover itself, and their cargoes are treated, it being understood that the acceptance of this Article on the part of the Argentine Confederation, and for the duration of the Treaty, does not imply in any manner the recognition of the principle, that the freedom of rivers being one of the bases of public right in the Argentine Confederation.

This Separate Article shall have the same force and validity as if it had been inserted word for word in the Treaty signed at this date.

It shall be ratified and the ratifications shall be exchanged at the same time.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries sign the

same, and affix their seals thereto, in the City of Paraná, on the

19th of September, 1857.



CONCORDAT between Rome and Wurtemberg.-Signed at Rome, April 8, 1857.


In the name of the Most Holy and Indivisible Trinity.

His Holiness the Supreme Pontiff Pius IX, and his Most Serene Majesty William I, King of Wurtemberg, being desirous of settling the affairs of the Roman Catholic Church in the kingdom of Wurtemberg, have appointed their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

His Holiness, his Eminence, Charles Augustus, of the Holy Roman Church, by the title of St. Anastasia, Cardinal Priest de Reisach;

And his Majesty the King of Wurtemberg, the noble Adolphus Baron de Ow, his Minister Plenipotentiary to his Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty, the Emperor of Austria, and Privy Councillor of Legation.

Which Plenipotentiaries having reciprocally exchanged their respective authentic and legitimate full powers, have agreed upon the following Articles:

ART. I. Respecting appointments to the Episcopal See of Rothenburg, and to the canonries and prebends of the Cathedral Church, those arrangements only shall be observed which have already been agreed upon with the Holy See.

II. Before the bishop assumes his government, he shall take before His Majesty an oath of fidelity expressed in the following words:

"I swear and promise on the Holy Gospels of God, as becomes a bishop, obedience and fidelity to His Majesty and his successors; I also swear and promise that I will hold no communication and take part in no counsel which may be injurious to the public tranquillity, that I will maintain no suspicious connections either within or beyond the limits of the Kingdom; and that if I should know of any public danger impending, I will do all I can to avert it."

III. The Royal Government shall not fail in the obligation, which it has always recognised, of endowing the bishopric with real property as soon as the circumstances of the time shall admit.

IV. In the government of his diocese the bishop shall be free

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