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In either of these cases, the party desiring to have the award declared null and void, should make a claim to that effect, on pain of forfeiture of the same, within a month of the declaration of the award. Such party should, in his statement of claim, name an arbitrator, and the inquiry into the demand for nullity shall be conducted as in the case of arbitration, and in conformity with the rules above laid down.

ART. X.-Arbitrators conducting an inquiry into the nullity of an award shall confine themselves to a declaration on that point alone; and their decision shall not be called in question, either by way of appeal or in any other manner, it being definite and absolute. In the case of the award in question being annulled, a new arbitral tribunal shall be constituted for the purpose of arriving at a decision, according to the rules laid down in Articles II., III., IV., V., VII., VIII., as above.

If the award whose nullity has been demanded is affirmed, it shall come into full effect within fifteen days of the declaration being notified to the parties.

ART. XI. The present treaty shall remain in full effect for thirty successive years from the date on which it is signed. Unless one of the parties shall have given notice, in writing, to the contrary at least six months before its expiry, the said treaty shall continue to have effect by tacit renewal ("reconduction"). Each party shall, however, retain full power, by a simple notification, to terminate the treaty at the expiration of the thirty years aforesaid. Such notification, however, shall not take effect until six months afterwards, and shall not invalidate the conditions stated in Article V.

ART. XII.—The two parties pledge their honour faithfully to observe the execution of the preceding treaty, in respect to all its provisions.

L'un de ces cas échéant, celle des parties qui voudra se pourvoir en nullité de la sentence devra le faire, à peine de forclusion, dans le mois de la notification de la sentence. Elle devra, par le même acte, désigner un arbitre, et la procédure de la demande en nullité devra être poursuivie par voie d'arbitrage, et conformément aux règles établies ci-dessus.

ART. 10.-Les arbitres saisis d'une demande en nullité d'une sentence rendue ne devront statuer que sur la question de nullité, leur sentence ne pourra être attaquée ni par voie d'appel, ni par aucune autre voie, elle sera souveraine et définitive. S'ils annulent la sentence à eux déférée, un nouveau tribunal arbitral sera formé pour instruire et statuer selon les règies tracées par les articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 et 8 qui précèdent.

Si la sentence arguée de nullité est déclarée valable, elle sortira son plein et entier effet dans la quinzaine de la notification faite aux parties de la sentence qui en aura déclaré la validité.

ART. II.- Le présent traité aura son plein et entier effet pendant trente années consécutives, à partir de la signature. A moins que l'une des parties n'ait, six mois au moins avant son expiration, notifié par écrit son intention contraire, le dit traité continuera d'avoir effet entre les parties par voie de tacite réconduction. Chaque partie gardant d'ailleurs la faculté d'y mettre fin après l'expiration des trente années ci-dessus indiquées, par une simple déclaration qui n'aura d'effet que six mois après sa notification, et ce, sans dérogation aux dispositions portées en l'article 5.

ART. 12.-Les deux parties engagent leur honneur à exécuter fidèlement et en toutes ses dispositions le traité qui précède.



President of the "Ligue Internationale de la Paix et de la Liberté.”


There is concluded, in the following terms, a permanent treaty of Arbitration :

I. The contracting States reciprocally recognise their full Autonomy and independence.

II. These States engage to submit to an arbitral tribunal judging without appeal and finally* all the disputes and differences which may arise between them during the time that the present treaty is in force, whatever may be the cause, nature and object of these difficulties: consequently they renounce, without any exception or reserve, the use against each other. whether directly or indirectly, of any means or process of war during this period.

III. The arbitral tribunal shall be composed of three persons, Each of the States shall appoint one of the arbitrators. It shall choose him from amongst persons who are neither under the jurisdiction of one of the contracting States nor inhabitants of their continental or colonial territory. The two arbitrators shall themselves choose the third.

If, three months after being called upon to appoint its arbitrator, one of the States has not proceeded to such appointment, or if the

* It would be easy, if the contracting parties desired it, to constitute a second degree of jurisdiction. It would be sufficient to settle in the treaty the composition of the Arbitration Court (5 or 7 members appointed as the arbitrators of the 1st degree) the time allowed for appeal, and the procedure.


PAR M. EMILE Arnaud,

Président de la Ligue Internationale de la Paix et de la Liberté.

Entre :

Il est conclu, dans les termes suivants, un traité d'arbitrage permanent :

I. Les Etats contractants reconnaissent réciproquement leur pleine Autonomie et Indépendance.

II. Ces Etats s'engagent à soumettre à un tribunal arbitral jugeant sans appel et en dernier ressort (*) tous les conflits et différends qui pourraient naître entre eux pendant la durée du présent traité, quels que puissent être la cause, la nature et l'objet de ces difficultés; ils renoncent en conséquence, sans aucune exception ni réserve, à user l'un vis-à-vis de l'autre, soit directement, soit indirectement, d'aucun moyen ni procédé de guerre pendant cette durée.

III. Le tribunal arbitral sera composé de trois personnes. Chacun des Etats désignera l'un des arbitres. Il le choisira parmi les personnes qui ne sont ni ressortissants de l'un des Etats contractants ni habitants de leur territoire continental ou colonial. Les deux arbitres choisiront eux-mêmes le troisième.

Si trois mois après une mise en demeure de désigner son arbitre l'un des Etats n'a pas procédé à cette désignation, ou si

(*) Il serait aisé, si les contractants le désiraient, de constituer un second degré de juridiction. Il suffirait de régler dans le traité, la composition de la Cour d'arbitrage (5 ou 7 membres nommés comme les arbitres du 1o degré), les délais d'appel et la procédure.

two arbitrators cannot agree on the choice of the third arbitrator, this first arbitrator or the third arbitrator shall be appointed by the Swiss Federal Council (or by any other neutral Government, or by any independent authority of a neutral Power).

IV. The tribunal called together by the third arbitrator, shall immediately have an Agreement drawn up which shall fix the object of the suit, the composition of the tribunal, the character and duration of this tribunal. This Convention shall be signed by the representatives of the parties and by the arbitrators.

V. The arbitrators shall determine their procedure and the place of meeting of the tribunal, whose sittings shall be public.

To throw light on the question, they shall use all the means of information which they shall judge necessary, the parties engaging to place them at their disposition. Their award shall be notified to the parties within three days; it shall be invested with the force of law one month after this notification.

VI. Each of the parties engages to observe and loyally execute this award.

The parties may, by a special clause of the Agreement, give the arbitrators the power and the means of enforcing their award.

VII. The present treaty is concluded for thirty consecutive years, dating from the exchange of the ratifications. If notice to the contrary is not given before the commencement of the thirtieth year, it will continue to have effect between the parties, by tacit renewal ("reconduction "), during another period of thirty years, and so continuously.

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