NOTICE TO SOLICITORS. INDEX TO SUBJECT-MATTER. ADMINISTRATION. PAGE tended donee-Parol gift by donor-Whether the property passed-Donee appointed executor-Confirmation by will ARBITRATION. Award-Alternative form-Award in form of special caseLimited time for giving notice of intention to take opinion of Court BAILOR AND BAILEE. Agistment-Beasts stolen-Non-recovery by bailee-Negligence-Onus of proof With the view of insuring the greatest possible Gift of chattels inter vivos-Chattels in possession of inaccuracy and rapidity in the various publications connected with the LAW REPORTS the Council will be obliged if the Solicitors to whom application is made by any reporter acting for the Council will as soon as possible after application furnish the necessary papers, together with any information in their power as to the names of the various Solicitors engaged in the case. At the same time, the Council thankfully acknowledge the assistance they have already received from so many members of the Profession in furnishing the papers required to prepare accurate reports. BANKRUPTCY. "Secured creditor "-Judgment creditor-Equitable execution-Appointment of receiver-Bankruptcy Act, 1914 (4 & 5 Geo. 5, c. 59), ss. 7, 167 EMERGENCY LEGISLATION. Food-Food INSURANCE (MARINE). Policy on increased value and excess liability—Indemnity Conditional contraband-Neutral port-Goods consigned to shippers or assigns-Onus-Failure to make full disclosure-Order in Council, October 29, 1914, Ch. 1 (iii.) HOUSE OF LORDS. 11 5 10 10 RECORD OF BUSINESS. THURSDAY, December 12. ' Bank Line, Ltd. v. Arthur Capel & Co. Considered. Order of the Court of Appeal reversed and judgment of Rowlatt J restored. Dobb and Another v. Dobb. Further heard and adjourn Pratabsing Shivsing v. Thakur Agarsinghji Raisinghji (Bom- Bucka v. W. G. Rayner & Co. Appeal from Bailhache J. Judgments delivered: The Stigstad (Prize Court, England) ([1916] P. 123). Appeal Rangasami Gounden v. Nachiappa Gounden (Madras). Appeal Petitions for special leave to appeal: Rani Jagadamba v. Narain Singh (Patna). Granted. Allowed. COURT II. THURSDAY, December 12. Castle v. Asten Trading Co., Ltd. Same v. Naamlooze Venootschapp Asten Creameries and Lal Tribuhan Nath Singh v. Deputy Commissioner of Fyzabad Weld Blundell v. Stephens, [1918] 2 K. B. 742. Appeal from (Oudh). Dismissed. Darling J. and cross-notice. Part heard. |