Publications. Meteorological Register. Discoveries and Improvements in Arts and Manufactures. Domestic Occurrences Foreign Occurrences. Retrospect of Public Affairs. Commercial Report. Price of Stocks. Agricultural Reports. Prices of Grain. To Correspondents.
General Correspondence. Real Killcrops. Custom of MarlJe, ing. Description of the Feroe Islands. A Topic of Consolation. Biblical Remarks. Augsburg in the Sixteenth Century. Synonymic Elucidations (continued). Observations on Wasps. Proposals for editing an English Dictionary, under the direction of a Society. Instinct of Vegetables exemplified. MSS. of Wicliffe's Old Testament. Remarks on Horace. Sonnet by James I. Extracts from a Manuscript Tour through the Counties of Gloucester, Worcester, Salop, Hereford, and Monmouth (continued). On the Terms "Comfort" and "Comfortable." -Classical Disquisitions. Æschylus. -Accounts of, and Extractsfrom, Rare and Curious Books. An Account of an ancient Hebrew Manuscript, in the Bodleian Library, at Oxford.Memoirs of Distinguished Persons. Bibliographic Notice of Jerome Pompei.-Original Poetry. Literary and Miscellaneous Information. The State of the Press in the University of Cambridge. Monthly List of New Publications. Meteorological Register. Discoveries and Improvements in Arts and Manufactures. Domestic Occurrences. Foreign Occurrences. Retrospect of Public Affairs. Commercial Report. Price of Stocks. Agricultural Reports. Prices of Grain.
General Correspondence. Remarks on Historical Relations A of Poisonings (continued). Description of the Feroe Islands (continued). Further Observations on "Comfort" and "Comandysfortable." Sketch of a Tour into the County of Wicklow. Mrs. Cappe's Answer to Enquiries. Synonymic Elucidations (continued). A Roman Country Seat. An Obstacle to the Conversion of the Hindoos considered. Custom of the Horkey.