joice in the improvement of the human species as well in America as in Europe. Under this idea, the publication of these short historical, political, and statistical observations, concerning the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata, is undertaken. The First Part consists of a letter, which was circulated in London in manuscript, and written for the information of the British Ministry, before it decided on recognising the Independence of that Republic. The attainment of that recognition must be understood to have been the primary object of this letter, although for that purpose it arrived rather late; but it was believed that, besides this object, it might contribute to supply the want of information perceptible in the countries of Europe relative to that part of America. The letter gives a brief but perspicuous idea of the origin of the insurrection against Spain, the political constitution of the country, and its progress in the march of civilization. The Second Part, which commences at the period when the letter finishes, comprises the two latter subjects; giving an idea, also concise, but clear, of the state of the country, till within a few months of the publication of this volume. This part comprehends a collection of statistical particulars, and geographical notices of all the towns of the United Provinces in the three districts of Paraguay, Peru, and the Andes, including Monte Video; and a slight explanation is given, by way of conclusion, concerning the disputes with Portugal and Brazil, relative to that place. It also contains a topographical map of the city of Buenos Ayres; and another of the principal rivers which water the eastern and western territory of Rio de la Plata. This work is published separately in Spanish and in English, and, probably, will likewise be speedily published in French. The primary object is that it may be circulated rapidly, seeing that in Europe there is a great scarcity of practical information about that territory. It is to be hoped that, from these statements, though limited, the Go vernments of Europe will glean sufficient, at least, to satisfy their curiosity; the nations enough to guide their calculations with respect to that country; the friends of its independence—thanks to Mr. de Pradt!-what will tend to justify the interest they have evinced respecting that event -and Spain Spain ere long, will grow wiser! CONTENTS. A Political Review of the Causes of the Revolution in DOCUMENTS. Document A. Law of Elections B. Inviolability of Property C. Decree relative to the Publication of the Document F. Preliminary Convention agreed upon between the Government of Buenos H. Instructions for the conduct of the Commissioner of this Government to the other Provinces of the ancient union, Dr. Don Diego Estanislao de Zabaleta, a clergyman of the first Political Aspect of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata in the present year 1825 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation between |