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and the cruel death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, will be remembered, through all recorded time, as one of the most fearful events in the world's annals.

Resolved, That whatever differences of sentiment may have been entertained between a portion of the people of the United States and the lamented dead, they are all buried at the grave; and in the great departed we see a man of spotless purity of character, of unchallenged honesty of purpose, of signal originality of mind, a man moulded, as it appeared, to play the mighty part that he performed so grandly, a man who carried the nation through the four years' fiery storm of war, and fell when the haven of peace was in sight.

Resolved, That such a calamity as this proves more fully the strength of our institutions, and illustrates the wisdom of the form of government adopted by our fathers-institutions that survive the culmination of any conspiracy, however foul and successful-a government binding the hearts of the people in links that are the more firmly riveted by every attempt to burst them asunder. To a nation thus sustained by its own innate strength, renewed allegiance is due after a calamity such as this.

Resolved, That the citizens of Troy be requested to participate in such exercises as may be appointed for Wednesday next, when the funeral of the late President is to take place, by closing their places of business, attending at the regular houses of worship, and in such other manner as shall seem most appropriate to prove the general grief. And that a committee of five, of which his Honor the Mayor shall be chairman, be appointed to arrange such public exercises as they

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shall deem best, and to suggest such other solemnities as shall cause the day to be fittingly observed in Troy.

The resolutions were adopted, and the Mayor appointed as the remainder of the committee, Recorder Moran and Aldermen Kemp, Starbuck and Norton.

On motion of Alderman Norton, Major-General John E. Wool was invited to address the Board, and did so in words suited to the solemn occasion.

Then, on motion, the Board adjourned.


GEN. WOOL's remarks were as follows:

"The intelligence of the death of the honored President of the United States is so unexpected, and the manner of that death so astounding and atrocious, as almost to paralyze thought and speech. Men meet on the streets with downcast look and saddened face and pass without a word. The emblems of mourning that are exhibited everywhere throughout the city, the flag of our country furled and draped in black, the suspension of business-these bespeak more emphatically the feelings of the people than words.

"The virtues and excellencies, the patriotism and conscientiousness, the honesty and ability of Abraham Lincoln are known to you all, and will be remembered so long as this nation shall last or man shall recognize the higher qualities of his race. Mr. Lincoln's most fitting eulogy finds expression in the great love of the people of this nation.

"It is proper that honor should be done to his memory in this as well as in every city of the land, and not only in them, but in every town and village and hamlet of the Union. The acting secretary of state has invited the various religious denominations throughout the country, to meet within their respective places of worship at the time of the obsequies of the President at Washington, for the purpose of solemnizing the occasion with appropriate ceremonies. In response to this announcement, I notice that the Governor of Illinois, in the spirit of your proceedings this evening, has called upon the people of that state, the home of her martyred son, to respect the invitation sent out from Washington. An observance of the day of the funeral such as is thus suggested meets my hearty approval. Let there be no military display or out door pageant, but let the total suspension of business and the solemn services of the church, be our expression of sorrow and mourning on the sad occasion."

After the adjournment of the Board, the committee drew up the following request which was sent in the form of a note, to the pastors of all the churches in the city.


Pursuant to resolution adopted at a special meeting of the Common Council of the city of Troy, the undersigned, a committee appointed for that purpose, respectfully request that the clergymen of the city coöperate in their respective churches and places of worship on Wednesday next, the 19th inst., at 12 o'clock, noon, in the observance of such religious services as may be suitable to solemnize and commemorate the obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States.

Dated Troy, April 17th, 1865.

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At a meeting of the Jewish citizens of this city, held at their Hall, April 17th, 1865, the following preamble and resolutions were passed:

Whereas, His Excellency Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States, died on the morning of the 15th of April, from wounds received at the hands of an assassin; therefore,

Resolved, That in the death of our beloved President, our whole country has lost its best and dearest friend; that his life is the brightest page of our nation's sorrows; that we prayerfully ask Him who ruleth all the people of the earth in His providence, to work out His purpose in this appalling calamity that has gone so near to the hearts of the American people, and to decree and hasten that end which our lamented President so nearly consummated, and to which he died a martyr, namely, religious liberty, and the restoration and perpetuation of the American union.

It was further resolved, that the Anshe Chesed congregation of this city, in Wotkyns's block, be open for religious service on Wednesday, April 19th, 1865, from 10 A. M. till 12 o'clock M.

A. KSINSKY, President.




To the Citizens of Troy:

In accordance with the resolutions adopted by the common council of the city of Troy, requesting an observance of the day appointed for the funeral of the late President of the United States, it is especially urged that a solemn and suitable commemoration of the occasion be had in Troy; that the bells be tolled from half past eleven o'clock A. M., until twelve M.; that services be held in all the city churches for one hour, commencing at noon; and that all business be suspended for the remainder of the day. It is also suggested that the flags be placed at half-mast, and emblems of mourning be affixed to public and private buildings. URI GILBERT, Mayor.

Troy, April 18th, 1865.

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