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vidence to the selection of Representatives whose wisdom and patriotism may aid Her Majesty in her constant endeavours to maintain the honour and dignity of her Crown, and to promote the welfare and happiness of her people.

SPEECH of the Lords Commissioners, on the Opening of the British Parliament.—Westminster, May 7, 1857.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

We are commanded to inform you that Her Majesty has availed herself of the earliest opportunity of having recourse to your advice and assistance after the dissolution of the last Parliament; and Her Majesty trusts that there will be found sufficient time during the present session to enable you satisfactorily to deal with various important matters, some of which had occupied the attention of Parliament in the beginning of this year.

We are commanded by Her Majesty to inform you that the general aspect of affairs in Europe affords a well-grounded confidence in the continuance of peace.

All the main stipulations of the Treaty of Paris have been carried into execution, and it is to be hoped that what remains to be done with regard to those matters will be speedily accomplished.

The negotiations upon the subject of the differences which had arisen betweeen the King of Prussia and the Swiss Confederation, in regard to the affairs of Neuchatel, are drawing to a close, and will, Her Majesty trusts, be terminated by an arrangement honourable and satisfactory to all parties.

The negotiations in which Her Majesty has been engaged with the Government of The United States, and with the Government of Honduras, in regard to the affairs of Central America, have not yet been brought to a close.

We are commanded by Her Majesty to inform you that a Treaty of Peace between Her Majesty and the Shah of Persia was signed at Paris on the 4th of March, by Her Majesty's Ambassador at Paris and by the Ambassador of the Shah; and Her Majesty will give directions that this Treaty shall be laid before you as soon as the ratifications thereof shall have been duly exchanged.

Her Majesty commands us to express to you her regret that, at the date of the latest advices from China, the differences which had arisen between the High Commissioner at Canton and Her Majesty's civil and naval officers in China still remained unadjusted. But Her Majesty has sent to China a Plenipotentiary fully in

structed to deal with all matters of difference, and that the Plenipo tentiary will be supported by an adequate naval and military force, in the event of such assistance becoming necessary.

We are commanded to inform you, that Her Majesty, in conjunction with several other European Powers, has concluded a Treaty with the King of Denmark for the redemption of the Sound dues. This Treaty, together with a separate Convention between Her Majesty and the King of Denmark, completing the arrangement, will be laid before you, and Her Majesty will cause the measures necessary for fulfilling the engagements thereby contracted to be submitted for your consideration.

Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

Her Majesty has directed the estimates for the present year to be laid before you.

They have been prepared with a careful attention to economy, and with a due regard to the efficiency of the departments of the public service to which they severally relate.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

Her Majesty commands us to recommend to your earnest consideration measures which will be proposed to you for the consolidation and improvement of the law.

Bills will be submitted to you for improving the laws relating to the testamentary and matrimonial jurisdiction now exercised by the ecclesiastical courts, and also for checking fraudulent breaches of trust.

Her Majesty commands us to express to you her heartfelt gratification at witnessing the continued well-being and contentment of her people, and the progressive development of productive industry throughout her dominions.

Her Majesty confidently commits to your wisdom and care the great interests of her Empire, and fervently prays that the blessing of Almighty God may be vouchsafed to your deliberations, and may lead you to conclusions conducive to the objects of Her Majesty's constant solicitude, the welfare and happiness of her loyal and faithful people.

SPEECH of the Lords Commissioners, on the Closing of the British Parliament.-Westminster, August 28, 1857.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

We are commanded by Her Majesty to release you from further attendance in Parliament, and at the same time to express to you

Her Majesty's cordial acknowledgments for the zeal and assiduity with which you have performed your important duties during a session which, though shorter than usual, has nevertheless been unusually laborious.

Her Majesty commands us to express to you her satisfaction that the present state of affairs in Europe inspires a well-grounded confidence in the continuance of peace.

The arrangements connected with the full execution of the stipulations of the Treaty of Paris have, from various causes, not yet been completed; but Her Majesty trusts that by the earnest efforts of the Contracting Parties to that Treaty, all that remains to be done with reference to its stipulations may, ere long, be satisfactorily settled.

Her Majesty commands us to inform you that the extensive mutinies which have broken out among the native troops of the Army of Bengal, followed by serious disturbances in many parts of that Presidency, have occasioned to Her Majesty extreme concern; and the barbarities which have been inflicted upon many of Her Majesty's subjects in India, and the sufferings which they have endured, have filled Her Majesty's heart with the deepest grief; while the conduct of many civil and military officers, who have been placed in circumstances of much difficulty, and have been exposed to great danger, has excited Her Majesty's warmest admiration.

Her Majesty commands us to inform you, that she will omit no measure calculated to quell these grave disorders; and Her Majesty is confident that, with the blessing of Providence, the powerful means at her disposal will enable her to accomplish that


Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

Her Majesty commands us to thank you for the liberal supplies which you have voted for the service of the present year, and for the assurances which you have given her of your readiness to afford Her Majesty whatever support may be necessary for the restoration of tranquillity in India.

Her Majesty has been gratified to find that you have been enabled to provide the amount required to be paid to Denmark for the redemption of the Sound dues, without on that account adding to the National Debt.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

Her Majesty commands us to convey to you her heartfelt acknowledgments for the provision which you have made for her beloved daughter, the Princess Royal, on her approaching marriage with His Royal Highness Prince Frederick William of Prussia.

Her Majesty commands us to inform you that she has seen with satisfaction that, although the present session has been short, you have been able to pass many Acts of great importance, and to which Her Majesty has given her cordial assent.

The Acts for establishing a more efficient jurisdiction for the proving of wills in England and Ireland, correct defects which have for many years been complained of.

The Act for amending the law relating to Divorce and to Matrimonial Causes will remedy evils which have long been felt.

The several Acts for the punishment of fraudulent breaches of trust;

For amending the law relating to secondary punishments;
For amending the law concerning Joint Stock Banks;

For consolidating and amending the law relating to bankruptcy and insolvency in Ireland;

For the better care and treatment of pauper lunatics in Scotland; For improving the organization of the County Police in Scotland; Together with other Acts of less importance, but likewise tending to the progressive improvement of the law, have met with Her Majesty's ready assent.

We are commanded by Her Majesty to express to you Her confidence that, on your return to your several counties, you will employ that influence which so justly belongs to you, to promote the welfare and happiness of her loyal and faithful people; and she prays that the blessing of Almighty God may attend and prosper your endeavours.

SPEECH of The Queen, on the Opening of the British Parliament.-Westminster, December 3, 1857.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

CIRCUMSTANCES have recently arisen, connected with the commercial interests of the country, which have induced me to call Parliament together before the usual time.

The failure of certain Joint Stock Banks and of some commercial firms, produced such an extent of distrust as led me to authorize my Ministers to recommend to the Directors of the Bank of England the adoption of a course of proceedings which appeared necessary for allaying the prevalent alarm. As that course has involved a departure from the existing law, a Bill for indemnifying

those who advised and those who adopted it will be submitted for your consideration.

I have observed with great regret that the disturbed state of commercial transactions in general, has occasioned a diminution of employment in the manufacturing districts, which, I fear, cannot fail to be attended with much local distress. I trust, however, that this evil may not be of long duration; and the abundant harvest with which it has graciously pleased Divine Providence to bless this land will, I hope, in some degree mitigate the sufferings which this state of things must unavoidably produce.

While I deeply deplore the severe suffering to which many of my subjects in India have been exposed, and while I grieve for the extensive bereavements and sorrow which it has caused, I have derived the greatest satisfaction from the distinguished successes which have attended the heroic exertions of the comparatively small forces which have been opposed to greatly superior numbers, without the aid of the powerful reinforcements despatched from this country to their assistance. The arrival of those reinforcements will, I trust, speedily complete the suppression of this widelyspread revolt.

The gallantry of the troops employed against the mutineers, their courage in action, their endurance under privation, fatigue, and the effects of climate, the high spirit and self-devotion of the officers, the ability, skill, and persevering energy of the commanders, have excited my warmest admiration; and I have observed with equal gratification that many civilians placed in extreme difficulty and danger have displayed the highest qualities, including, in some instances, those that would do honour to veteran soldiers.

It is satisfactory to know that the general mass of the population of India have taken no part in the rebellion, while the most considerable of the native Princes have acted in the most friendly manner, and have rendered important services.

I have given directions that papers relating to these matters shall be laid before you.

The affairs of my East Indian dominions will require your serious consideration, and I recommend them to your earnest attention.

The nations of Europe are in the enjoyment of the blessings of peace, which nothing seems likely to disturb.

The stipulations of the Treaty which I concluded with the Shah of Persia have been faithfully carried into execution, and the Persian forces have evacuated the territory of Herat.

Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

I have given directions that the estimates for the next year shall be prepared, for the purpose of being laid before you.

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