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became dry. We kept the pointer in one position as nearly as possible by regulating the amount of vapor steam escaping into the room. We obtained quite satisfactory results with this crude arrangement, but find this hygrometer much more sensitive.


A MEMBER. I tried this little instrument we have here, and, while it is very good for showing there has been a change in the atmosphere, still I found it was not reliable; could not tell with the wet and dry bulb thermometer how many degrees you had. We have three different mills, and with those I was unable to do it. I have an instrument which I bought at Hall's on Bromfield Street. It looks similar to a hygrometer; it indicates the degrees of humidity by a point, and it is very accurate. We have eighteen or twenty of them; they retail for twelve dollars; they are an imported instrument.

Mr. KNIGHT. This little thing was purchased of John D. Sawyer & Co. of Pawtucket, R. I. I have not tried it in comparison with the wet and dry bulb thermometer. I don't think it so important that we should know the relative humidity or the percentage of moisture in the atmosphere in a cotton mill, as that we have a standard, and keep to that standard. I became satisfied it was the best arrangement I had ever used for gauging the difference in humidity in different rooms of the mills; and I found it was a benefit to have vapor steam in the carding and spinning rooms, as well as in the weaving room. I think you will all find a benefit by using it in that way.

The CHAIRMAN. If there is no further business to come before the meeting at this time, a motion to adjourn is in order.

And the meeting was adjourned.


Cetten manf.

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