occupations, if startled at unrealities here, comforted, strengthened, blessed in the sense of a universal and infinite reality. By this distinguished, sudden death, we are renewedly impressed with the sense of the superiority of the greatest virtues to men's appreciation, and the constant refusal of the world to receive and endure exalted worth. We have thought it mysterious in the providence of God, that martyrs must shed their blood as the seed of the church, and the precious life of the patriot be given for his country and humanity. Yet do not gaze at this common truth with wonder, nor consider the appointment too hard, nor lament as inexplicable the danger of virtue, the persecution of the great and good. It seems the universal law, just, and sublime, and a part of nature's order. The soul tends to break through all mortal confines. Neither with the body, nor among mortal men does it find its most appropriate or final home. As it exerts itself more highly and laboriously, see how thin becomes its fleshly covering. The thinker's eye is never that of the unthinking clown. The face illumined by love, sanctified by purity, impressed with holy and sublime resolution, shows to the world the power of the soul within. No artist can depict on canvass, or cut in marble, or describe in words the expression we behold. It is the soul. We recognize it; and stand awed at its power and its loveliness. The body cannot confine it, or cover and conceal it. So men cannot, with their confining, controlling power, hold in the virtue that is too large for human comprehension. They bind it; they resist its growth and expansion in the good man's soul and its influence in the world, as the husk binds in the tender leaf, the sprouting branches in the spring of the year. Men forbid advancement beyond their own. They seek to silence the free speech of patriotism and religion, to prevent the thought even that reaches out beyond their knowledge and their view. Littleness is safe with them. It may be prosperous and honored. It is understood. The world, in looking at the common thought and common virtue, sees what it sees, knows what it knows, and fears no danger from what it has long been acquainted with, whose limitations it understands, whose thought and power do not interfere with its ambitions, its possessions and its pleasures. But every highest thought frightens it with fear of danger, even when the great man's thought is only doing it most good. So, reverently, Christ died what may be termed a natural death. Patriots and saints, before and since, bruise themselves against the world that surround them; for the antagonism is natural and inevitable. And we ourselves, of humblest life, in every humblest duty, illustrate the same great law. The spirit too pure for earthly principles, consents to break through mortal barriers, to deny pleasure, to resist the world, to refuse honor, - the same law of suffer. ing, (if it must be called by such a name) -the same law of suffering in duty being everywhere met with, because earth and the world are too narrow for the soul. But do we lament the conditions? The buried seed bursts through into the darkness of earth and the soil, before it pushes its way above the superincumbent clod, to rise to air and sunlight to grow in freshness, life and beauty. MEETING OF THE CONCORDIA SOCIETY. The Concordia society, a German literary and social union, met at their hall on River street for the purpose of commemorating the sad and untimely death of President Lincoln. The room which was filled with an attentive audience, was draped in mourning. Mr. Frank Hartsfeld, the president of the association, began the exercises of the evening with a few introductory remarks, saying that as there were in the lives of individuals certain days more important than others, so in the lives of nations there were days distinguished by great events. In the latter portion of the life of this nation two of the important days were the fourteenth of April, 1861, when Sumter fell and the war began, and that same day four years later, when the flag of our country was again raised over that redeemed fortress and the war was ended. This last day obtains even greater significance, from the fact that during its passing hours, Abraham Lincoln, the most distinguished of our citizens and the President of this nation, was assassinated. Prof. P. H. Baermann, in a very forcible speech, urged his hearers to take warning from the past, and under all circumstances and on all occasions to record themselves on the side of right and humanity. He spoke at length concerning the solution effected by the war, of some of the most momentous difficulties in the problem of our national life. In referring to the event which had stirred so deeply the hearts of the people, he said that although we had lost in Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest men of his time, God in His providence had preserved his life long enough to see the end, virtually, of the rebellion and of the accursed institution of slavery. Short addresses were also made by the Rev. H. G. Salomon, Rev. Jonas Heilbron, and Mr. Henry Staude, after which the meeting was dissolved. MONDAY, APRIL 24TH, 1865. The proclamation of the President of the United States, recommending to the nation the observance of a day of humiliation and mourning, forms a part of the history of the times, and is here presented. PROCLAMATION BY THE PRESIDENT. Whereas, By my direction, the acting secretary of state, in a notice to the public on the seventeenth of April, requested the various religious denominations to assemble on the nineteenth of April, on the occasion of the obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, and to observe the same with appropriate ceremonies; and Whereas, Our country has become one great house of mourning, where the head of the family has been taken away, and believing that a special period should be assigned for again humbling ourselves before Almighty God, in order that the bereavement may be sanctified to the nation; Now, therefore, in order to mitigate that grief on earth which can only be assuaged by communion with the Father in heaven, and in compliance with the wishes of senators and representatives in congress, communicated to me by a resolution adopted at the national Capitol, I, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, do hereby appoint Thursday, the twenty-fifth day of May next, to be observed wherever in the United States the flag of the country may be respected as a day of humiliation and mourning, and I recommend my fellow citizens then to assemble in their respective places of worship, there to unite in solemn service to Almighty God, in memory of the good man who has been removed, so that all shall be occupied at the same time in contemplation of his virtues, and sorrow for his sudden and violent end. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. |