The Unions' and parish officers' year-book [afterw.] The Union, parish, and board of health officers' pocket almanac and guide [afterw.] The Local government officers' almanac and guide [afterw.] The Local government directory, almanac and guide1839 |
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able-bodied accounts administration of relief aforesaid allowed amount annexed annual value appear application appointed ascertained attend auditor authorised bastard Board of Guardians chargeable charges child church churchwardens and overseers clerk Commis common seal copy deducted destitute direct disallowed district duly duty EDWIN CHADWICK Egham election enact entitled expenses give given hereby hereditaments justices labour land Law Amendment Act liable marriages medical officer medical relief ment messuages mode necessary occupier owner parish officers Parochial Assessments Act parties paupers payment petty sessions Poor Law Amendment Poor Law Commission Poor Law Commissioners poor person poor-rates purpose quarter sessions rack rent rate-payers rateable rates and taxes receive registrar-general regulations relieving officer rent resident respect rules sioners Somerset House statute superintendent registrar tenant thereof tickets tion Tithe Commissioners tithe commutation tithe-owner township Union urgent necessity valuation vote workhouse
Popular passages
Page 136 - Commissioners shall by any order under their seal of office-direct, no rate for the relief of the poor in England and Wales shall be allowed by any justices, or be of any force, which shall not be made upon an estimate of the net annual value of the several hereditaments rated thereunto ; that is to say, of the rent at which the same might reasonably be expected to let from year to year, free of all usual tenants...
Page 120 - ... for setting to work all such persons, married or unmarried, having no means to maintain them , and use no ordinary and daily trade of life to get their living by...
Page 136 - ... the rent at which the same might reasonably be expected to let from year to year, free of all usual tenants' rates and taxes, and tithe commutation rent-charge, if any, and deducting therefrom the probable average annual cost of the repairs, insurance, and other expenses, if any, necessary to maintain them in a state to command such rent...
Page 150 - ... of the said In Witness whereof the said hath hereunto set his Hand and Seal, and the said Guardians their Common Seal, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed, and delivered by the above-named in...
Page 120 - ... a convenient stock of flax hemp wool thread iron and other necessary ware and stuff to set the poor on work: and also competent sums of money for and towards the necessary relief of the lame impotent old blind and such other among them being poor and not able to work...
Page 135 - And be it enacted, that when it shall be made to appear to the poor law commissioners by representation in writing from the board of guardians of any union or parish under their common seal, or from the majority of the churchwardens and overseers or other officers competent as aforesaid to the making and levying the rate, that a fair and correct estimate for the aforesaid purposes...
Page 31 - Children; and also for setting to work all such Persons, married or unmarried, having no Means to maintain them, and use no ordinary and daily Trade of Life to get their Living by...
Page 131 - Those charges must be deemed unfounded and be disallowed in cases where, although it may have been lawful to give some relief, the relief actually given differs from that directed by the Poor Law Amendment Act, or by other statutes, or by the rules, orders, and regulations of the Poor Law Commissioners. By the...
Page 15 - Rate-payer, and shall have paid the Parochial Rates and Assessments made and assessed upon him for the Period of One whole Year, as well as those due from him at the Time of so voting or acting, except such as shall have been made or become due within the Six Months immediately preceding such voting...
Page 27 - ... by any rule, order, or regulation, declare or direct to be given or considered as given by way of loan, and whether any receipt for such relief, or engagement to repay the same, or the cost price thereof, or any part thereof, shall have been given or not by the...