SYNOPSIS OF THE DECISIONS OF THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT AND BOARD OF U. S. GENERAL APPRAISERS ON THE CON- FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1895. JOHN G. CARLISLE, Secretary of the Treasury. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. INDEX. A. Abandoned- Synopsis No. And unclaimed goods, classification of......... Goods under section 2971, Revised Statutes, suit may be instituted against 15788 15767 15530 And claims not supported by sufficient evidence, action of auditors upon...... 15933 15556 Quarterly, of tonnage 16516 Reexamination of..... 15528 Settled by the Auditors of the Treasury, regulations governing the revision 15934 Settlement of, by auditors where appropriation is exhausted or carried to 16191 Acid- Stanic, "zinnsaure" not........... € 16213 Sulpho-toluic, classification of, under the act of 1890........ Reliquidation of an entry after one year for collection of........ 16193 Additions to- Entry to make market value of consigned goods not permitted.............16170, 16200 |