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Au moment de procéder à la signature de la Convention d'Arbitrage conclue à la date de ce jour, les Plénipotentiaires soussignés déclarent qu'il est entendu qu'il appartient à chacune des hautes parties contractantes d'apprécier si un différend qui se sera produit met en cause son indépendance et par conséquent est de nature à être excepté de l'arbitrage obligatoire, et qu'il est en outre entendu que la Convention n'abroge pas les dispositions de l'article XVI du Traité de Commerce entre la Norvège et le Portugal, conclu à Lisbonne le 31 décembre, 1895.*

En foi de quoi les Plénipotentiaires respectifs ont dressé le présent protocole de signature, qui aura la même force et la même valeur que si les dispositions qu'il contient étaient insérées dans la Convention elle-même.

Fait à Lisbonne, en double expédition, le 8 décembre, 1908.


DECLARATION between the Norwegian and Spanish Governments for the Modification of the Convention of August 25, 1903, with regard to the Importation of certain Nonsparkling Wines into Norway. Signed at Madrid, March 11, 1909.

POUR resserrer les liens d'amitié et développer le commerce entre la Norvège et l'Espagne les soussignés, Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire de Sa Majesté le Roi de Norvège, et Ministre des Affaires Étrangères de Sa Majesté Catholique, dûment autorisés par leurs Gouvernements, sont convenus de la modification suivante de la Convention additionnelle du 25 août, 1903:‡

Les vins non mousseux contenant jusqu'à 21 pour cent d'alcool en cercles, de provenance espagnole, seront admis en Norvège moyennant un droit de douane de 344 öre le kilogramme, poids net.

Cette déclaration entrera en vigueur dans un délai de sept jours à dater de son vote par le Storthing et de son approbation

Vol. LXXXVII, page 534.

"Overenkomster med fremmede Stater," No. 3 of May 22, 1909, page 40. Signed also in the Norwegian language.

Vol XCVI, page 797.

par le Roi et elle restera exécutoire aussi longtemps que la Convention additionnelle du 25 août, 1903.

Fait à Madrid, en double expédition, le 11 mars, 1909.

L'Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire de Sa Majesté le Roi de Norvège,

(L.S.) F. WEDEL-JARLSBERG. Le Ministre des Affaires Étrangères de Sa Majesté Catholique,


CONVENTION between Norway and Sweden for the Reference to Arbitration of the Question of a certain portion of the Sea-limit between the two Countries in connection with the Grisbådar Rocks.-Signed at Stockholm, March 14, 1908.

[Ratifications exchanged at Stockholm, June 17, 1908.]


His Majesty the King of Sweden and His Majesty the King of Norway, having found it desirable that the question of the sea-limit between Sweden and Norway, in so far as it was not determined by the resolution of the 15th March, 1904, should be referred to arbitration, have for this purpose appointed as their representatives:

His Majesty the King of Sweden: His Minister for Foreign Affairs, Eric Birger Trolle;

His Majesty the King of Norway: His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Paul Benjamin Vogt;

Who, after exchanging full powers, have agreed to the following conditions:

ART. I. The parties pledge themselves to the extent stated below to leave the settling of the question of the sea-limit between Sweden and Norway to a Court of Arbitration, consisting of a president who is neither a subject of nor domiciled in either of the two countries, and of two other members: one Swede and one Norwegian. The president shall be appointed by Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, the other members one each by the parties concerned. The parties, however, retain the right, should they agree, to appoint by special arrangement either the president only or the collective members of the Court.

Representation to Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, or the arbitrator who may be appointed by agreement, shall be made by both parties together.

II. The Arbitration Court shall, after having examined the case of each of the parties and their respective reasons and

proofs, determine the boundary line in the waters from point XVIII out at sea in the map subjoined to the Swedo-Norwegian proposal of the 18th August, 1897, in to the territorial boundary. It is agreed that the boundary line of the space which the parties maintain to be under discussion, and for which, consequently, the limit is to be defined, may not be so drawn as to include islands, islets, or reefs which are not perpetually covered with water.

III. The Court of Arbitration shall have power to determine how far the boundary line shall be considered to be, either wholly or in part, determined by the Boundary Treaty of 1661, together with the charts appertaining to the same, and how such boundary line is to be drawn, and also, in so far as the boundary line can be considered as undetermined by the Treaty and chart in question, shall have power to determine the same, having regard to actual conditions and the principles of international law.

IV. Until the expiry of the third calendar year after the announcement of the decision of the Court of Arbitration, irrespective of the boundary line fixed by that decision, fishing may be carried on within the waters which, according to Article II, are the subject of dispute by the subjects of both countries to the same extent as during the five-year period 1901-1905. In considering the extent to which fishing is carried on, regard shall be had to the number of fishermen, the kind of fish, and the manner of catching.

V. It is agreed that that country on whose side of the eventual boundary line the Grisbådar fishing grounds are situated shall have no claim against the other country for contribution towards the expense of light-ships or other arrangements on or in the neighbourhood of such grounds.

Sweden undertakes to maintain the present light-ship situated outside the territorial limit until the expiration of the time mentioned in Article IV.

VI. The president of the Court of Arbitration shall appoint the time and place for the first meeting of the Court and shall summon the other members to it.

Time and place for further meetings shall be decided by the Court of Arbitration.

VII. The official language to be used by the Court shall be English, French, or German, as may be decided in consultation with the other members.

For petitions, evidence, and directions the parties may use the language of either country, the Court retaining the right to have translations made.

VIII. With respect to procedure and expenses, there shall apply such portions of the Regulations contained in Articles LXII to LXXXV of the revised Convention adopted at the Second Hague Conference of 1907* for the pacific settlement of international disputes as may be applicable.

*Vol. C, pages 308-311.

Petitions, rejoinders, and evidence referred to in Article LXIII, paragraph 2, of the above-mentioned Convention, shall be filed within a period to be determined by the President of the Court of Arbitration, but before the 1st March, 1909. No change is hereby entailed in the rules of procedure for the second part, especially as regards the Regulations in Articles LXVIII, LXXII, and LXXIV of the said Convention.

The Court of Arbitration has the right, when it is found necessary for the elucidation of the case, to arrange for the hearing of witnesses or experts in the presence of both parties and to order the undertaking in common of a hydrographical survey of the waters under dispute.

IX. This Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged as soon as possible in Stockholm.

In respect whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Convention and affixed thereto their seals.

Done in duplicate, in Swedish and Norwegian, at Stockholm, on the 14th March, 1908.


[Note.-The Award was delivered on October 23, 1909.
See page 940.]

DECLARATION concluded between Norway and Sweden concerning Assistance to Distressed Swedish and Norwegian Seamen.-Signed at Christiania, August 25, 1909.


CONSEQUENT on a mutual desire on the part of the Governments of His Majesty the King of Sweden and of His Majesty the King of Norway to come to an agreement respecting the assistance to be granted in certain cases to distressed seamen from the respective countries, the undersigned, duly authorized thereto, have come to the following agreement:

If a seaman belonging to one of the Contracting States after having served on board a ship belonging to the other Contracting State is, in consequence of shipwreck or for other reasons, left in a helpless condition either in a third country or in the colonies of such country, or in the country the flag of which is flown by the ship, the Government of this latter country shall be bound to assist the said seaman, until such time as he be re-engaged, find other occupation, reach his own country, or die.

It is also agreed that a seaman finding himself in such condition shall avail himself of the first opportunity to give to the proper authorities of the country whose assistance he claims, proof of his helpless condition and the reason of the same. He must also give proof that his helpless condition is a

natural consequence of his separation from the ship. Otherwise the seaman loses his right to assistance.

He also loses this right should he have deserted, have been discharged from the ship for crime, or have left his ship in consequence of incapacity for work caused by sickness or injury entailed through his own fault.

Assistance shall include maintenance, clothing, medical attendance, medicine, travelling expenses, and, in case of death, funeral expenses.

This agreement shall come into force on the 1st November, 1909, and remain in force until one year from the day on which either of the Contracting Parties denounces it.

In faith of which the undersigned have affixed to this agreement their signatures and seal.

Done in duplicate, in Swedish and Norwegian, at Christiania, the 25th August, 1909.


EXCHANGE OF NOTES between Norway and Switzerland granting Reciprocally Most-favoured-nation Treatment to Goods and Subjects in the two Countries.-Berlin, May 5, 22, and 28, 1906.

(No. 1.)-The Norwegian Chargé d'Affaires to the Swiss Minister at Berlin.


Berlin, le 5 mai, 1906. PAR suite de la dénonciation du traité du 22 mars, 1894,† réglant les relations commerciales entre la Norvège et la Suisse et l'établissement dans les deux pays, ledit traité cessera de sortir ses effets à partir du 27 mai, 1906.

Mon Gouvernement, désireux de voir se continuer les liens d'amitié et les rapports de commerce entre la Norvège et la Suisse, m'a autorisé à porter à la connaissance de votre Excellence qu'il est disposé à accorder, à titre de réciprocité, à partir du 27 mai de cette année jusqu'à la conclusion d'un nouvel arrangement commercial, aux produits suisses et aux sujets suisses en Norvège le traitement de la nation la plus favorisée. Mon Gouvernement fait, toutefois, réserve pour les concessions speciales qui sont ou pourraient être accordées aux pays limirophes en vue de faciliter le trafic de frontière ou qui ont été, ici, accordées à la Suède.

Je serais très reconnaissant à votre Excellence de vouloir

·Recueil des Traités de la Norvège," 1907, page 660.
+ Vol. LXXXVI, page 1024.

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