Horner v. The Wandsworth, Wimbledon & Epsom Gas Co. appl. of Applicant from award of County Court (Surrey, Wandsworth), dated Oct. 29, 1918 November 15 Vickers ld. v. Cars, Wm. appl. of Respts. from award of County Court (Lancashire, Barrow in - Furness and Ulverston), dated Oct. 30, 1918 November 19 Ford, Geo. K. v. Gilbertson & Co. ld. appl. of Respts. from award of County Court Neath (Glamorganshire, & Aberavon), dated Nov. 6, 1918 November 26 Gwynnes ld. v. Pursey appl. of Applicants from award of County Court (Middlesex, Brompton, West London), dated Nov. 13, 1918 December 2 APPEALS. From the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division (Admiralty). With Nautical Assessors. (FINAL LIST.) 1918 1 June 15 Owners of S.S. Egyptian Prince (damage) appl. of Pltffs. from judgt. of The President, dated May 31, 1918 V. T. P. Rose ld. (demurrage) appl. of Defts. from judgt. of Divisional Court, dated Nov. 22, 1916 (s.o. till further order) January (INTERLOCUTORY LIST.) Crimdon-1918-Folio 617 1918 8 Owners of S.S. Otterdal v. Owners of S.S. Crimdon appl. of Pltffs. from order of Mr. Justice Hill, dated Nov. 18, 1918 part heard (s.o.) November 18 of 5 August 2 6 Same v. Same Maru) appl. of Pltff. from judgt. of Mr. Justice Roche, dated July 19, 1918 (from King's Bench Division), by order) July 27 7 (Fezenta-1917-Folio 825 In the Matter of an Arbitration Boks & Co. v. Peter Rushton & Co. appl. of Claimants, Boks & Co., from 3 4 (s.o. generally) 1915 Walter Morrison v. The Commissioners of In Side) land Revenue (Revenue appl. of Applet. from judgt. of Mr. Justice Rowlatt, dated Jan. 25, 1915 (s.o. generally) February 5 Owners of S.S. Johannis Vatis (damage) appl. of Pltffs. from judgt. of Mr. Justice Hill, dated Oct. 25, 1918 2 October 26 Dowling v. The Great Eastern Ry. Co. appl. of Respts. from award of County Court (Middlesex, City of London Court), dated Oct. 28, 1918 November 15 N.B.-The above List contains Chancery, Palatine and King's Bench Final and Interlocutory Appeals, &c., set down to December 24th, 1918. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. CHANCERY DIVISION. HILARY SITTINGS, 1919. NOTICES RELATING TO THE CHANCERY CAUSE LIST. MR. Justice EvE.-Except when other Business is advertised in the Daily Cause List, Actions with Witnesses will be taken throughout the Sittings. MR. Justice SARGANT will take his Business as announced in the Hilary Sittings Paper. MR. Justice ASTBURY will take his Business as announced in the Hilary Sittings Paper. MR. Justice YOUNGER.-On each Tuesday afternoon Summonses under Trading with the Enemy Act will be taken. Subject thereto, Actions with Witnesses will be heard throughout the Sittings. MR. Justice PETERSON will take his Business as announced in the Hilary Sittings Paper. Liverpool and Manchester Business.—Mr. Justice PETERSON will take Liverpool and Manchester Business on Thursdays, the 16th and 30th January, the 13th and 27th February, the 13th and 27th March, and the 10th April. MR. Justice P. O. LAWRENCE.-Except when other Business is advertised in the Daily Cause List, Actions with Witnesses will be taken throughout the Sittings Summonses before the Judge in Chambers. Mr. Justice SARGANT, Mr. Justice ASTBURY and Mr. Justice PETERSON will sit in Court every Monday during the Sittings to hear Chamber Summonses. Summonses Adjourned into Court and Non-Witness Actions will be heard by Mr. Justice SARGANT, Mr. Justice ASTBURY and Mr. Justice PETERSON. Motions, Petitions, and Short Causes will be taken on the days stated in the Hilary Sittings Paper. NOTICE WITH REFERENCE TO THE CHANCERY WITNESS LISTS. During the Hilary Sittings the Judges will sit for the disposal of Witness Actions as follows: Mr. Justice EVE will take the Witness List for EvE and PETERSON, JJ. Mr. Justice YOUNGER will take the Witness List for SARGANT and YOUNGER, JJ. : Mr. Justice P. O. LAWRENCE will take the Witness List for ASTBURY and P. O. LAWRENCE, JJ. CHANCERY CAUSES FOR TRIAL OR HEARING, set down to December 24th, 1918. 30 In re H. Foulds, dec. sumns. Nalty Archer adjd. sumns. (8.0. generally) adjd. sumns. County Council adjd. sumns. adjd. sumn. In re W. S. Mutton, dec. 3 10 10 motion 11 Naylor adjd, sumns. In re Laycock, dec. Laycock v. Special Commrs. for Income Tax Royal Exchange Assce. v. Withrington Mutton v. Trustee of the Property of T. Mutton Harding Blyth adjd. sumns. In re Thomas Corde's Trusts and In re Conveyancing Acts adjd, sumns. 1 Timor Oilfields Id. (petn, of R. H. Sileyordered on Oct. 13, 1914, to stand ove generally) Chilian Eastern Central Ry. Co. ld. (petn, o A. Delimele-ordered on June 15, 1915, t stand over generally) Colnbrook Chemical & Explosives Co. Id. (pet of Scottish Tube Co. ld.-ordered o Dec. 5, 1916, to stand over generally) G. H. Fernau & Co. Id. (petn, of Public Truste and ors.-ordered on July 31, 1917, stand over generally) Id. 5 London County Commercial Re-Insurance Offic (petn. of Danske Genforsikring Akti selskab (Danish Re-Insurance Co.ordered on Jan. 22nd, 1918, to stand ov generally) 6 West of England Cinemas ld. (petn, of H.) Harper-ordered on June 18, 1918, stand over generally) Globe Films Id. (petn. of Trans-Atlantic F Co. ld.-s.o. from Oct. 15, 1918, to Jan.1 1919) North West Corpn. Id. (petn, of Goodall, Clayt & Co. Id.-8.0. from Dec. 10, 1918, June 10, 1919) United Electric Theatres ld (petn. of Nation Provincial & Union Bank of England id s.o. from Dec. 17, 1918, to Jan. 14, 19 Beck Engineering Co. Id. (petn. of S. W. Do -s.o. from Dec. 17, 1918, to Jan. 1919) Robert Meredith & Co. Id. (petn. of Tritt Labouchere & Caro-8.0. from Dec. 1918, to Jan. 21, 1919) 2 4 7 8 9 Davies adjd. sumns. adjd. sumns. In re Curtis, dec. 8 9 10. In re Countess Von Quadt, dec. Fawcett Public Trustee Curtis adjd. sumns. Before Mr. Justice PETERSON RETAINED CAUSES FOR TRIAL (With Witnesses.) Ropeways Id. Hoyle action pt. hd. 2 Smeeton The Attorney-Gen, action (s.o. for Attorney-Gen.)] The Zinc Mines of Great Britain ld. v. Stevenson action & counter-claim (8.0. generally) Seymour action Stobie v. The Newcastle-upon-Tyne Electric *** Supply Co. ld. action 1 3 4 Alington 5 Murray adjd. sumns. 1 COURT SUMMONSES. (French South African Development Co. Id. Partridge v. French South African Development Co. Id. (on preliminary point-ordered on April 2, 1914, to stand over generally pending trial of action in King's Bench Division) 2 English & Scottish American Mortgage and Investment Co. ld. (as to contingent claims 11 part heard-parties to apply to fix day for further hearing) 3 General Omnibus Supply (Manufacturing Co.) ld. (delivery up of books and documents- 4 Moylett's Stores Id. (to vary list of contributories In re Bromley & Robinson's Contract and In re Vendor & Purchaser Act, 1874 adjd, sumns. 12In re John Green, dec. Green Green adjd. sumns. 6In re Fawcett, dec. 3 4 5 In re Geo. Barlow Barlow Barlow adjd. sumns. Fawcett Fawcett adjd. sumns. 7 In re Thomas Timberlake, dec. (not before Feb. 28) 8 In re R. F. Wells, dec. Foden Wells adjd. sumns. 9 In re Jervis Turner Jervis adjd. sumns. 10 Keating 4 Longfield Parish Council v. Dartford Rural District Council action pt. hd. 5 Enfield Urban District Council v. The Rees Roturbo Manufacturing Co. action 6 Tidey Shepherd action 7 The Gamage Bell Motor Cab Co. v. A. W. Gamage ld. action Woodward adjd. sumns. |