APPOINTMENT. December 3.-The KING has been pleased, by Warrant under His Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, bearing date the 26th ultimo, to appoint Edward Tindal Atkinson, Esq., K.C., to be a Commissioner under the Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1888, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the Honourable Alfred Erskine Gathorne-Hardy. PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Alfred John Adams and Augustus Gilbert Colvile, Solicitors, 5, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, and Hemel Hempstead (Adams & Colvile), as from September 30, 1919, by mutual consent. Edwyn Holt and John George Mahaffy, Solicitors, Manchester (Edwyn Holt & Co.), by mutual consent as from March 24, 1919. George Holborn Turner, Richard Robert Kingsbury and Thomas Kingsbury, Solicitors, 369 and 371, Brixton-road, S.W. 9 (Kingsbury & Turner), by mutual consent as from March 25, 1919. The business will be carried on in future by R. R. Kingsbury, T. Kingsbury, and John Clemence Turner. B HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. CHANCERY DIVISION. MICHAELMAS SITTINGS, 1919. The following lists of actions, etc., are in continuation of those given in THE WEEKLY NOTES, December 6, ante page 364, and include all cases set down to December 11. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. KING'S BENCH DIVISION. MICHAELMAS SITTINGS, 1919. The following lists of actions, etc., are in continuation of those given in THE WEEKLY NOTES, December 6, ante, page 365, and include all cases set down to December 2. SWEET & MAXWELL, LTD., 3, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. 2. COURT OF APPEAL AND HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE-CHANCERY DIVISION. The CHRISTMAS VACATION will commence on Wednesday, the 24th day of December, 1919, and terminate on Tuesday, the 6th day of January, 1920, inclusive. HIGHER STIPENDS FOR CURATES MORE than 600 Curates are now receiving augmented A.C.S. HOUSE: 51, BELGRAVE ROAD, LONDON, S.W. 1. LAND REGISTRY. Notices of the following pending registrations with abso- In the issue of Friday, 5th December, 1919. 160836. 21, 22, and 22a, Coleman Street, City of London. 188380. 20, Coleman Street, City of London. Freehold. 226688. Upper Terrace Lodge, Hampstead Heath, The 227394. 86, 88, and 90, Walmer Road, Kensington. Free- 227395. 2, 4, 6, and 8, Silchester Road, and 126, 128, 130, 227517. 92, Peckham Rye, Camberwell. Freehold. Leasehold. -27582. 40 and 41, Homer Street, St. Marylebone. Free- 225904. 38, Newton Road, Paddington. Freehold. 227598. 20, Queensbury Mews East, Kensington. Freehold. 103, 105, 107, 109, 111, 113, and 115, Ferndale 227304. 34, Pyrland Road, Islington. Leasehold. 227626. 227653. 227688. 227628. 148, 150, and 152, Camden Street, 1 and 3 Priory 227711. 34 and 35, Hoxton Square, and 13, 15, and 17, hold. 82, Coleman Street, City of London. Leasehold. hold. 265, Lordship Lane, Camberwell. Freehold. 20 and 22, Denmark Road, Camberwell. Freehold. 27637. 237, Brompton Road, and 65, Egerton Gardens, 227752. 193 and 195, High Street (Poplar), Poplar Borough. Freehold. |