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witnessed. Sentences taken from the loved President's last inaugural address, shields, stars, tablets inscribed with words of patriotism or religion, pictures of the great departed - these were some of the devices that appeared on buildings both public and private.

All shops and warehouses and offices, the schools and courts, places of business and amusement all were closed. There was no military or other parade, and the citizens who walked in groups through the streets appeared like the separated detachments of a grand company of mourners. Never before was there witnessed such a spontaneous expression of the grief of the nation's heart, as on this solemn occasion. The day with its ceremonies, its humiliation, its religious feeling will pass down on the page of history as a fitting memorial of the love of the people for one whom they respected for his noble character and devoted patriotism while living, and embalmed with their prayers and tears when dead.


This day, which prior to the assassination of the President had been designated by the governor of the state as a day of thanksgiving for national victories, and which by a subsequent proclamation * had been set apart to services appropriate to a season of national bereavement, was not as generally observed *This proclamation is printed at pages 28 and 29.

in the manner designed, as it would have been had not the services of the day previous anticipated its character and solemnities. Places of business, however, were generally closed, and emblems of mourning were apparent on buildings both public and private.

At the United Presbyterian Church, the occasion was solemnized as one of humiliation, praise and prayer. After the reading of the forty-fourth Psalm, the pastor, the Rev. H. P. McAdam, preached a sermon, taking as his text the first verse of the one hundred and first Psalm, "I will sing of mercy and judgment."

A service similar in character was conducted by the Rev. D. S. Gregory, at the Second Presbyterian Church, and in several other churches the day was solemnized by acts of worship.



A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held on Friday, April 21st, 1865, for the purpose of signing tax-warrants. Previous to adjourning, Gen. Martin Miller offered the following resolutions, which were adopted.

Whereas, We are all aware of the murder of Abraham Lincoln, Chief Magistrate of the United States, and of the attempted assassination of Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of State. And

Whereas, It becomes us as a public body to give expression to those sentiments of sorrow and profound regret which fill the heart of each individual of this community. Therefore, be it

Resolved, That by this unmitigated and unparalleled atrocity our nation is called upon to mourn the untimely end of one in whom were centered the highest hopes of an anxious and expectant people, one who gave bright promise through his meritorious, wise and liberal action to bring to a speedy termination those difficulties which have agitated this great and powerful nation for the past four years. But He who controlleth the destinies of all, willed it otherwise, before whom let us bow with meek submission, knowing that this event has been permitted for some wise purpose as yet unintelligible to man.

Resolved, That instead of accomplishing the fell purpose at which the instigators and perpetrators of this foul and damnable deed aimed, they have opened the eyes of those who might otherwise have remained plind to the interests and welfare of our beloved country, strengthened the hands of those who to-day are defending its cause and consigned themselves to an inglorious and infamous end.

Resolved, That the foregoing preambles and resolutions be spread upon the journal of this board, and published in the papers of the county.

On motion, the Board resolved to attend the obsequies of President Lincoln when his remains should pass through Albany, and a committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements for such attendThe Board adjourned to meet on the morning of the 26th inst., at nine o'clock, at the Court House. HIRAM D. HULL, Chairman.


T. S. BANKER, Clerk.




" Sic semper tyrannis," vile southron?
You murdered your own truest friend!
And may God now have pity for traitors
Man's patience has come to an end!

" Sic semper tyrannis," O madman?
He marshalled to freedom a race!
He led us to battle with tyrants;
To dare look the right in the face!

"Sic semper tyrannis," assassin?
Behold a whole nation in black!
And hark to the curse of its millions
That rumbles along your track !

"Sic semper tyrannis," - O Heaven!
That motto for slavery's knife;
While died the great servant of freedom,
As martyrdom sainted his life !

"Sic semper tyrannis," - God help us
To bear it the deed and the loss;
The crime that has scarcely been mated
Since Jesus was nailed to the cross!

" Sic semper tyrannis" - Our Father
In Heaven, we swear unto Thee,
Once more over him thou hast taken,
All men shall be equally free!

Troy Daily Times.



"Hung be the heavens with black."

Bring the censer and shake it gently, bring the bell and toll it solemnly, bring the psalm and chant it mournfully. Bring the flag and lower it, bring the drum and muffle it, bring the fife, the bugle and the instruments all, and pour out a requiem over him who has fallen in the morning of his glory.

Our foes are flying, but our chieftain has fallen. It is a shame not to rejoice when victory perches upon our banners, but it is a sin not to weep when our standard bearer is slain. It is base not to greet with acclamations the living who lived to witness their triumphs, but it is cruel not to mourn the dead who died in sight of what they died for. It is right to sing and shout in honor of those who have passed the furnace without the smell of fire on their garments,

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