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embodied in the Drago Doctrine, and emphasized the contribution made by Mexico and South America to the practice of arbitration. Among the more important addresses by other speakers were those of Mr. Alfred K. Smiley, the father of the conference; "Some Hints as to the Future Work of The Hague Conference," by Hon. Andrew D. White; "Respect for International Law," by Hon. Simeon E. Baldwin, Chief Justice of Connecticut, and "Pan-American Interest in International Arbitration," by Hon. John Barrett, Director of the Bureau of American Republics. An appendix to Mr. Barrett's address contains brief reports from the Spanish-American ministers in Washington covering the records of their respective countries in the matter of arbitration. The educational aspects of the movement for international arbitration were presented in elaborate papers by Hon. Andrew S. Draper, Commissioner of Education for the State of New York, and Hon. Elmer E. Brown, United States Commissioner of Education, and in briefer discussions by Prof. John Bassett Moore, President Charles W. Eliot, President Rush Rhees, Prof. Joseph H. Beale, Prof. W. W. Willoughby, and others.

One entire session of the conference was devoted to a series of brief addresses by representative men of affairs on the topic "Business Men and International Arbitration." As a demonstration of the widespread interest of the business world in the subject of international peace, the twenty-two addresses delivered on this occasion were most convincing. It may be doubted if the Lake Mohonk Conference has in the dozen years of its existence done a more effective piece of work than in bringing home to business men their paramount interest in the cause which the conference was instituted to promote. Mention may be made in this connection of the forcible argument in favor of the inviolability of private property at sea by the German publicist and statesman, Dr. Theodor Barth. When it is added that those apostles of peace and good-will, Rev. Edward Everett Hale, Justice David J. Brewer, and Benjamin F. Trueblood, took an active part in the deliberations of the conference, the record may be regarded as complete.



American international law. Son origine et son évolution. A. Alvarez. Revue générale de droit international public, 14:393.

Belgium. La neutralité de la Belgique et le droit d'alliance. M. J. des Cressonnières. Revue de droit international et de législation comparée, 2e série, 9:253.

Bulgaria. Les événements de Bulgaire et de Roumanie orientale au point de vue du droit international. Michel S. Kebedgy. Revue de droit international et de législation comparée, 2e série, 9:5.

Bulgaria. La Politique russe en Orient. Le Schisme bulgare (Suite et fin.), par Grégoire Troubetzkoi. Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 21:394. Citizenship. The New Citizenship Law. Gaillard Hunt. North American Review, July 5, 1907.

Drago Doctrine. Crammond Kennedy.
Drago, La doctrine de. H. A. Moulin.

public, 14:417.

North American Review, July 19, 1907.
Revue générale de droit international

Egypt. Riforma delle capitolazioni in Egitto secondo le proposte di lord Cromer. E. Catellani. Rivista di diritto internazionale, 2:201.


La condition internationale de l'Egypte depuis l'accord franco-Anglais de 1904. A. Morel. Revue générale de droit international public, 14:405. England, Germany and the Baltic. J. Ellis Barker. Nineteenth Century, July, 1907.

English Channel. Der Tunnel unter der Ärmelkanal und das Völkerrecht. L. Oppenheim. Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht und Bundesstaatsrecht, 2:1. Geneva Convention, The new. T. E. Holland. Fortnightly Review, August, 1907.

Greece-Roumania. Le conflit gréco-roumain. Kebedgy. Revue de droit international et de législation comparée, 37:679.

Greece-Roumania. Le droit d'intervention des grandes puissances à propos du conflit gréco-roumain. Lévides. Revue générale de droit international public, 13:582.

Hague Conference. H. H. L. Bellot. Westminster Review, August, 1907.
Hague Conference. The calling of the second conference of the Hague. Bartholdt.
The Independent, 63:65.

Hague Conference. La conférence de la Haye. Tardieu. Revue des deux mondes, 39:803.

Hague Conference. France and America at the Hague. Elbert F. Baldwin. Outlook, August 31, 1907.

Hague Conference, and the practical aspect of war. Malran. National Review, July, 1907.

Hague Conference. Physionomie de la conférence de la Haye. Paul Adam. Revue de Paris, August, 1907.

Hague Conference. The question of immunity for belligerent merchant shipping. A. T. Malran. National Review, June, 1907.

L'institut colonial international. Piolet. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, 24:31.

Institut de droit international. Session de Gand. C. Dupuis. Revue générale de droit international public, 14:370. International arbitration, Is it practicable?

Today, August, 1907.

William Lindsay Scruggs. World

National Isolation, The danger of. L. S. Rowe. North American Review, June 21, 1907.

Japan. Naturalization of Japanese. K. K. Kawakaim. North American Review, June 21, 1907.

Japan. Règlements et instructions du gouvernement japonais sur le traitement des sujets russes pendant la guerre russo-japonaise. Traduction et remarques de M. Masarrosuké Akiyama. Revue de droit international et de législation comparée, 2e série, 9:297.

Macedonia. La question de Macédonie. René Pinon. Revue des deux mondes, May 15, 1907 et seq.

Morocco, the derelict of diplomacy. William G. Fitz-Gerald. Review of Reviews, July, 1907.

Naturalization. De la nationalité et de la naturalisation d'après la législation actuelle des États-Unis d'Amerique. Ernest Lehr. Revue de droit international et de législation comparée, 2e série, 9:357.

Naturalization. Status of a foreigner who has declared his intention of becoming a citizen of the United States. Nathan Wolfman. American Law Review, 41:498.

Nationality. Des preuves de la nationalité et de l'immatriculation. M. Camille Revue de droit international et de législation comparée, 2 série,



Neutralization. Erving Winslow. North American Review, September 5, 1907. An early scheme to organize the world. Edwin D. Mead. Independent, August 29, 1907.


Peace. The power that makes for peace. Henry S. Pritchett. Atlantic Monthly, July, 1907.

Peace. "Why is perpetual peace impossible?" Willard French. Lippincotts, July, 1907.

Private property at sea, Capture of. (A note on the Hague Conference). John MacDonnel. Contemporary Review, July, 1907.

Prize law. Nach welchem Gesichtspunkten ist für Zweck des Seebeuterrechts die feindliche oder neutrale Eigenschaft der Ware Zu bestimmen? Liepmann. Zeitschrift für internationales Privat- und öffentliches Recht. 17:303. Reciprocity with Germany. H. Parker Willis. Journal of Political Economy, 15:385.

San Domingo. The readjustment of San Domingo's finances. Jacob H. Hollander. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 21:405.

Servia. Le conflit entre la Serbie et l'Autriche au point de vue du droit international. G. Guerchitch. Revue générale de droit international public, 14:349.

Siam. Le traité franco-siamois.

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de Caire. Questions diplomatiques et colo

Siam. Le traité franco-siamois et le Cambodge. M. J. Harmand. Revue des

deux mondes, July 1, 1907.

Small Nations. Are small nations doomed to extinction? Erik Givskov. Westminster Review, July, 1907.

Sources of international law. Sir Frederick Pollock. Zeitschrift für internationales Privat- und öffentliches Recht, 17:251.

Spain. Les accords espagnols. Robert de Caix. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, 24:1.

Spinoza und das Völkerrecht.

Bundesstaatsrecht, 2:17.

Ad. Menzel.

Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht und

Treaties. Einfluss von Staatsverträgen auf die Verwaltung des Innern. Franz Dochow. Zeitschrift für internationales Privat- und öffentliches Recht, 17:267.

Treaty Making Power.

Shackelford Miller. American Law Review, 41:527. Yunnan. France et Angleterre au Sud-Ouest du Yunnan. J. de Worinbey. Revue politique et parlementaire, August 10, 1907.

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