duties, ad valorem, imported and exported, dur- ing the year ending Sept 30, 1832 [79, [80 Specific rates of duty, imported and x- Classification of Domestic Exports for the year ending September 30, 1832 Imports and Exports of each State, for the year ending Sept. 30, 1332 Amount of Public Funds in the Bank of Value of all Imports into the United States, in each year, from 1821 to 1832, inclusive, and whence imported 144, 145 Value of all Exports from the United States, in each year, from 1821 to 1832, inclusive, distinguishing Domestic from Foreign Produce, and where ex- Quantity of American and Foreign Ton- nage, employed in the Foreign Frade of the United States, in each year from Value of the principal articles of Foreign Produce and Manufacture Imported and exported in eaen year, from 1821 Quantity and Value of every description of Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, of the Growth, Produce and Manufacture of the United States, exported in each year, from 1321 to 1832, inclusive [54-[58 Quantity and Value of Spirits imported from the West Indies, 1821-1832 Quantity and Value of Molasses Import- from the West Indies, 1821-1832 Quantity and Value of Coffee Imported from the West Iudies, 1821-1832 Value of ali Manufactures of Wool, Cot- ton, Flax, Silk, Hemp, Iron and Steel, Value of Iron in Pigs Bar Iron, Steel, Hemp, Wool, Paper and Books. im- ported in the year ending Sept 30, 1832 [89 Value of Rags, Furs, Hides, Dye Wood, Indigo, Copper, Tin, and Crude Salt Petre, imported in the year ending Value of Molasses, Coffee, Sugar, Salt, Value of Fish, Fish Oil, Whalebone, Spermaceti and Tallow Candles, and Soap, Beef, Tallow, &e. Butter and Cheese, exported during the year end- Value of Staves, other Lumber, Masts, Oak Bark, Manufactures of Wood, Naval Stores, Potand Pearl Ashes, and Skins, and Furs, exported during the year ending September 30, 1832 Value of Hats, Leather, &c. Snuff and Manufact'd Tobacco, Medicinai Drugs Copper and Brass, Combs and Buttons, Iron, and Manufactures of Cotton, ex- ported during the year ending Sep- Value of Pork, Hams, &c. Flour, Corn Indian Meal, Buiscuit, Rice, Cotton [62 L Total Vasue of Exports to and Imports [109, [111 Act to explain and amend the 18th sec- tion of the act of 14th July, 1832, [111) sive 166,176 Statistical View of the Commerce and Note. The figures with a bracket prefixed, refer to pages of the Appendix. A Act supplementary to act for ad- (Appropriations since 1789......228 justment of Land Claims...... 54 Argentine Republic ........ .... 21 Act for adjustinent of Claims on Arkansas- Naples...................... 54 Delegate, 23d Congress ...... 38 Act prescribing the mode of sign- ...... ........ .. Judiciary of..................113 Superannuated Soldiers .. 126 each State.... ....... ..[27 General Staff Officers...... ..274 .............. ....279 ..279 30 Infantry............... ....280 4th Infantry............. .... 1.280 .281 281 6th Infantry........... ...... Posts and Arsenals.......... 132 Brigadier Generals.............274 ... .. Army...... .......87, 96 Arsenals.. ......132, 141, 222 ...... ........ Assistant Surgeons, Army......275 Number of, from each State.. [27 Navy......292 Candles and Soap exported, ...... Attorney General........ Attorneys, See Judiciary. ..... ........ ...... 99 1821-1832...............[57, 92 ..... 2d, office of... Austria.... Baden... B ... ......116, 120 Central America.... .......21, 118 121 Cherokees Presidents, &c of........265-267 Civil List, Expenses of..........220 1818-1833 ............ ..268 Claims on France........ Banks, State- ..... 54 Claims on Naples............55-57 Barbary Powers, Consuls to.....117 |