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Juvenile Department,


No. X.

THE CRUSADES. PREPARATORY to our review of the religious abuses in the reign of Richard I. it may not prove uninteresting to present our juvenile readers with a brief sketch of the origin and progress of the crusades, in one of which that monarch made so conspicuous a figure; as well as to avoid the frequent repetition of the subject in other reigns: but as preparations for the third crusade, that expedition itself, and the events arising out of it, form almost the whole history of that prince's administration, we shall consider it distinctly in our next paper.

It is remarkable, that in almost every age there have been some fashionable errors to engage the attention. It should seem that Satan," the prince of the air, who worketh in the children of disobedience," always contrives some popular delusion to feed human depravity, which, from his knowledge of our nature, is nicely adapted to the period of its prevalence. Few objects were perhaps better calculated to effect this, than these wild enterprises; for they united all the numerous vices of military life with the delusion and hypocrisy of the most extravagant superstition.

The crusades, or croisades, from the French word croix, a cross, signified wars carried on against infidels under the banner of the cross: hence the adventurers were decorated with a cross on their right shoulders. They commenced in the year 1096, and originated in a superstitious veneration for those places that were distinguished by the principal events of the Redeemer's life; and for those objects that were pronounced, from their connexion with those events,

to be sacred relicts; hence, a succession of pilgrims, assembling from every Christian country, were seen paying their devotions at the holy sepulchre and so little was the simplicity of the gospel dispensation understood, that a toilsome journey to Jerusalem was more than equivalent to a life of regularity and usefulness at home.


The propensity which, directed by enthusiasm, led to these excesses, is far less surprising than the excesses themselves. The curiosity we feel to visit the sites of some great events, or the birth-place of some illustrious character; eagerness to handle some ancient relic, or snatch a fragment of some venerable ruin, if not restrained by reason, and corrected by piety, might very easily hurry us into the extravagance of enthusiasm, and the iniquity of superstition: indeed, which of us can say, he should be the subject of no immoderate sensations, if he could behold the sepulchre in which the Saviour lay, or the cross on which he suffered? but it deserves remark, that the great Disposer of events has checked this propensity, by suffering time to destroy the materials, and even the enemies of religion to possess the places, which its professed friends are prone

to idolize.

The Turks took the city of Jerusalem from the Saracens in 1065, and began to treat the devotional visitors with far less respect and ceremony, and it soon became hazardous to undertake the exemplary pilgrimage. This was the more irritating, from the opinion which then prevailed, that the 1000 years mentioned in the 20th chapter of the Revelations were fulfilled, and that Christ was about to make his appearance in Palestine to judge the world, which considerations increasing the merit, and even the

necessity of these pilgrimages, rendered them much more frequent.

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to excite, that, as with one voice, they exclaimed, in supposed ominous language, "It is the will of God." This serious sentence, uttered by the multitude on so memorable an occasion, was regarded with more attention than even the oracular decisions of the ancients. It became ever after their motto, as well as their signal of assemblage and battle on succceding occasions. How often, in perusing the pages of history, and even in the observation of modern times, have we to lament over the mistaken and misguided zeal of popular assemblies! How cautiously should they be attended, especially by the young, lest the momentary impulse of some unhallowed passion should so terminate, as to lay the foundation of lasting re

Pope Gregory VII. therefore formed the design of uniting the powers of Europe in the attempt of wresting the favourite country from the grasp of the Mahometans; but his encroachments on the privileges of princes, had rendered them too suspicious of his designs, to become the agents in his plans. But a native of Amiens, Peter, commonly called the Hermit, having made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem, returned so deeply affected with the dangers to which the poor travellers were exposed, and with the oppression under which the Eastern Christians laboured, and entertained the bold, and apparently wild idea, of leading sufficiently powerful armies to subdue the infidel nations. He sub-morse! mitted his plan to Pope Martin II. who, though aware of the advantage that must accrue to Rome from its execution, was too prudent to hazard disappointment without greater plausibility of success. He therefore summoned an immense multitude at Placentia, which he denominated a Council; consisting of 4,000 ecclesiastics, and 30,000 seculars. As no hall could contain them, they met in a plain; and so impressive were the harangues of the Pope and Peter in behalf of the persecuted pilgrims and oppressed Christians of the East, that the devoted crowd declared for the meritorious undertaking.

Encouraged by his success in Italy, and actuated by the deepest policy, Martin thought it necessary to engage the more warlike nations of Europe, and therefore dispatched Peter to visit the most important cities, and to endeavour to interest the most powerful sovereigns in the enterprise. The fame of the great and glorious design being now generally diffused, a second Council was held at Clermont, in Auvergne, which was attended by the greatest prelates and nobles of the day. Such a dignified assemblage gave new zeal to the Pope and the Hermit, who renewing their pathetic addresses, so wrought on the passions of the auditory, whose enthusiasm the very concourse was calculated

The state of England favoured the romantic undertaking. Ignorance and superstition completely subjected the public mind to the domination of clerical power, which procured present misery, and awarded eternal ruin to the disobedient.-The military spirit, too, was generally diffused; and the practice of the nobles, in making war with each other, in redress of their private wrongs, greatly contributed to its preservation. A man's safety depended more on his prowess and his alliances, than on the protection of the laws: valour was the great virtue of the day. Such a state of society, therefore, was highly favourable to the enthusiastic project; and such was its popularity, that the Princess Anna Comnena observes, in her history, "all Europe, torn from its foundation, seemed ready to precipitate itself in one united body on Asia." Nobles, artisans, peasants, and priests, alike engaged in the undertaking, as the high road to heaven; and cowardice or impiety was affixed to the characters of the reluctant. In the exercise of hope, the nobles, awarding to themselves the opulent establishments of the East, sold their present possessions, that they might be unencumbered, and suitably equipped. The aged and infirm co-operated in the undertaking by presents; and even females, forgetful of the nature and

Damascus, through the unfaithfulness of the Christians of Syria.

whose reign, in our next essay, we shall have to examine the events of this crusade.

The fourth crusade was commenced in 1195, by the Emperor Henry VI. after Saladin's death. The invaders gained several battles, and took many towns, but the death of the Emperor arrested their progress, and obliged them to quit the prospects of their success, and return to Germany.

the duties of their sex, shamelessly joined the army in disguise. Such extraordinary volunteers, while they In 1188, immediately after the represented a motley group, formed taking of Jerusalem by Saladin, the almost a countless multitude, and Soldan of Egypt, the third crusade apprehensions were entertained that was undertaken. Past failures had the magnitude of the armament not taught wisdom, and former miswould prove the cause of its over- fortunes were forgotten. 300,000 throw. The leaders, therefore, in men were soon found again to inorder to render their forces the more vade the sacred land, and among manageable, sent forward the undis- the heroic chiefs, were the Emperor ciplined, to the number of 300,000, Frederick Barbarossa, Philip Auunder the direction of Peter the gustus, King of France, and Richard Hermit,and Walter,(commonly call-I. King of England, in the review of ed the Moneyless). These took the road through Hungary and Bulgaria, towards Constantinople, unprovisioned, trusting to the merit of their cause, and the miraculous interposition of that Holy Being, whose will they had declared their project | to be. A conduct which, however ridiculous and preposterous in them, affords a lesson to many a fearful Christian, who has often been deterred from evident duty by the prospect of difficulty, forgetful of the power, the faithfulness, and mercy of God. As might have been expected, the disorderly crowd were soon obliged to resort to plunder and violence for their daily support; nor did the failure of miracles, and the destructive attacks of the enraged inhabitants of the countries through which they passed, cause then to suspect the propriety of their motto, or diminish their ardour in the enterprise. The better disciplined armies followed after, and when they were mustered in the The sixth crusade began in 1228, plains of Asia, amounted to 700,000 and was speedily terminated. Damen. In this expedition, the famous mietta was taken, but was soon surGodfrey of Bouillon, Duke of Lor- rendered again; and the following rain, took the city of Nice. Jeru-year peace was concluded with the salem also yielded to the combined army, and Godfrey was gratified by being chosen king. The battle of Ascalon, gained by the Christians over the Soldan of Egypt, followed, and terminated the first crusade.

The second crusade in 1144 was still less successful, although commanded by the Emperor Conrad III. and Louis, King of France. The army of the former either perished by the hand of the enemy, or fell a prey to the treachery of Manuel, the Greek Emperor; and that or the latter, abandoned the siege of


Innocent III. in 1198, succeeded in provoking a fifth crusade. But the adventurers had to contend with a more formidable enemy than even Saladin had proved. plague rapidly thinned their ranks, not only by death, but by inducing many to return home to avoid the contagion. Through this calamity, added to the disagreements of their leaders, and the consequent division of the forces, the Soldan of Aleppo found no difficulty in defeating the remnant of the army.

Soldan for ten years. About the year 1240, Richard, Earl of Cornwall, brother to Henry III. King of England, proceeded to Palestine with an English army; but finding, on his arrival, that it would be more advantageous to conclude a peace than hazard a war, he shortly returned. Four years afterwards, the Karasmians being driven out of Persia by the Tartars, fled to the Holy Land, and completely defeated the Christians at Gaza.

St. Louis headed the seventh crusade in 1249, and Damietta was

again taken. His success, however was arrested by disease, which so prevailed among his troops that he attempted a retreat; the infidels, resenting such frequent visits, pursued the fugitives, and massacred the greatest part of them, returning with him and his nobles as their prisoners, and they were obliged to purchase their liberty by a truce for ten years.

aged weakness; and, monstrous to relate, with hands yet reeking with the blood of the dead and the dying, marching over the bodies they had slain, presented themselves like demons at the holy sepulchre, and sung anthems of praise to the Savi our of mankind.

What a merciful dispensation for the reader, and the writer, that they are permitted to live in a period of The last crusade was commanded the world so much more enlightenby the same Prince in 1270, who, ed, and that they are not the devoafter taking the port and castle of tees of that false religion, which can Carthage, in Africa, soon died, leav-so completely enslave, and so fatally ing his army in very indifferent cir- mislead the human mind! cumstances to the direction of his son, Philip the Bold. The King of Sicily, however, soon arrived with a fleet, and disembarking his troops, joined Philip; but their united forces




Colburn, 1816.

H. S. A.

were repeatedly checked, and after Ten Years' Residence at Tripoli, obtaining an advantageous peace, they retired to their separate kingdoms. Prince Edward, of England, arrived with some assistance, about WE introduce this article for the the time of this treaty ; but being re- purpose of making an extract of called to ascend the throne of Eng-two, for the amusement of our young land, his visit was fruitless. In 1291, readers. the town of Acre was taken and

LOCUSTS. "These destructive plundered by the Soldan of Egypt, insects have been seldom known to and the Christians driven out of annoy this place, though they are Syria. So many sufferings, losses, almost the yearly scourge of Egypt, and disappointments, had progres- and part of Asia. They fly in comsively abated this wild zeal, and pact bodies through the air, darkensucceeding Popes found it impossi-ing the atmosphere, and occupying a ble to induce another of many miles in their pasNicholas IV. in 1292, and Clement sage. They make a noise in the V. in 1311, were particularly anxious act of nipping off the corn and herbto accomplish the object, but hap- age, that cannot be mistaken, and pily failed. which is distinctly heard at a great It has been computed that, at distance. While these invaders least, two millions of poor deluded pass along, as if by enchantment, creatures perished in these various the green disappears, and the parchexpeditions; and it does not seem ed naked ground presents itself. possible to find, in history, parallels The locusts are salted down in great to the extravagance and wicked-quantities at Cairo and Alexandria, ness of these adventures. The fanatics proposed to themselves what they deemed a pious object, and set about accomplishing it by the most anti-christian means: and not only did they employ methods, contrary to the spirit of the gospel, but they committed the most wanton and horrid excesses at the taking of Jerusalem, murdering alike the garrison, and the inhabitants without distinction, unmoved by youthful innocence, female tenderness, and

and carried to different parts of Africa. Many are brought to this place, and eaten by the inhabitants." Page 108. See Exod. x. 12. Joel, ii. 1-11. Matt. iii. 4.

CAMELS." The Moors were obliged to secure a camel, that, with much difficulty, was prevented from attacking our horses while they stood in the yard, though the camel is in general, with very few excep tions, perfectly mild: this having a young one unable to feed itself, its


ferocity is thereby accounted for.
The milk is drank by consumptive
people it is salt and ill-flavoured,
richer than cow's, and of a red co-
lour. The camel, when a few
weeks old, is very handsome. Its
cries then exactly resemble those of
a young child. When grown up,
their voice is loud and rough; and
when angry, they rattle in the throat,
which is a warning of their inten-
tion to bite. They are in general so
inoffensive and tractable, that they
commonly go without bridle or hal-
ter; and a single straw is frequently
used to drive them along with a bur-
den of nine hundred weight. This
useful patient animal will sustain
many days' thirst when traversing,
heavily laden, the burning sands.
But in town, where it is cooler, and
during the winter, he can remain
some weeks without drinking, living
on the water he has within him, pre-
served in a reservoir, from whence
he conveys it into the stomach at
The last time the Bey
was encamped, a camel was opened
for the water it contained, where se-
veral gallons were found in a per-
fect state. The camp was at that
time in want of water. The people
were dying daily, when the Bey
made use of this costly expedient."
Page 45. See Gen. xxiv. 10. Job,

i. 3.

Tunis to purchase slaves in Guines The whole of them often perish from the danger and fatigues of the journey, or, buried under mountains of sand, are heard of no more. The Sicilian has often described to us the gloomy and impenetrable forest they passed, where the repeated howlings of wild beasts, excited by the scent of the cattle accompanying the caravan, were increased and heightened as it drew nearer their horrible dens. Sometimes the caravan was constrained to remain for several days near these woods, to avoid the approaching hurricane in the desert they were about to pass through; for by the aspect of the heavens, those who frequent the deserts can often foresee these dreadful winds many hours before they happen. No sooner were the tents pitched and the caravan became stationary, than a peculiar noise in the forest announced the wild beasts verging to the borders of it, there to wait a favourable opportunity to rush out and seize their prey. The dreadful roar of the lion was not heard during the day; but when the darkness came on, continued murmurs announced him, and his voice getting louder broke like peals of thunder on the stillness of the night. The panther and the tiger were seen early in the evening mak"The drome-ing circuits nearer and nearer round the caravan. In the centre of it were placed the tents with the wo men, children, and flocks; the cattle were ranged next; and the camels, horses, and dogs last. One chain of uninterrupted fires encircling the whole, was kept blazing during every night. On the least failure of these fires, the lion was heard coming closer to the caravan. his roar, the sheep and lambs shook ; the horses, motionless, were covered with a profuse perspiration; the cattle cried out; and the dogs, assembling together in one spot, endeavoured by their united howlings to frighten away the savage devourer, from whom nothing could save them but a fresh blaze of fire. Twice the lion carried off his prey, a sheep, to the terror of the spectators, who in vain with fire-arms en deavoured to prevent him. Sheep

DROMEDARIES. dary seems used, in this country, only for the courier or post." Page 45. See 1 Kings, iv. 28. Est. viii. 10. The dromedary is a species of camel. WILD BEASTS.-"A part of the great western road from Tunis to Tripoli cannot be passed without great danger, on account of wild beasts, which not unfrequently attack passengers in spite of the precautions taken to prevent their approach. The Bashaw's physician, a Sicilian, performed this tremendous journey by land, with his wife and two children, not long since, He joined an immense caravan, (that being the only method by which he could traverse the deserts,) and proceeded in safety to this place. One of these caravans, containing from 400 to 500 persons, who are soon increased to as many thousands, sets out every year from


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