SCHOOLS-RED HILL, SURREY. (Removed from Streatham Hi证) OBJECTS.-Orphans and other necessitous Children, born in prosperity, whose parents (Clar men, Naval or Military Officers, Members of the Legal, Medical and other Professions, Merchars or Traders) are now in Adversity. ADVANTAGES.-Home, Clothing, Maintenance and Education. Forms of Nomination can b obtained at the Office. Funds are much needed, as the Institution is Unendowed. Children slighe under the rules can be admitted by purchase. Treasurer-ROBERT FIELD, Esq., J.P., V.P. Bankers-Messrs. BARCLAY & Co., 54, Lombard Street, E.C. Messrs. PRESCOTT, DIMSDALE & CO., 50, Cornhill, E.C. Half-Yearly Elections in June and December. Life Subscriptions, £10 10s. with Two Votes; £55s. with One Vote. Annual ditto, Er sw Two Votes; ros. 6d. with One Vote. HELPLESS BRITISH HOME FOR INCURABLES. R. H. EVANS, Secretary. These helpless ones our care and pity can wealth Will buy a world for them whose feeble TO GIVE STRENGTH, Bankers-Messrs. BARCLAY & CO., 54, Lombard Street, E.C. HOPELESS A NATIONAL CHARITY, & UNSECTARIAN. In addition to those in the Home, there are over 300 Incurable Sufferers each AND SHELTER HOMELESS Support urgently needed. For particulars apply to R. G. SALMOND, Secretary, 73, Cheapside. SONS OF THE CLERGY CORPORATION. Founded A.D. 1655. Incorporated 1678. CORPORATION HOUSE, BLOOMSBURY PLACE, LONDON, W.C. President-THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. By far the oldest, largest and most comprehensive of the Clergy Charities. Annual Subscriptions and Donations are urgently needed. Legacies also form a most important feature in the annual receipts of this old-establis Charity. Sir W. PAGET BOWMAN, Bart., Registrar, Corporation House, Bloomsbury Place, London, W.C. ( C T Cr S 4, 5 & 6, REGENT SQUARE, GRAY'S INN ROAD, LONDON, W.C. Established 1860. Special efforts are made on behalf of mothers with their first infants, who are ly the most hopeful class of the fallen, and are generally greatly to be pitied. A Home has been opened for the reception of such young women, before tnay come mothers, as are unfitted from their previous good character and position to < with others. ८ The Committee are obliged to make an urgent appeal for contributions :-. For the General Fund: the expenses of which amount to about ₤5 a day. 2. For the Child's Fund: a guinea or two to pay the nurses would in many cases rescue a mother and child. Five Shillings would pay for a child for a week. 3. For Law Expenses: in every case where it be possible the men are compelled to pay the sum allowed by law for the child's support. The applications are so distressing and urgent that the Committee are greatly aitened for Funds to carry on the work, Funds Bankers-LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK (Bloomsbury Branch), 218, High Holborn. HENRY THOMPSON, Esq., Treasurer, 38, Mincing Lane, E.C. M. HORNIBROOK, Secretary, 17, Bloomsbury Street, Oxford Street, W.C. [234 FOUNDED 1843. THE NATIONAL REFUGES FOR lomeless & Destitute Children, And Training Ships, "ARETHUSA" and "CHICHESTER." Instituted by the late WM. WILLIAMS. President-The Right Hon. the EARL OF JERSEY, G.C.M.G. airman and Treasurer-W. E. HUBBARD, Esq. Deputy Chairman, C. T. WARE, Esq. THE OPERATIONS OF THE SOCIETY CONSIST OF 1. The Training Ship "Arethusa." Moored off Greenhithe, on the Thames. 2. The "Chichester" Tender. } 3. The Boys' Refuge, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. 4. The Boys' Home, Fortescue House, Twickenham, 5. The Farm School, Bisley, Surrey. 6. The Shaftesbury School, Bisley. 7. The Girls' Home, Sudbury, near Harrow. 8. The Girls' Home, Ealing. 9. Fordham House Working Boys' Home, 164a, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. In these Ships and Homes nearly 1,000 Boys and Girls are Fed, Clothed, Lodged, chnically Educated and Religiously Trained to become useful men and women. Funds are greatly needed to purchase Food and Clothing for this large Family. Cheques Post Office Orders to be sent to Treasurer, Secretary or Bankers, as above. [84 ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL, ALBERT EMBANKMENT, WESTMINSTER BRIDGE, 8.1 Treasurer-JAMES GADESDEN Wainwright, Esq. Resident Medical Officer-Dr. EDMUNDS. This Home has been established for the reception of such persons as desire to avail thes selves of the special advantages afforded by ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL, and who are able and wor to bear the whole expense which the treatment of their case involves, THE TERMS OF ADMISSION ARE AS FOLLOWS 1. The minimum charge for Board, Medicine, Nursing and Medical Attendance in the Home is at the rate of Nine Shillings a day, payable to the Steward of St. Thomas's Hospital wecky o advance. The lowest total charge, however short a time the Patient may remain in the Home 2 Two Guineas. 2. The Treasurer and House Committee of St. Thomas's Hospital may determine the Patient's term in the Home by a week's notice, or less if necessary, upon a certificate by Resident Medical Officer of the Home that the Patient is in a condition to be removed. 3. For ordinary Medical and Surgical treatment the Patients are to be under the exchisin professional charge of the Resident Medical Officer of the Home; but they may, at their own expense, and subject to the rules of the establishment, employ any legally qualified Medica Surgical Practitioner whom they may think proper as consultant with the said Resident Medica Officer, under the ordinary usages of consultation. 4. The Patients must in all respects conform to the regulations from time to time presemibei by the Treasurer and House Committee of the Hospital, for the due government and managemen of the Home, and all matters incidental to their position as Patients therein and remova therefrom. A Form of Application for Admission under these regulations may be obtained on application either personally or by letter, to the Resident Medical Officer of the Home, who can be seen da at 12 o'clock, or to the Steward, St. Thomas's Hospital, Albert Embankment, S.E. ROYAL BLIND PENSION SOCIETY. Patron-HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Vice-Patron-H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. Honorary Secretaries-Messrs. GEORGE POCOCK and PERCY R. POCOCK. This Society grants Pensions to the Blind Poor at their own homes in sums ranging from to 25s. per month. There are at present nearly 700 pensioners residing in various parts of the Kingdom, among whom about £5,000 is annually distributed in pensions, paid monthly, through the agency d wards of 400 Honorary Almoners. Elections take place in May and November in each year. In addition to those elected by the votes of Subscribers, two are added at every election rotation. Others are nominated from time to time to receive the "Thomas Pocock" and "j Templeton Wood" Memorial Pensions. An approved Candidate of 75 years of age or upwards can receive an immediate pension τρα payment of a donation of Thirty Guineas. To be eligible, applicants must be totally blind, above 21 years of age, of good moral characte and in receipt of an income not exceeding £20, if single, and £30 if married. No distincton made in regard to sex or creed; nor is the receipt of parish relief a disqualification. Applications must be made on the printed form provided by the Society. Subscribers of 105. 6d. annually, or Donors of Five Guineas, are entitled to One Vote at re election, and the multiple thereof in proportion. The payment of a Legacy to the Society confers upon each Executor the privilege of Our L The yearly report, containing the rules, accounts and all information, will be forwarded 235, SOUTHWARK BRIDGE ROAD, LONDON. JOHN C. BUMSTED, Esq., Treasum S RPHAN WORKING SCHOOL (Founded 1758), HAVERSTOCK HILL, N.W. Patrons-HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN, Their Royal Highnesses THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES, and HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUCHESS OF YORK. President-H.R.H. The DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE, K.G. Treasurer ... ... ... BASIL WOODD SMITH, Esq., J.P., D.L. HE ORPHAN WORKING SCHOOL is a National, Undenominational Institution, which has trained more than 5,000 Children. It is supported by Voluntary Contributions, and requires about £16,000 a-year. HE ORPHAN WORKING SCHOOL is now in urgent need of Funds to clear off a heavy debt to the Bankers. EXANDRA ORPHANAGE, Hornsey Lise, N. (Founded 1864). Junior Branch f the Orphan Working School. sual Subscription for One Vote, 10s. 6d. mual Subscription for Two Votes, £1 18. Life Presentation CONVALESCENT HOME, Harold Rd., Margate, for Convalescent Children of the Orphan Working School. ... Life Donation for One Vote ... ... ... Bankers-LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK, Prince's Street, E.C. Offices: 73, CHEAPSIDE, E.C. Secretary-ALGERNON C. P. COOTE, Μ. Α. [194 "There is Sorrow on the Sea." ROYAL BENEVOLENT Patron-HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, 1839-1893. The Shipwrecked Mariners' Society, as the National Maritime Relief ganization, annually relieves about 10,000 Persons, or a Total Number of arly 460,000 since the Society was founded, Fifty-five years ago. By this National Organization and its Local Representatives everywhere (1) The Shipwrecked are instantly cared for on the spot and sent home. (2) The Widow and Orphan are immediately sought out and succoured. (3) The Mariner and Fisherman under Provident Section are directly encoured in self-help. FUNDS are earnestly APPEALED for by the Committee of Management. Bankers-WILLIAMS, DEACON, &c., Birchin Lane, London, E.C. retary-W. R. Buck, Esq., Sailors' Home Chambers, Dock St., London, E. [198 The Oldest Home Missionary Society of the Church of England. Vice Patron-HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. President-The Right Hon. THE EARL OF HARROWBY. This, the Oldest of the Home Missionary Societies of the Church of England. ww founded before the beginning of Her Majesty's reign. It has spent over £2,376,000 a grants for the support of Clergy, Lay Agents and Women Workers in poor and poршо parishes. The number of additional services held by these has been: Over 400 entirely new parishes have been worked up and formed by the labours of the curates and lay agents supported by this Society. In most of these cases, new churches, with parsonages and schools, have also been built. The Society now makes 822 Grants-650 for clergy, 130 for lay agents and 42 for women workers-in 638 Parishes, with a population of over FIVE MILLIONS AND A QUARTER, at a cost, it all were occupied, of £59,851. On 1st April, 1893, there were 60 urgent cases on the list awaiting aid, to which fresh Treasurer-JOHN DEACON, Esq., 20, Birchin Lane, London, E.C. Bankers-WILLIAMS, DEACON and MANCHESTER AND SALFORD BANK, Limited. 20, Birchin Lane, London, E.C. H in P S i G 5 The EARLSWOOD ASYLUM C FOR IDIOTS AND IMBECILES, RED HILL, SURREY. Open to Cases from all parts of the Kingdom. This NATIONAL ASYLUM, established in 1847, now affords protection # | upwards of 600 inmates, and everything that kindness and science can suggest 15 employed to ameliorate their condition. Eligible cases are admitted by the Votes of the Subscribers for 5 years, 12in many instances are allowed the advantage of a re-election for a second 5 years At each Half-Yearly Election there are generally over One Hundred and Eighty Applicants seeking admission, of whom the Board can only elect 15 35, owing to want of sufficient Funds for a larger number. The Board earnestly ask for additional aid. The expenses an heavy, owing to the general helplessness of the poor inmates. AN ANNUAL SUBSCRIBER has one vote at each election for each Half a Guin contributed. A LIFE SUBSCRIBER has one vote at each Election for each F. Guineas contributed. COLLECTING BOXES and CARDS will be gladly supplied, and votes given proportion to the amount collected. Special Provision is made for the reception of Private Cases, on payme and have the comforts of a Private Home, as well as instruction and amusemer. The last Report and other Pamphlets may be had gratuitously on applicats. H. GERARD HOARE, Esq., Treasurer. Offices: 36, King William Street, E.C. JAMES DOWNING, Secretary, t E |