NOTES Adams & Colvile, 369 Adkin & Son, 357 Adler & Perowne, 243 Atchison & Syms, 157 shton (Bankes) & Co., 99 Atkey, Clarke & Atkey, 335 Arton & Radcliffe, 233 Ballantyne, Clifford & Hett, 33 Berham, Barrett & Synnott, 77 evir (Ernest) & Son, 157 lackhurst (W. & A.), 95 Int & Co., 233 nghten & Lemon, 123 arton, Yeates & Hart, 263 Etcher (Webster) & Sons, 49 mp, Ellis & Kelly, 53 tarns, Cattarns & Harris, 30 Instopher & Son, 170 arch, Rackham & Co., 103 arke (W. H.), Middleton & Co., 284 ten & Cohen, 343 ne, Williams & Williams, 233 w.d (Geo.) & Co., 268 Ws (Herbert J.) & Co., 306 by & Paterson, 87 & Wilson, 306 Bon & Co., 306 wards (W. G. A.), 261, 274 ever & Aarons, 306 ans, Wadham & Co., 30 akcell & Co., 125 in & Co., 230 ddard (Theodore) & Co., 156 eaway & Parker, 77 yan, Onslow & Co., 243 ines (Nigel) & Fowler, 170 rdicker (J. Ogden) & Hanson, 81 thett, Jones, Bisgood, Marshall & Thomas, 278 wood & Duckham, 334 PARTNERSHIPS (PROFESSIONAL) DISSOLVED-cont. Hills, Godfrey & Halsey, 103 Holt (Edwyn) & Co., 369 Howard & Veneer, 173 Howe & Co., 45 Hughes, Hooker & Co., 81 Laycock, Smith & Hill, 73 Lawton & Taylor, 243 Lewis, Jones & Co., 81 Light & Fulton, 263 Lightbound, Owen & Co., 157 Maxwell & Dampney, 109 Mead, Steel & Co., 216 Miller (S. F.), Vardon & Miller, 87 Morgan, Price & Co., 243 Morse, Hewitt, Walter & Thornton, 335 Neave, Morton & Co., 99 Neill & Dawson, 33 Palmer & Lester, 170 Perowne & Co., 73 Piesse & Sons, 261 Powell, Jarvis & Jeudwine, 156 Preston & Smith, 278 Pretty, Joseph & Steward, 233 'Ramsden & Co., 156 Ravenors, 156 Read (J. F.) & Brown, 239 Regge & Ackroyd, 109 Robinson, Wilkins & Thacker, 173 Rollit, Sons & Compston, 73 Rowley, Chatwin & Emerson, 81 Sanderson & Ferens, 99 Savage, Cooper & Everett, 278 Simpson & Scott, 95 Smith, Youatt & Smith, 278 Spyer & Sons, 157 Strandring, Taylor & Co., 156 Stephenson, Harwood, Henderson, Witt & Mackintosh, 239 Stewart & Chalker, 30 Stickney & Barton, 156 Taylor & Taylor, 233 Tilling (Geo.) & Knight, 123 Tucker, Lake & Lyon, 30 Vickers (Henry) Son, & Brown, 77 Walls, Stallard & Newton, 33 Wareing, Cropper, Son & Co., 230 Watson, Digby & Pope, 347 Westwood (Edwd.) & Co., 77 White & Leonard, 306 PARTNERSHIPS (PROFESSIONAL) DISSOLVED―cont. White, Smith & Co., 103 Whittington, Son & Barham, 183 Wilkinson & Co., 335 Wilson (Ernest) & Keer, 123 Wrentmore & Son, 123 PRIVY COUNCIL List of Business before Judicial Committee, 34, 84, 127, 186, 309 PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED See Partnerships (Professional) dissolved QUARTER SESSIONS (COUNTY OF LONDON)— Order of Secretary of State, dated Dec. 31, 1918..45 RULES AND ORDERS See Orders and Rules SERVICE AT WESTMINSTER ABBEY Notice as to, 284 STATUTES, 1919 A table giving Chapter, Title, &c., for 1919..81, 109, 125 185, 219, 259, 263, 273, 277, 363 SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE COURT OF APPEAL Sittings Papers, 6, 111, 178, 286 HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE— Sittings Papers, 6, 111, 178, 286 Cause Lists, 11, 46, 50, 54, 60, 68, 74, 78, 8 96, 100, 104, 112, 152, 158, 162, 168, 201 228, 234, 240, 246, 292, 336, 340, 344, 348, 35 364, 370, 378 KING'S BENCH DIVISION Cause Lists, 16, 19, 21, 47, 50, 54, 61, 69, 7 83, 93, 97, 101, 105, 116, 117, 119, 153, 15 169, 179, 181, 205, 225, 229, 235, 241, 24 300, 302, 337, 341, 345, 349, 353, 359, 365, 3 PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISIONSittings Papers, 3, 121, 182, 280 Cause Lists, 22, 24, 89, 138, 139, 207, 215, 30 SUPREME COURT RULES (FEBRUARY), 1919— Dated Feb. 3, 1919..64; correction, 99 SUPREME COURT (PEACE CELEBRATION) RULES, Dated July 9, 1919..239 SHERIFFS, UNDER-SHERIFFS, DEPUTIES AND AGENTS SUPREME COURT RULES, 1919— FOR 1919..244 Dated Nov. 29, 1919..366 THE WEEKLY NOTES, 1919. COUNTY COURTS ACT, 1888. the Court of Buckingham Palace, the 18th day of December, THE COUNTY COURT OFFICES (WARRINGTON) ORDER, 1918. DATED DECEMBER 11, 1918. I, Robert Bannatyne Lord Finlay, Lord High Chancellor of and of the County Court Rules, 1903, and of all other powers Great Britain, in pursuance of the County Courts Act, 1888, enabling me on that behalf, do hereby order as follows: rington shall be open on days other than Saturdays from 9 to 3 The Office of the County Court of Lancashire held at Waro'clock instead of from 10 to 4 o'clock, and on Saturdays from 9 to 12 o'clock. This Order shall come into operation on the 16th day of December, 1918. Dated the 11th day of December, 1918. FINLAY, C. HE COUNTY COURT OFFICES (BIRKENHEAD) ORDER, 1918. DATED DECEMBER 11, 1918. Robert Bannatyne Lord Finlay, Lord High Chancellor of Britain, in pursuance of the County Courts Act, 1888, of the County Court Rules, 1903, and of all other powers Ming me in that behalf, do hereby order as follows:This Order shall come into operation on the 16th day of ember, 1918. The office of the County Court of Cheshire held at BirkenI shall be open on days other than Saturdays from 9 to 3 ek instead of from 10 to 4 o'clock, and on Saturdays from 12 o'clock. ited this 11th day of December, 1918. FINLAY, C. APPOINTMENTS. December 18. His Majesty in Council was this day pleased to appoint the Right Honourable John Andrew, Baron Sumner (Lord of Appeal in Ordinary), to be a Member of the Universities Committee of the Privy Council, in accordance with the provisions of The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act. 1877. January 1. Paymaster Commander H. W. E. Manisty, to be a C.B. William Henry Beveridge, Esq., C.B., to be a K.C.B. Ernest Robert Moon, Esq., C.B., K.C., to be a K.C.B. E. F. Wise, Esq., to be a C.B. Sir Francis Oppenheimer, to be a K.C.M.G. B CIRCUITS OF THE JUDGES. NOTICE.-In cases where no note is appended to the names of the Circuit Towns both Civil and Criminal Business must ready to be taken on the first working day; in other cases the note appended to the name of the Circuit Town indic the day before which Civil Business will not be taken. In the Case of Circuit Towns to which two Judges go there be no alteration in the old practice. The following Judge will remain in Town :—Lord Coleridge, J., during the whole of the Circuits; the other THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. (PROBATE, DIVORCE AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION.) HILARY SITTINGS, 1919. PROBATE AND MATRIMONIAL. UNDEFENDED MATRIMONIAL CAUSES will be taken on Mondays in either Court, other business permitting; AND before Mr. Justice COLERIDGE from Saturday, 11th January (if Court is sitting) until Friday, 17th January (inclusive); and from Tuesday, 25th February, until Friday, 7th March. AND in either of the Admiralty Courts on any day during those periods if Prize and Admiralty work permit. AND possibly at other times, of which due notice will be given. DIVISIONAL COURT. A day for the hearing of Matrimonial Appeals will sit on Monday, 13th January. PROBATE AND DEFENDED MATRIMONIAL CAUSES WITHOUT JURIES will be taken before Mr. Justice COLERIDGE from Tuesday, 21st January, until Friday, 14th February (Saturdays and Mondays excepted); AND in either of the Admiralty Courts at any time during the Sittings (except during the periods mentioned above) when Admiralty and Prize Cases are not being heard (Saturdays and Mondays excepted). OMMON JURY CAUSES will be taken before Mr. Justice COLERIDGE from Tuesday, 18th February, until Friday, 21st February. PECIAL JURY CAUSES (if any) will be taken before Mr. Justice COLERIDGE at some date in March or April, of which notice will be given. OTIONS. Motions and Applications to make Decrees Nisi Absolute will be heard in Court on Tuesday, 14th January, and on each succeeding Monday during the Sittings after Summonses. All Papers for Motions must be lodged at, and Motionswhether new or adjourned-must be set down in, the Contentious Department of the Principal Probate Registry at Somerset House before 2 o'clock p.m. on the Wednesday of each week. MMONSES before the Judge will be heard on Tuesday, 14th January, and on each succeeding Monday during the Sittings at half-past 10. Judge's Summonses-whether new or adjourned-must be set down before 4 o'clock on the Thursday of each week. MMONSES before the Registrars will be heard at the Probate Registry, Somerset House, on each Tuesday and Friday during the Sittings, at half-past 11 o'clock. (ADMIRALTY DIVISION.) THE ADMIRALTY COURT will sit in the ROYAL COURTS OF JUSTICE On every week-day from Monday, January 13th, until Thursday, March 27th, inclusive. A second Court will also sit from Wednesday, February 12th, until the end of the term. Summonses in Chambers will be taken on Mondays at 11 a.m., followed by Motions in Court during the Sittings. A Divisional Court will sit on a day to be appointed. All Papers for Motions and for Summonses to be heard before the Judge must be left in the Admiralty Registry, Royal Courts of Justice (Room 738), on the Wednesday preceding. Summonses before the Registrar will be heard at the Admiralty Registry, Royal Courts of Justice (Room 730 or 729), at 11 a.m. on every Tuesday and Friday during the same period. The Admiralty Registry and the Marshal's Office are on the Third Floor of the West Wing, in Rooms Nos. 729 to 744. The Long Vacation is from August 1st to October 11th, and the Christmas Vacation from December 24th to January 6th, inclusive. The Offices are closed on Good Friday, Easter Eve, Easter Monday and Tuesday, Whit Monday and the August Bank Holiday, also on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Registrar's Room, 730; Assistant Registrar's Room, ence Room, 743; Marshal's Room, 740. 729; Refer PRIZE COURT.-The offices of the Prize Court, including the Admiralty Registry and Marshal's Office, are open for the issue of Writs, and for the transaction of business in Prize Causes from 10 a.m. until 4 o'clock p.m. on Week Days other than Saturdays, when the hours shall be from 10 a.m. till 1 p.m., and during the Vacations, when the hours are from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For any urgent matters continuous attention is given in the Marshal's Office. The Prize Court will sit on and from Monday, 13th January, throughout the term. Summonses before the President will be heard on Mondays at 11 o'clock, and before the Registrar at 2 o'clock. |