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Mr. HERVEY KENT. If a mill is belted properly in one end, and the shafting arranged, and the machinery with the shafting, I claim it can be put in for the same money as the new belting and shafting.

Mr. KILBURN. I would like to ask Mr. GREENE, in connection with his remarks, if he thinks it will be better to put his pickers in as he suggests, rather than put them in at the opposite end as suggested by my friend Mr. PARKER.

Mr. GREENE. I should probably agree with Mr. PARKER. I should certainly place the picking, which takes so large an amount of power, as near the engine as possible, and not at the opposite end of the mill.

Mr. KILBURN. I thought he described it at the opposite end of the mill as the reason why it took more shafting.

Mr. D. M. THOMPSON. Mr. President, in responding to the request for my views upon the subject, I will simply say, I have generally preferred to apply the power at the end of the mills; for the reasons already stated by Mr. KILBURN and Mr. GREENE. It is important to reach the main lines as directly as possible, and avoid intermediary shafts. I have applied the power at the centres with very satisfactory results; in some cases enclosing the head shafts within towers upon the side of the mill. There are some advantages in the reduced sizes of the shafts required for distribution as compared with long lines. There has been a considerable improvement in the quality of material and the manufacture of shafting during the past twenty or thirty years. We run our shafting at such speeds as easily admit a much greater length than formerly. The tendency is or has been towards high speed upon machinery, for the purpose of a larger production as compared with even ten years since. This increase of speed is at the expense of power; but the conditions are usually such as admit a choice in the selection of the points of location for the motors, and I regard them as generally more satisfactory when located at the ends of the mill.

Mr. CHARLES R. MAKEPEACE. Mr. President, about three years ago I was called on to make plans for a 26,000 spindle mill. The agent of the mill was a careful man, and went into all the

questions involved very thoroughly; and especially this question of the best way to shaft the mill. At his request two plans were made; one showing an arrangement of machinery which brought the power in at the end, the other in at the centre. When the schedules of shafting were made out, they were submitted to four or five builders of shafting, all responsible parties; and much to our surprise the greatest difference in the proposals was only $17.41.

I have been very much interested in Mr. KILBURN's paper on this subject; but would like to have him repeat the formula he gave for determining the size of cold rolled shafts.

Mr. KILBURN. The cube of the diameter divided by the velocity in revolution, and multiplied by nineteen.

Mr. MAKEPEACE. That is a very good formula so far as it goes; but tells us nothing unless we know the length of the bay, or distance between bearings. Whether he applies this formula to bearings six, eight or ten feet apart.

Mr. GREENE. Mr. President, I would like, without taking up any more time, to make a simple correction. Two references have been made to Mr. Lockwood's formula; and I only deem it right to say that the formula stated by Mr. KILBURN was never used by Mr. LockwOOD, as far as I have knowledge. Mr. KILBURN. Prior to your day?

Mr. GREENE. I say, as far as I have knowledge.

The PRESIDENT. If there is nothing more to be said on this subject, we will proceed to the next topic, "The use of single or double boss rolls on spinning frames; from which can be derived the most benefit?" The discussion is to be opened by Mr. WILLIAM J. KENT of New Bedford.

Mr. KENT. For many years I was led to believe that the double-boss roll on spinning frames was far superior to the single. About four years ago I put into the Wamsutta Mills a large number of new spinning frames, and this subject was discussed very thoroughly at that time; we at last decided to adopt the singleboss rolls; but even then I was not convinced that they would produce so much better work than the double-boss could.

Since that time we have tried many experiments; and I am now thoroughly convinced that more even, and consequently stronger, yarn can be made with the single than with the double boss rolls. Some of the most important advantages I will name : —

1. It is almost impossible to make double yarn; and this is of great moment in mills making fine yarns, and, in mills where they sell their product, it is even greater. The distance between the ends as they are delivered from the rolls being so much greater, in one case 23 inches on single, in the other 18 inches, and the stirrup coming between the ends, gives it the advantage.

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2. We can produce much more even yarn, and thereby obtain a greater breaking strength; the following sizes will show to what extent, on No. 45 warp yarn:

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On coarse yarn, such as No. 30 warp, there is not so much variation in number, and sometimes yarn spun on double-boss rolls would be equally as even as that spun on single; but the advantage in break still remains, as the following sizes will show:

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It might be well to state that the difference in the average size is due to the fact that the frames were of different make, and could not be geared exactly alike.

I have given but two reasons why I prefer the single to the double boss roll, as time will not permit me to give more, although I could give a great many; but I want to say that we derive a greater advantage, the finer numbers we spin. On our No. 60 warp we obtain about ten per cent. advantage in break; and the numbers will not vary nearly as much, as the following sizes will show :

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I trust this subject will be fully discussed, as I consider it of very great importance to weaving or yarn mills on either fine or coarse work.

If any one desires to ask me any questions, I will answer them to the best of my ability and knowledge.

Mr. PARKER. Mr. President, it did not appear in Mr. KENT'S paper why the yarn made on the single-boss roll was stronger than that made on the long-boss roll; neither does he state whether his tests have been made with a shell roll or a solid roll. I imagine that the advantage which he would claim for a single-boss roll would be that he could get a more even covering or a more level roll than it would be possible in covering the long-boss roll. I think we would all agree that Mr. KENT makes a pretty strong yarn, whether it is made upon the double-boss or not; and I should like to know why it can not be made as strong upon any roll.

Mr. WILLIAM J. KENT. In reply to Mr. PARKER, I will say that I am afraid I should have exhausted your patience if I had gone into all the details; and I said, at the end of my paper, I would answer any questions which might be asked. The great advantage is the difference in covering the rolls, and also in the weighting of the rolls. The double-boss roll requires a great deal more weighting, to produce the same effect that a single-boss roll would; and consequently we find the lighter the weighting to do the work, the better the product. In regard to breaking the yarn, we cannot weave the goods we sell to Mr. Parker, unless we have that yarn.

Mr. PARKER. There is one question I intended to ask, whether the record, which I suppose you keep at the mills, uniformly shows the results which you have just read; or whether these were special tests.

Mr. WILLIAM J. KENT. No, sir; this is the record kept right in the mill.

Mr. KILBURN suggested that Mr. KENT derived an advantage from specially selecting his cotton, to make the goods he referred to.

Mr. KENT said that he considered a careful selection of cotton as of very great importance; that, while some claimed they could not afford to make the best selection, at his mill they could

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