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Amount of Public Funds in the Bank of
the United States, and branches in each
month of the years from 1818 to 1833 268

Amount of Public Moneys in Slate Banks 260

Commerce and Navigation-

Treaty of, with Russia

Treaty of, with Mexico

Treaty of, with Turkey



Total Vasue of Exports to and Imports
from the West Indies, 1821-1832 163
Fotal Quantity of American and Foreign
Fonnage, employed in West India
Trade, 1820-1832

[109, [111



Statistical View of the Commerce and

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Note. The figures with a bracket prefixed, refer to pages of the Appendix.


Act supplementary to act for ad-

(Appropriations since 1789......228
Balances of, 1789-1832 .. [101

justment of Land Claims...... 54 Argentine Republic ........ .... 21

Act for adjustinent of Claims on


Naples...................... 54 Delegate, 23d Congress ...... 38

Act prescribing the mode of sign-
ing Land Patents......
Act for improving condition of


........ ..

Judiciary of..................113
85 Mail Contractors in.........204
89, 141
Soldiers and Marines.......157 Arms, apportionment of, 1832 ..142
Act for defence of the Frontiers 158 Arms made, in 1833............141
Act for the payment of horses Army Bureaus........ ...... 87-96

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Superannuated Soldiers .. 126
Distribution of Troops ....132
Number of Officers of, from

each State.... ....... ..[27
Army Register-

General Staff Officers...... ..274
Medical Department..........275
Purchasing Department ......274
Pay Department..............274
Quartermaster's Department 274
Ordnance Department........276
Corps of Engineers...........276
Topographical Engineers.... 276
1st Regiment of Artillery ....277
22 Regiment of Artillery......278
3rd Regiment of Artillery.. ..273
4th Regiment of Artillery. ..279
1st Infantry....
2nd Infantry .....




30 Infantry............... ....280

4th Infantry.............
5th Infantry .............





6th Infantry...........
7th Infantry................... ...281
Lineal Raok...... ......282-284
Commanders of Posts ...... ..132


Posts and Arsenals.......... 132 Brigadier Generals.............274
Deaths and resignations...... 273 Boatswains......................296
..273 Boston Dry Dock, cost of .... ..179
Military Departments........274 Buenos Ayres................ ..118
Recruiting, 1833 ............131 Building and repairing vessels
Army Register, 1797...... [25-[27 1789-1832......... ......182
Army, Revolutionary...... [28-[32 Bullion, See Gold and Silver.
Army vacancies ........[1- [24 Bureaus, War Department...... 86



Army...... .......87, 96

Arsenals.. ......132, 141, 222
Ass't Post Masters General ....100 Cadets........

...... ........

[blocks in formation]

Assistant Surgeons, Army......275 Number of, from each State.. [27

Navy......292 Candles and Soap exported,


Attorney General........

Attorneys, See Judiciary.
Auditor 1st, office of.....




99 1821-1832...............[57, 92
Cannon, cost of, 1789-1832 ...160
76 Captains, Army............283, 284
77 Navy.
78 Marine Corps..... ....299


2d, office of...
3d, office of........
4th, office of.. 78 Carpenters.............
5th, office of............ 79 Cattle, &c. exported, 1821-32.. [55





......116, 120 Central America.... .......21, 118
Chaplains ............ ....292

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121 Cherokees
Balances in the Treasury 1789- Chile............... ......21, 118
1832................. .......[99 China....
Bank Dividends, 1792 1832.... [99 Circuit Courts.............. ...110
Banks, Deposites in.. ... ....24-26 Circulars to Collectors... (115 117
Bank of the United States-

[blocks in formation]

Presidents, &c of........265-267 Civil List, Expenses of..........220
Amount of Public Funds, in, Civil List, expenses of, 1789-32 [100

1818-1833 ............ ..268 Claims on France........

Banks, State-



Claims on Naples............55-57
Selected for Public Deposites, 267 Claims, Revolutionary..........181
Amount of Public Funds in.. 269 Clerks in State Department .. .. 53

Barbary Powers, Consuls to.....117
Bar Iron Imported, 1832........[89
Barracks..... ...........133, 222
Belgium................20, 116, 120
Board of Navy Commissioners.. 99

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