our beloved country, I remain your affectionate brother in Christ. HORATIO POTTER, Bishop of New York. CITIZENS' MEETING. At a large meeting of citizens, held at St. Nicholas Hall, on Saturday evening, April 15th, to give expression to public feeling on the recent murder of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, Charles Eddy presided, and Charles E. Davenport was Secretary. On motion, a committee of fiveWilliam Hagan, J. M. Hawley, N. Davenport, Alderman Cox and W. N. Barringer-were appointed to draft and report resolutions. The meeting was addressed by S. R. Clexton, D. A. Wells, P. H. Baerman, W. N. Barringer and Rev. Mr. R. R. Meredith. The committee reported the following resolutions, which were adopted: Whereas, We have heard with profound sorrow in this hour of our country's peril, of the death of the chief magistrate of the nation, Abraham Lincoln, by the hand of an assassin, therefore Resolved, That, although we feel deeply on this subject, yet, believing in an overruling Providence, we strive calmly to submit, with the thought that our lamented President may have finished the work given him to do, and that God will raise up a man to complete the work so nearly accomplished of reuniting our country in bonds of perpetual union. Resolved, That we hope all loyal citizens will pay a proper respect to the day set apart by the Governor i of this State for religious services appropriate to this sad national calamity. Resolved, That we have full confidence in the patriotism and will of Andrew Johnson to finish the work of restoration so ably commenced by the late President. Resolved, That this hall be draped in mourning for the residue of the year in testimony of respect for the memory of the able and patriotic statesman, Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. CHARLES EDDY, Chairman. CHARLES E. DAVENPORT, Secretary. SUNDAY, APRIL 16TH, 1865. "HUNG BE THE HEAVENS WITH BLACK." BY C. L. MAC ARTHUR. We stand appalled before the awful tragedy which has been precipitated upon the American people. Words are tame to express the agonies of the national heart. The tongue is dumb, and paralyzed in the effort to speak the great feelings of the hour. The President of the United States, in the calm moment of repose, surrounded by his family and trusted friends, in the midst of an assemblage of thousands where were gathered the talent and beauty of the Federal Capital, is suddenly shot by an assassin! Can any thing in the possible range of human events be more agonizing, tragic and appalling? In atrocity, yes. The great and gifted Secretary of State, lying on his sick bed, wan and emaciated, with a broken arm and a fractured jaw, with the balance vibrating doubtfully between life and death, is approached in the dead hour of night by an assassin, and the dagger is mercilessly thrust at the throat and the heart of the victim! That such fiendish acts could be perpetrated by any one bearing "the human form divine," make us shudder to belong to the same race. The heart sickens at the recital of these facts, and the pen unwillingly records them. We present elsewhere the fullest details of this awful tragedy which have reached us. We refrain from further comment. - Troy News. EXTRACT FROM A SERMON PREACHED AT ST. JOHN'S (EPISCOPAL) CHURCH ON THE MORNING OF EASTER SUNDAY. BY REV. HENRY C. POTTER, D.D. * * It is in view, supremely, of our bereavements, that the great fact of which this Easter Morning is at once the seal and proclamation - the fact I mean of the resurrection - is so precious. Death loses, indeed, but little of its mystery, but it is robbed forever of its terror. Our friends are borne away out of our sight but we know that they have not perished. All that was most central to their character and personality shall, one day, live again. The mortal eyes with which so lovingly they looked upon us may, verily, have been closed, but the radiant tenderness that shone in them, has, believe me, an enduring existence. The lips that smiled encouragement upon our weariness, and uttered their word of reassurance in our ear may, truly, have been sealed in death forever; but both smile and speech, through Christ, shall live again, in an existence as real, as tender, and ineffably more glorious than before. The hand that once held ours and pledged its constant friendship in its loving grasp, may long ago have relaxed its steadfast hold and chilled and stiffened in the grave, but the constancy and fidelity which it silently uttered, have no more perished than the being and character of him, of whom they were the expression. I know not what that body shall be, but I do know that God will give to every ransomed soul a body, "as it hath pleased Him." Death is not longer a master but a servant-no longer a victor over human hopes, but a gleaner of human treasures into the everlasting garner of the Lord! In that store-house all the sweetness and beauty and nobility of the past, as of the present and the future, shall be gathered. The virtue of martyrs; the sweet innocence of childhood; the glories of patriotism, uplifting itself above the level of our common life, like yonder mountains; the fragrance of self-sacrifice and faith and love - all these shall somehow be embodied in that resurrection unto life, which the Master's victory on this Easter Morning purchased for his people forever! And this, as it is our supreme and only consolation in all our private sorrows, so it must be in view of that, tragedy of horror, before which, this morning, a nation stands aghast. Ah! how darkened is our Easter-feast to-day. The sun rises, as of old, to usher in the morning when the Lord of life and glory rent assunder the bars of the grave and brought life and immortality to light; but the shadow of an overwhelming grief is upon us, and we cannot raise ourselves to the gladness of the occasion. The Easter fact is here. God forbid, that now, of all times, we should for a moment forget it! But the trappings of our common woe mingle with our. Easter blossoms, and our songs are mixed with tears. "The malignant passions which have just proved impotent to destroy the government, have successfully done the assassin's work upon the life of its honored head." A glorious career of service and devotion, rendered, much of it, amid the scorn and obloquy of foreign and domestic traitors; a career often impeded by the timid and time-serving unfaithfulness of professed friends, is crowned with a martyr's death. The barbarism of slavery, incarnated, first, in the brutal bully of the senate chamber, then in a monstrous and fiendish rebellion, with all its violation of the most sacred oaths, and its ingenious and demoniacal cruelty to prisoners, and now most fitly impersonated in the garb and weapon of the assassin, has struck its last blow at our beloved and revered chief magistrate. But, ah! thank God, how impotent a blow! How little of our great ruler has perished! A devout though self-dis |