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In the FOREIGN HISTORY, page 237, line 10, for 1st of October read

30th of October.







Introductory Remarks on the political condition of the country during the year 1864 -Absence of marked legislative or constitutional changes-General quietude and tranquillity of the people-Prosperous state of trade and of the public financesMitigation of the distress in the Cotton Manufacturing Districts-Lord Palmerston's Administration still commands the support of the public-Continued decline of party spirit-Parliament convoked on the 4th of February-The Royal Speech delivered by Commissioners-Prevalence of foreign over domestic topics in the Speech-Debates in both Houses on the Address-They turn chiefly on our external relations The Earl of Derby and Mr. Disraeli, as leaders of Opposition in the two Houses, impugn the foreign policy of the Government as one of injudicious interference with the affairs of foreign countries, exemplifying the cases of Japan, China, Mexico, and Denmark―The course adopted by the Queen's Government in regard to the pending dispute between Germany and Denmark is much remarked upon— Earl Russell in the House of Lords, and Lord Palmerston in the Commons, vindicate the conduct of the Government in this respect, and enter into copious explanations of the recent events in the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein-No Amendment being moved the Address is agreed to-The condition of Ireland, and the extensive emigration taking place from that country to America, is brought under discussion -Various opinions as to the causes of Irish difficulties and their remedies-ResoJutions on the subject of the emigration from Ireland proposed by Mr. Pope Hennessey are debated at some length in the House of Commons, but are not adopted.

THE political history of England during the year 1864 presents few conspicuous features, and will afford but scanty materials for the annalist. This circumstance ought, however, to be regarded by those who are interested in the public welfare rather with a feeling of satisfaction than the reverse. For the events which make national history attractive and stimulating to the reader are not generally those which conduce to the stability of the State or the diffusion of happiness among the people. Periods of change and excitement, of struggle and contention, of signal


triumphs or violent reverses, while they fill the page of the historian with interesting pictures, are seldom unattended, to some portion of the community at least, with suffering and disaster. As it is proved by experience to be a true maxim, “in corruptissimâ republicâ plurimæ leges," so it may be affirmed that it is generally the least prosperous stage of a nation's existence which is marked by the most startling events, and is most prolific of interesting history. On the other hand, external peace, domestic tranquillity, prosperous trade, abundant revenue, inactive legislation, though they may be regarded by some as forming a vapid and inglorious stage in the history of a people, do at the same time exhibit the successful attainment of those objects for which governments exist, and which are the direct aim of political institutions. Such are, in fact, the features which characterize the domestic history of the year 1864. The political interest of the period is mainly centred in the proceedings of the Legislature, and these, with the exception of the great Parliamentary struggle which determined the continuance of the Administration in power, were productive of no material legislative change, and scarcely any discussions of extraordinary interest. In the complicated concerns of a vast empire, indeed, there is a perennial need for legislative action of some kind to keep the great machine of government in working condition, but the additions to the statute book which this year supplied, although exacting no inconsiderable time and labour from Parliament, were not such as made any change in the distribution of power, or materially affected the rights and privileges of any portion of the community. It was a sign of the little interest created by domestic politics that the affairs of foreign nations were those which mainly engrossed the minds of English politicians. It is true that the struggle in which Denmark and Germany were engaged was one which affected the relations, and, in the estimation of some, involved the honour of this country. It is true, also, that the desolating civil war in America, now in the fourth year of its existence, was a contest which compromised the interests, and, on more than one occasion, seemed to menace the tranquillity, of England. England, however, though feeling a deep interest in both conflicts, succeeded through the caution and forbearance of her Government, acting in accordance with the general current of public opinion, in keeping aloof from military interference. Only in one part of her own vast outlying possessions, in consequence of an insurrection of the natives in New Zealand, were her forces called upon to act against an enemy. At home, the course of events flowed in an even and untroubled channel. Trade was good; the industry of the country, both in agriculture and manufactures, generally well employed. The cotton districts, indeed, presented some exception to the general prosperity, but even there the difficulties connected with the supply of the raw material were in process of diminution. The imports from

various quarters of the world had increased, and the redundant labour of the operatives was becoming absorbed in other channels, so that the great anxiety felt in preceding years on account of the distress in Lancashire was much diminished. The revenue of the country showed extraordinary elasticity, and the proved success of the financial policy recently pursued by the Government, whereby a reduction of taxes had coincided with an increased return of income, gave encouragement to a further progress in the same direction. These and the other favourable features in the condition of the nation had added strength to the Administration of Lord Palmerston, which, although resting on the support of a very narrow majority in the House of Commons, appeared to enjoy the confidence of the public in a greater degree than any Cabinet formed of other materials would have been likely to command. The spirit of party, indeed, appeared to have lost nearly all its acrimony, and even a large share of its vitality, both in Parliament and in the country at large; it seemed as if few questions remained to divide in any material degree the opinions of the different sections of politicians. Some of the prominent men on either side of the House of Commons did not hesitate openly to avow their indifference to party bonds and watchwords. What were the subjects which chiefly engaged the attention of Parliament, and in what temper they were regarded, both by the members of the Legislature and by the public whose opinions they reflected, will appear from the ensuing chapters.

The two Houses were convoked this year at the date which has now become almost an established usage, the first week in February, the fourth of that month being the day appointed. Her Majesty, being, to the great regret of her subjects, still unequal to the effort of appearing on public occasions, the Royal Speech was delivered from the throne by the Lord Chancellor, and was in the following terms:


"We are commanded to assure you that Her Majesty has great satisfaction in recurring again to the advice and assistance of her Parliament.

"Her Majesty is confident that you will share her feeling of gratitude to Almighty God on account of the Princess of Wales having given birth to a son, an event which has called forth from her faithful people renewed demonstrations of devoted loyalty and attachment to her person and family.

"The state of affairs on the continent of Europe has been the cause of great anxiety to Her Majesty. The death of the late King of Denmark brought into immediate application the stipulations of the Treaty of May, 1852, concluded by Her Majesty, the Emperor of Austria, the Emperor of the French, the King of Prussia, the Emperor of Russia, the King of Sweden, and the King of Denmark, and afterwards acceded to by the King of

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