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the admiration of the world, and promised to this country a future and a destiny exalted and enduring. He had consequently gained the confidence of all parties. His political enemies had become his friends and admirers, and the powers of Europe that had been jealous of us and had indirectly, at least, given 'aid and comfort' to the south, had found, contrary to their expectations, that the American people were able to manage their own affairs, settle their own troubles, and maintain their own government.

"At this moment it is, that a foul plot is formed by cowardly assassins, to blight, if it were possible, the fair hopes of the people, cripple and upset the government, and destroy the very life and existence of the nation, by murdering the President, Vice President and Secretary of state.

"The conspirators hoped, at the very least, to clog the wheels of government and thus produce anarchy and confusion, and to take revenge for the failure of the rebellion not only by the destruction of the heads of the several departments of state to whom the business of the nation is confided, but by inciting internal commotions throughout the entire community. This fiendish plot has succeeded only in part, and the fearful result is the monstrous crime which has astounded us. If then it was ever necessary, it is now, that we should send up our supplications to heaven, and pray for the dear country in which our lot is cast."

In the course of his address, the speaker alluded to the significant facts that the union army entered Richmond on Palm Sunday, and that the President was assassinated on Good Friday, and concluded by announcing a service in the church, at the hour of the President's funeral, on the Wednesday following.

The Rev. James Keveny, the pastor of St. Peter's Church, during the services of the day, spoke with deep feeling concerning the sad event, and denounced the perpetrators and abettors of the horrid crime in language both stern and affecting.

At St. Joseph's Church, the pastor, the Rev. Aug. J. Thebaud, said in substance, that not only had a great crime been committed but an awful calamity also, had befallen the country, in the cruel and coldblooded murder of the Chief Magistrate of the American nation. Until the sad news of the President's death was announced, the hearts of all had been filled with joyous expectations of returning peace, but by the intelligence of the lamentable event, the people's fondest hopes were blasted, and God alone could foresee the consequences of the foul deed which deprived the country of its worthy head. He earnestly exhorted the people to pray God to avert from the nation the misfortunes that appeared to threaten it, and to turn everything to its safety and to the people's welfare.

In the discourse of the Rev. James M. Pullman, pastor of the Universalist Church, the speaker paid a touching tribute to the character of the late President, and educed such solemn lessons from his cruel death, as were consonant with the occasion.

Many of the churches were draped with emblems of mourning. In some, these manifestations of grief were confined to the pulpit, but in others, sable trappings and appropriate mourning devices appeared at all prominent points. The booming of cannon from the hill east of the city at half-hour intervals, suggested a striking yet mournful contrast to the solemn stillness that pervaded the streets. The black drapery, waving on the fronts of public buildings and shops and dwellings, together with the partially clouded sky, added to the gloom of the day.


As soon as the time for the obsequies of the late President, at Washington, had been determined, Andrew Johnson, the President of the United States, directed the publication of the following


To the People of the United States:

The undersigned is directed to announce, that the funeral ceremonies of the lamented Chief Magistrate will take place at the Executive Mansion, in this city, at twelve o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, the nineteenth instant.

The various religious denominations throughout the country are invited to meet in their respective places of worship at that hour, for the purpose of solemnizing the occasion with appropriate ceremonies. (Signed)


Acting Secretary of State.

Department of State, Washington, April 17th, 1865.



A great calamity has befallen the nation. The death of Mr. Lincoln will drape the land in mourning, will fill all the people with profound sorrow, and cause everywhere fearful forebodings for the future. Mr. Lincoln had taken strong hold of the affections of the people. No man since Washington, had inspired them with such a feeling of attachment and confidence. It was not the feeling of awe and veneration with which Washington was regarded. It was not the fierce and passionate admiration that Jackson inspired. It was love and respect rather than awe and admiration. He had none of the shining qualities of a popular leader. He was neither handsome in person, nor graceful in manners, nor brilliant in conversation, nor eloquent in speech. But his temper was amiable, his manners were genial and gracious, his talk was pleasant and sensible, and his speeches were unequalled for clearness of statement and logical argument. He was slow in forming opinions, and arriving at conclusions, but sound in judgment, and firm in execution. He was a safe counsellor, a sure guide, a trusty and prudent ruler. What labors he has had to perform! What difficulties to meet and overcome! What cares and perplexities have surrounded him on every side! And how bravely, cheerfully and hopefully he has borne himself through all his labors and trials!

His election was made the pretence and occasion of a rebellion threatening to destroy the life of the nation. He has struggled to quell that rebellion and save his country, and in the hour of his triumph and the nation's salvation, he is stricken by the pistol shot of an assassin. It is sad to reflect that the blow should have been struck, and the time should have been chosen for it, when the peculiar qualities of character for which he was distinguished, were most needed. The people of the north would have heeded his advice, and followed his counsels. The people of the south would have been won by his justice and mercy. Of all men in public life, he was the least under the influence of bad passions. He would not be moved by fear, love, hate or revenge, to swerve from the path of duty. In this time of transition from war to peace, from slavery to freedom, from rebellion to submission, the country had everything to hope from his moderation, his wisdom, his mild and

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