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Blackstone on voluntary perjury, 111
Blair's Preceptor, inquiry concerning a pas-
sage in, 32

Blomberg Vision, alluded to, 4-inquiry
concerning, 230-answered, 402
Blood, inquiry concerning the original dis-
coverer of the circulation of, 428
Boarding-schools, increasing charges and
holidays at, 302

Bontaye, Count de la, his discoveries in dye-
ing, 146

Botany, progress of in France, 237
Bottiger, Professor, his archæological lectures,
19-on recent travels in Greece, 411-on
the restoration of the Jesuits, 493
Boyce, T. his invention of a life-boat, 447
Bradford, new church at, 384
Bramah, J. memoir of, 208

Brand, Hon. T. reduction of rents by, 175
Brandes, George, account of, 525


Ernest, account of, 526

Brandreth, Dr. his death, 380

Bricks, method of employing them for re-
pairing roads, 11

Bridge over the Susquehanna, 329

[blocks in formation]

Campbell, Rev. J. his description of Bethels-
dorp, 106

Canal-shares, prices of, 93, 193, 292, 392,
496, 584

Cancer, application recommendet! for, 16
Canova, anecdote of, 130

Caraccioli, his Life of Ganganelli, 121
Carey, Wm. account of Bartolozzi, 471
Carlisle, removal of the Scotch Gate at, 278
-establishment of a newspaper at, 571
Carlyle, R. poetry by, 436

Cassini's map of France, particulars con-
cerning, 540

Castle Camps, ancient dagger found at, 172
Cat, proverb derived from one, 531
Catholics, remarks on the British laws re-
specting, 404

Caucus, explanation of that term, 27
Cawood Castle, extracts from the MS. poem
of, 416

Celerier, effects of a sermon by, 306

Bridge-shares, prices of, 93, 193, 292, 392, Cement, inquiry respecting a cheap one for

496, 584

Bridlington, remarkable well at, 182
Brierly, the painter, inquiry concerning, 229
Brighton, premiums adjudged by the com-
missioners of, 483

Bristol, society for the conversion of the
Jews formed at, 575

British Institution, exhibitions of, 251, 457
Bronstedt, Dr. account of his travels in
Greece, 411

Brown, Dr. John, biography of, 111-fal-
lacy of his doctrine, 227


filling in the interior of walls, 525
Certificates, lists of, 92, 192, 291, 391, 489,


Chambers, J. account of Sir N. Holland, 218
Chanting prayers, on the propriety of, 6
Chateaubriand, his visit to Mount Vesuvius,
314-extract from his Essay on Revolu
tions, 420

Charity, evils of the indiscriminate exercise
of, 9

Charleton, Rear-adm. his death, 178
Charmilly, Col. de, account of 569

Dr. W. C. memoir of Mr. Bramah, Chass, Rev. W. his death, 178

Brühl, Count, his love of splendour, 332-
destruction of his valuable library, 337
Buchanan, Rev. Dr. C. account of, 170
Buckinghamshire, resolutions of the lace-
manufacturers in, 172-anniversary of the
Bible Societies of, 570

Bugge, Chevalier, account of, 185
Bull-baiting, inquiry concerning the origin
of, 32

Buonaparte, Napoleon, anecdotes of, 197-

his return to France, 270-his second ab-
dication, 564

Chemistry, progress of in France, 131
Chester, meteorological observations taken
in the county of, 507

opening of a grave át, 77
Chevreul's Distillatory Digester, 132-expe
riments on the making of soap, 133
Chillcot, Giant, account of, 476
Chiltern Hundreds, inquiry concerning, 127
-answers to it, 224, 404, 511
China, diffusion of Christianity in, 184
Chiswick house, improvements at, 66
Christ Church Bells, Latin and Greek trans-
lation of, 309

Burlington-house, sale of, 167, 274-im- Churchill, his lines on Allen, Annet, and

provements at, 567

Buttolph, J. account of, 276

Byron, Lord, biographical account of, 527

Cabinet, literary, 128, 530
Calne, epitaph at, 406

Calvin, improvements made by him at Ge-
neva, 307

Cambridge, epidemic fever at, 277

Kidgell, 207

Church music, on the state of, 28, 107-
hints for improving, 511, 502
Chynhalls, Mr. his shifting-cartridge for

blasting rocks, 78

Clague, Ann, her mode, of raising new po-
tatoes, 445

Clancarty, Lord, his letter respecting the
sentiments of the Allied Sovereigns, 462

university, proceedings of, 39, Clarke, Dr. Adam, on submission to esta-

140, 244, 344, 439, 337

blished governments, 413

Cambridgeshire Agricultural Society, pre- Claudius, Mathias, account of, 185
miums of, 173

Cleaver, Bishop, account of, 470

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Cleghorn, T. description of a buoyant line
for saving persons who fall overboard, 447
Clement XIV. letter of the King to, 120
Clergy, on the returns of non-resident, 124
Cochrane, Lord, his escape from the King's
Bench, 274

Cocks, inquiry concerning the origin of
throwing at, and fighting them, 32
Cock-fighting, account of the origin of, 499
Colonies, their effects on trade, 221
Comet, discovery of a new, 347
Commercial reports, 93, 187, 192, 392,496,

Companies' shares, prices of, 93, 193, 292,

[blocks in formation]

at, 541

Copernicus, intended monument for, 444
Copyright, new act relative to, 38
Corbett, J. account of, 287
Corn, average prices of, 88, 186, 288, 387,
485, 578-on treedom of trade as applied
to, 407

Corn-laws, resolutions of the House of Com-
mons on, 161

Cowall Geological Society, meeting of, 78
Corsicans, character of, 532
Cotterell, C. on the precedency of the new
Knights of the Bath, 401

Courbiere, Marshal, his monument, 44
Courtenay, A. on removing grease from pa-

per, 500

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Danube, improvement of its navigation, 44
Darcet, his experiments on bronze, 134
Dartmoor, riot of the American prisoners at,

Death, picture of it from premature inter-
ment, 115-means of ascertaining its
reality, 117


Delpech on the hospital-rot, 338
Declaration of the Allies against Buonaparte,


Derby, earl of, inquiry respecting the place
from which the title is taken, 108
D'Esterre, J. N. account of, 184
Desvaux, M. observations on the algæ, 238
-observations on the musæ, 239
Devonshire, new mode of letting farms in,
79-vein of lead ore discovered in 377
Dionysius of Syracuse and the Bourbons,


Dissenters, on their refusal to celebrate
Good Friday, 401, 415

Dividends, lists of, 90, 190, 290, 390, 487,


Dock-property, prices of, 93, 193, 292, 392,
496, 584

Domeier, Dr. account of, 374

Dorset, duke, account of, 170
Dramatic Register, 56, 156, 360, 458,552
Dry-rot, inquiry respecting, 517
Dresden, illustrations of the gallery of an-
tiques at, 18-rebuilding of the bridge at,
45-bombardment of, 336

Drury-lane Theatre, performances at, 56,
,156, 360, 458, 554

Dublin, university prizes,344-fatal accident
at, 484-newspapers of, 540
Duelling, ferocity of the Americans in, 327
Dunnage, Mr. his patent for a method of
propelling boats, 59
Durham, Bishop of, account of, 38

cathedral library, curiosities in, 79
- new court of justice, decision of
the cause relative to, 174
Dury, John, enquiry concerning, 32
Dutrochet on the egg of the viper, 337
Dyeing, discoveries in, 146

Dymock, singular epitaph at, 405

East Indies, new works published and pre-
paring in, 444

Ecton's Liber Valorum, a new edition of, re-
commended, 504

Edgbaston, institution for the Deaf and Dumb
at, 180

Edgeworth, Mr., new construction of mail-
coaches proposed by, 540

Egypt, splendid French work on, 349
Είχων βασιλική, inquiry respecting the author
of, 107

Elgin, earl of, on his conduct in regard to
the Tweddell MSS. 24, 298
Ellis, George, account of, 374
Elmes, Mr., poetry by, 64-on the ballad
of Three Children sliding. 104
English artists, defence of, 502

Epitaph on an infant, information concern-
ing, 218

answer to an enigmatical, 223
Epitaphs, singular, 405-absurd, 504
Exitapicy to Adeĝidos, 300
Esquire, on the general assumption of the

title of, 122-on the order of precedency
of persons having a right to the title of,


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Εικών βασιλική, 107

Estler, A. his method of making white paper Goodman, Dr. said to be the author of
from rye-straw, 444
Euripides, quotation from, 126

Eustace, Rev. Mr. letter respecting him, 104
-on the mutilation of ancient monuments
of art, 241

Exchange, courses of, 98, 194, 294, 394,586
Exhibitions of works of art, 360

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Gordon, Sarah, epitaph on, 302
Gossé, M. account of, 309

Gout, on the nature and cure of, 512
Granville and Bath, Lords, curious account
of their short administration, 500
Gray, Lieut. poetry by, 534, 535
Grease-spots, inquity concerning the means
of removing them from books, 331-an-
swers to the inquiry, 428, 523

Great Britain, political state of, 161, 263,
369, 461, 556

Grecian fire, account of, 323, 409
Gretry, anecdote of, 531

Griffith, Professor, on the geology of Ire-
land, 347

Grimston House, sale of, 577

Gropius, M. letter respecting Greecc, 444
Gualtier, Philip, quotation from, 126
Guillotine, inquiry concerning the origin of
the word, 299-poetical description of the
instrument, 300

Gunpowder, on the earliest use of, 322, 408
Gwalior, fortress of, 518

Haddon, Rev. P. his death, 285
Hale harbour, fatal accident in, 571

Halifax, Bishop, correction relative to, 127
Hamilton, Lady, account of, 171

Hare, Mr., certificate of his mathematical
abilities by Sir Isaac Newton, 308
Harlequin pantomimes, inquiries concern-
ing, 523

Harry, Philip, account of, 477
Hartlib, Samuel, his character, 8

Harvey, Mr. on his poetic version of Fingal,


Harvey, Dr. his title to the discovery of the
circulation of the blood disputed, 428
Hawkins, Miss, remarks on her Rosanne, 25
Heaton colliery, fatal accident at, 481
Herculanean MSS. unrolled, 45
Hering, C. account of, 276

Hermstadt, Professor, on premature inter-

ment, 115

Herrmann, Professor, his death, 351
Hervey, Gen. his death, 77

Herz, Dr. description of death from prema-
ture interment, 115

Hey, Rev. Dr. account of, 373

Germany, political state of, 165, 366, 465, Heylyn's Help to History, a republication of


Gibbs, Mr. John, account of, 28
Gibbs, Major-gen., account of, 386
Gillespie, Major-gen. Sir R. account of, 470
Glass, premium offered for improvements in
the manufacture of, 542

Gloucester, establishment of adult schools
at, 279-opening of pump and baths at,

Glynne, Sir R. his death, 287-account of,

God save the King, inquiry concerning the
composer of the tune of, 523
Good Friday, on the non-observance of by
Dissenters, 29, 205, 401

it recommended, 108

Heyne, Professor, memoirs of, 230, 331,429,


Hindoos, on the means proposed for con-
verting, 125

Hobbes, on a mathematical error of, 321
Holberg gallery, account of, 541
Holidays in public offices, 317
Holland, Sir N. inquiry concerning, 32—
account of, 218

Holland House, trial respecting, 66
Holly-hedges, on the time for clipping, 108,


Holmes, Messrs. of Carlisle, their improved
waggon, 172


Hookey, Wm. his method of bending timber
for ship-building, 446

Horbury, Bible Society established at, 181
Horse-parole, establishment of suggested,


Horses, on disengaging, 109

Hounslow Heath, powder magazine con-
structed on, 166

Hull, improvements at, 181-fatality of
measles at, 181-proceedings of the Dock
Company at, 181-report of the Female
Penitentiary at, 385-sale of church sit-
tings at, 484--meeting of the Methodist
Missionary Society at, 484
Humboldt, account of an extraordinary vol-
cano, 236-on the vegetation of the Ca-
nary Islands, 337

Hume, Joseph, his method of preparing eme-
tic tartar, 440

Hungary, manuscripts discovered in, 149
Hurd, Bishop, correction respecting, 127
Huzard, on distempers among the cattle in
France, 339

Hydrophobia, remarkable case of, 348, 570

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Interest, on the rates of, 318
Interment, on premature, 115
Iode, discovery and experiments on, 131
Ipswich barracks, produce of the sale of, 482
Ireland, misrepresentations of Mr. Wakefield
respecting, 101-returns of the population
of, 183

Irkutzk, climate and weather at, 350


Karres, in Russia, state of the Scotch colony
at, 17

Kean, Mr. his performances, 56, 156, 301,
360, 458, 554

Keighley, Bible Society established at 181
Kelly, Mr. analysis of mangel wurzel, 346
Kemble, Mr. his performances, 363
Kendall, J. account of, 276
Kenyon, Lady, account of, 276
Kidgell, Rev. John, account of, 8-notice
respecting, 207

King, bulletins of his health, 66, 166, 273,
370, 466, 565-statue of, 566
Kinnersley, C. his death, 468
Kirby, Captain, his death, 286
Kneading machine, invention of, 541
Körner, print of his grave, 44
Kraskovitz, Dr. his aerial ascension at
Vienna, 43

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lais river, inquiry concerning the name of, Limehouse, fire at, 565
831-answer to the inquiry, 519
Italian antiquities, on, 426

Italy, political state of, 165, 368, 369, 465,


Ivory, James, the Copleyan medal adjudged
to him by the Royal Society, 41

Jesuits, on the restoration of, 493
Jews, inquiry concerning a late controversy
respecting them, 230

Johnson, Dr. anecdote of, 126-un the com-
parison of adjectives, 311-on cruetexpe-
riments upon animals, 304
Johnson, Rev. C. H. epitaph on, 130

Lincoln school committee, report of, 480
Lisfrand and Champenne on a method of
amputation at the shoulder-joint, 339
Literary Club, enquiry concerning, 428
Literary Fund, meeting of, 371.-remarks
on, and suggestion for a new institution of
that kind, 426
Literary Institutions. prices of shares in, 193,
292, 392, 496

Liverpool, resolutions respecting the ex-
change buildings at, 81-petition against
the corn bill from 280-increasing popu-
lation of, 480-ravages of small-pox at,


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Loans, particulats respecting, 93, 584
London, P. process for curing herrings and
other small fish, 448
London, incidents,

&c. in, 66, 166, 273,

370, 466, 565
London Bridge, report on the intended im-
provement of, 157

Longy, instances of, 79, 82, 174, 176,
177, 179, 180, 184, 278, 279, 281, 282,
286, 377, 386, 476, 477, 478, 479, 481,
571, 577

Lothian, Marquis, account of, 74

Lowth, Bishop, on Warburton's Divine Le-
gation, 8

Lunatics, inquiry concerning receptacles for,


Lusitanian legion, inquiry concerning it, 32
-answered, 127.

Luszewsk, Count, his literary works, 149

Macbeth, on the character of 310
Macclesfield, Sunday schools at, 77
Macdonald, J. account of the Scotch colony
in the Caucasus, 17′′
Mackinnon, Major-gen. account of, 340

Rev. Mr. on medals, 109, 521
Magendie, on the action of the oesophagus in
vomiting, 338

Mail-coaches, new construction for, 540.
Malcolm, J. P. account of, 374.

Malenfant, Co on St. Domingo, 21
Malet, Sir C. W. account of, 170
Malton, improvements at, 285

Malvern Chase, plan of inclosing it relin-
quished, 181.

Malzel, L, his Orpheus Harmony, 43
Man, I. of, intended light-house at 278.
I fanby Capt. his apparatus for saving persons
who fall through ice, 66

Manchester, increase of the population of,
81-sum raised in aid of government by,
176-fire at, 176

Mangel-wurzel, analysis of, 346
Mantuanus, quotation from, 126
Matheson, John, his death, 86
Maunsell, T. C. account of, 281
Mauri, M. his discovery of volcanoes in the

sun, 31

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[blocks in formation]

Milton, on a proclamation of Charles II. re-
specting him, 494

Mina, General, anecdotes of, 128
Minasi, J. his Academical Studies, 454
Mineralogy, progress of, in France, 236
Mine-shares, prices of, 93, 193
Mirza Abu Taleb, anecdote of the Bishop
of Durham, related by, 36
Missionary Society, meeting of, 565
Mocca, particulars respecting that city, 2
Money, on freedom of trade as applied
to, 317

Mongez, on the bronze of the ancients, 134
Monopolies, their effects on trade, 26
Monthly Magazine, its attack on the trad-
ing classes, 228-on an article in 399-
its expulsion from the Walsall Library,


Monthly Review, remarks on criticisms in,

10, 216

Montrose, school erecting at,286

Moore, Ann, inquiry concerning, 214
Moore's Greek Grammar recommended, 25
Moore, Margaret, her attempt to steal the
crown, 870

Morning Chronicle, conduct of its editor in
regard to the controversy on the Tweddell
MSS. 22

Morning's walk, announcement of, 399
Morris, Edw. account of, 373

Moscow, monument to be erected there, 331
Mother-of-pearl, inquiry concerning a pros

cess for rendering it malleable, 32
Mount Moor colliery, fatal accident at, 83
Mount Sandford, Lord, account of, 75
Moylan, Rt. Rev. Dr. account of, 184
Mullett, Thomas, account of, 73
Murat, his operations in Italy, 369, 369,
465, 558

Murray, Sir J. result of the court-martial
on, 163, 465

Murray, Lindley, on the art of good reading,

305 ·

Music, sacred, state of, 28, 107, 223
———, new method of notation proposed,


Musical publications, review. of, 55, 153,
258, 357, 453, 547

Musomanik Society, remark on, 127
Myers, Lady, her death, 85

Names, inquiry respecting the legality of
contracts made under assumed ones, 32-
answered, 213

Naples, restoration of the legitimate go-
vernment of, 558

Netherlands, political state of, 369, 560
Newbottle, fatal accident at, 572
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, bills of mortality for,

83-chamber of commerce formed there,

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