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HEAD QRS., 10TH BRIG., 3D DIV., N. Y. N. G.,
Troy, April 18th, 1865.



The undersigned has this day received official information from the war department, and also from Maj. Gen. John Tayler Cooper, commanding Third division, N. Y. N. G., announcing the death of the illustrious Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, that he died at twenty-two minutes after seven o'clock on the morning of Saturday, the 15th day of April, 1865, of a mortal wound inflicted upon him by an assassin. With profound sorrow we mourn his death as a national calamity: and as a mark of respect to the Chief Magistrate of the nation, and Commander-in-Chief of its armies, I do hereby order and direct the commanding officer of the several regiments comprising the Tenth brigade N. Y. N. G., the day following the reception of this order, to cause the regimental color to be displayed at half-staff, and also on the day of the funeral, on their respective arsenals and armories, and that said arsenals and armories will be appropriately draped in mourning for thirty days. And I do further order that all regiments provided with artillery and ammunition cause a gun to be fired every half hour between sunrise and sunset. And I do further order and direct that all officers of the Tenth brigade while on duty, will wear the badge of mourning on their left arm and swords, and on the colors and arms of the commands and regiments, for the

period of six months.


BRIG. GEN., Comd'g Tenth Brig., N. G.

ASA W. WICKES, Aid de Camp.

HEAD QRS., 24TH REGT., N. Y. S. N. G.,
Troy, N. Y., April 18th, 1865.


Brigade order No. 5, dated Headquarters 10th Brigade, 3d Division, N. Y. N. G., Troy, April 18, 1865, is hereby promulgated. The commandants of the several armories of this command will cause their armories to be draped in mourning, in compliance with brigade orders, and the colors to be displayed at half-staff to morrow, the 19th day of April.

Capt. Landon, commanding A company, will tomorrow, April 19th, that being the day appointed for the funeral solemnities of the late President of the United States, cause half hourly guns to be fired, beginning at sunrise and ending at sunset. By order. I. MCCONIHE Jr., Col. Com.

G. G. MOORE, Adj.



A full meeting of the faculty and students of the institute with a representation of its board of trustees, the director Professor Drowne in the chair, was held in the Institute Hall, -appropriately draped for the occasion-on Tuesday afternoon, April 18th, at 5 o'clock, to give a united expression of the feelings of all present in reference to the calamity sustained by the nation, in the loss, by mad assassination, of its devoted and accepted Chief Magistrate. At the close of some appropriate introductory remarks, by the director, Judge Gould of the board of trustees was introduced and made an earnest and impressive address; after which the following resolutions, prepared by a committee of the faculty, were read by its secretary.

Whereas, He, whose ways are not as our ways, has, in His divine wisdom, mysteriously mingled glory and gloom in the cups of present national experience, by suffering our devoted and beloved President, Abraham Lincoln, to fall a victim to him that lieth in wait for blood, while crowning victories were cheering all patriot hearts.

Resolved, That we mourn the loss of a tried, trusted, and loved civil leader; a leader, calm, safe, wise, kind and good; that we peculiarly sympathize with his stricken family; and that we would unite with all our bereaved countrymen in expressing mutual sympathies, and offering common prayers, in view of this, the nation's loss and sorrow.

Resolved, That we continue to put steadfast trust in the God of our Fathers, in whom it is better to trust than to put confidence in man; and that we render unabated gratitude, praise and thanksgiving to our God for His blessing thus far upon the holy work of national restoration, and for His continued merciful preservation to us of so many yet remaining able civil and military leaders.

Resolved, That, so far as in us lies, we will unite with willing fellow-countrymen everywhere in working to "strengthen the things which remain" by giving hearty support to all upon whom, under Divine direction, rests the work of guiding the nation in this trying hour.

Resolved, That, in honor of the memory of the late President, we will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days; and will attend such public exercises as may be appointed by the authorities on the day of his funeral.

Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the papers of the city of Troy.

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After motion, seconded in behalf of all the students, to adopt the above resolutions, they were supported by Professor Warren in a few remarks, and by Professor Baermann in a stirring address, and were then unanimously adopted, when the director, after brief closing remarks, declared the exercises of the hour to be closed.




Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel?-2 SAMUEL, iii, 38.

These words were uttered in reference to one of the most renowned princes and ablest military commanders of the early kingdom of Israel. He was most foully and brutally assassinated by a hostile rival. The words are in a higher and better sense appropriate and true of the personage, whose cruel and bloody assassination has suddenly plunged our nation into grief and mourning. Such sorrow, in some of the elements which enter into it, the nation has never felt in the loss of any public officer or man. It never mourned as it now mourns. The great and the good have at other times passed away. Presidents have before this died, even while occupying the chair of office and with its great responsibilities resting upon them; but never in times of national peril, and by the hand of human violence. The great and good WASHINGTON, the successful leader of our armies through the struggle of the Revolution, and the wise and honored first President of the Republic, died unexpectedly and suddenly; but by natural disease, and in the quietness of his peaceful home, surrounded by his family and friends. His public mission had

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