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" Berlin White Beer, and other preparations, whether fermented or not fermented, of a character similar to Mum, Spruce, or Black Beer... "
An Almanack for the Year of Our Lord ... - Page 439
by Joseph Whitaker - 1848
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Reports from the Consuls of the United States ..., Volume 39, Issues 140-143

United States. Bureau of Manufactures - Consular reports - 1892 - 850 pages
...for any difference in gravity.) Beer called mum, spruce, or black beer and beer called Berlin white beer, and other preparations, whether fermented or...a character similar to mum, spruce, or black beer : Worts not exceeding 1215° specific gravity before fermentation i*. 6d. per barrel.* Worts exceeding...
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Congressional Serial Set, Issue 3007

United States - 1892 - 818 pages
...for any difference in gravity.) Beer called mum, spruce, or black beer and beer called Berlin white beer, and other preparations, whether fermented or...a character similar to mum, spruce, or black beer : Worts not exceeding 1215° specific gravity before fermentation i*. 6d. per barrel.* Worts exceeding...
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Statistical Abstract for the United Kingdom, Issues 1878-1894

Great Britain. Board of Trade - Great Britain - 1893 - 752 pages
...EXCISE DUTY upon BRITISH BEEB. BEEB called MUM, SPBUCE or BLACK BBEB, and beer called BERLIN WHITE BEEB and other preparations, whether fermented or not fermented, of a character similar to Миш, Spruce, or Black Beer: £ id The Worts of which were, before fermentation, of a spécifie gravity:...
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Quarterly Report of the Trade of Canada: Imports for Consumption and Exports

Canada. Dominion Bureau of Statistics - Canada - 1894 - 912 pages
...Exceeding one thousand two hundred and fifteen degrees 0 2 4 This section shall extend to Berlin white beer and other preparations, whether fermented or...a character similar to mum, spruce or black beer. In addition to the duties of Customs now payable on every description of beer (other than is specified...
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Bulletin No. 1-37 ...

United States. Dept. of agriculture. Division of foreign markets - Agriculture - 1895 - 772 pages
...gravity : Not exceeding 1,215° 020 Exceeding 1,215° 024 This section shall extend to Berlin white beer and other preparations, whether fermented or...a character similar to mum, spruce, or black beer. In addition to the duties of customs now payable on every description of beer (other than is specified...
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Parliamentary Papers, Volume 104

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - Bills, Legislative - 1895 - 580 pages
...DUTY upon BRITISH BEER. BEER called MUM, SPRUCE or BLACK BEER, and beer called BERLIH WHITE BEER anil other preparations, whether fermented or not fermented,...a character similar to Mum, Spruce, or Black Beer: £ ». d. The Worts of which were, before fermentation, of a specific gravity: f For every 136 galls....
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Bulletin - Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Foreign Markets, Issues 1-8

United States. Division of Foreign Markets - Agriculture - 1895 - 882 pages
...for any difference in gravity). Beer called mum, spruce or black beer, and beer called Berlin white beer, and other preparations, whether fermented or not fermented, of a character ¿imitar to mum, spruce or black beer, the worts of which were, before fermentation, of a specific...
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Protection and Prosperity: An Account of Tariff Legislation and Its Effect ...

George Boughton Curtiss - Commerce - 1896 - 906 pages
...for any difference in gravity), Beer called mutn, spruce or black beer, and beer called Berlin white beer, and other preparations, whether fermented or...character similar to mum, spruce, or black beer, the worts of which were, before fermentation, of a specific gravity — Not exceeding 1,215° Exceeding...
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Parliamentary Papers, Volume 3

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - Bills, Legislative - 1896 - 600 pages
...Exceeding one thousand two hundred and fifteen degrees ..... (2.) This section shall extend to Berlin white beer, and other preparations, whether fermented or...a character similar to mum, spruce, or black beer. 3. In addition to the duties of customs payable on and after the first day of July one thousand eight...
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The Parliamentary Debates

Great Britain. Parliament - Great Britain - 1896 - 1002 pages
...Exceeding one thousand two hundred and fifteen degrees 024 (2.) This section shall extend to Berlin white beer, and other preparations, whether fermented or...a character similar to mum, spruce, or black beer. ME. LLOYD-GEORGE moved to leave out the words "of the descriptions called mum, spruce, or black beer."...
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