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d) La société sera obligée d'augmenter le nombre des câbles entre Constantza et Constantinople, dans le cas où et en tant que ce sera nécessaire pour l'expédition régulière des télégrammes, d'après l'apréciation commune des Gouvernements Roumain et Allemand;

e) Le câble aura un seul fil conducteur et sera construit d'après les méthodes les plus perfectionnées;

f) Le câble, ainsi que le matériel nécessaire à son installation et à la construction de la maison du câble, seront exempts des droits de douane en Roumanie;

g) La société sera obligée de maintenir le câble entre Constantza et Constantinople, y compris les lignes d'atterrissement, en bon état permanent;

h) La convention internationale télégraphique et son règlement d'exécution, ainsi que ses compléments et ses modifications éventuelles, seront appliqués au câble et à son exploitation;

i) La concession prendra fin dans le cas où la société contreviendrait sciemment aux conditions stipulées, ou si le câble n'était pas en état de fonctionner pendant un intervalle dépassant six mois, pour des causes autres que celles de cas de force majeure bien constatée.

Article VI.

Le Gouvernement Roumain s'engage à accorder à la société du câble une subvention annuelle de 50,000 francs, payable en quatre termes, à la fin de chaque trimestre.

Dans le cas où les revenus bruts de la société, provenant des taxes qui reviennent au câble entre Constantza et Constantinople, dépasseraient 50,000 francs par an, la subvention mentionnée plus haut sera réduite de 5,000 francs pour chaque 10.000 francs complets de cet excédent.

Si l'interruption de l'exploitation du câble durait plus d'un mois, la réduction de la subvention annuelle se fera au prorata du temps qui dépasse un mois.

Article VII.

La répartition des taxes télégraphiques est réservée à une entente ultérieure à intervenir entre les Administrations des Etats intéressés.

Article VIII.

La présente convention sera ratifiée et les ratifications seront échangées à Berlin le plus tôt possible.

En foi de quoi les Plénipotentiaires respectifs l'ont signée et y ont apposé le sceau de leurs armes.

Fait à Berlin en double exemplaire le 1er mars (17 février) 1899.

Signés: A. Beldiman.
B. de Bülow.



Convention concernant le traitement réciproque des successions des ressortissants des deux pays; signée à Washington, le 2 mars 1899.*)

Treaty series. No. 17. 1900.

Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America relative to the disposal of real and personal property. Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the United States of America, desiring to improve the condition of the subjects and citizens of each of the respective countries in relation to the tenure and disposition of real and personal property situated, or being within, the territories of the other, as well as to authorize the representation of deceased persons by the Consuls of their respective nations in the settlement of estates, have resolved to conclude a Convention for those purposes, and have named as their Plenipotentiaries:

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honourable Sir Julian Pauncefote, Knight Grand Cross of the Orders of the Bath and of St. Michael and St. George, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Great Britain;

And the President of the United States of America, the Honourable John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States of America;

Who, having exchanged their said full powers, found in due and proper form, have agreed to and signed the following Articles:

Article I.

Where, on the death of any person holding real property (or property not personal), within the territories of one of the Contracting Parties, such real property would, by the laws of the land, pass to a subject or citizen of the other, were he not disqualified by the laws of the country where such real property is situated, such subject or citizen shall be allowed a term of three years in which to sell the same, this term to be reasonably prolonged if circumstances render it necessary, and to withdraw the proceeds thereof without restraint or interference, and exempt from any succession, probate, or administrative duties or charges other than those which may be imposed in like cases upon the subjects or citizens of the country from which such proceeds may be drawn.

*) Les ratifications ont été échangées le 28 juillet 1900.

Article II.

The subjects or citizens of each of the Contracting Parties shall have full power to dispose of their personal property within the territories of the other by testament, donation, or otherwise; and their heirs, legatees, and donees, being subjects or citizens of the other Contracting Party, whether resident or non-resident, shall succeed to their said personal property, and may take possession thereof either by themselves, or by others acting for them, and dispose of the same at their pleasure, paying such duties only as the citizens or subjects of the country where the property lies shall be liable to pay in like cases.

Article III.

In case of the death of any subject of Her Britannic Majesty in the United States, or of any citizen of the United States of America in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, without having, in the country of his decease, any known heirs or testamentary executors by him appointed, the competent local authorities shall at once inform the nearest Consular officer of the nation to which the deceased person belonged of the circumstance, in order that the necessary information may be immediately forwarded to persons interested.

The said Consular officer shall have the right to appear, personally or by delegate, in all proceedings on behalf of the absent heirs or creditors until they are otherwise represented.

Article IV.

The stipulations of the present Convention shall not be applicable to any of the Colonies or foreign possessions of Her Britannic Majesty unless notice to that effect shall have been given, on behalf of any such Colony or foreign possession, by Her Britannic Majesty's Representative at Washington to the United States Secretary of State within one year from the date of the exchange of the ratifications of the present Convention.

It is understood that, under the provisions of this Article, Her Majesty can in the same manner give notice of adhesion on behalf of any British Protectorate or sphere of influence, or on behalf of the Island of Cyprus, in virtue of the Convention of the 4th June 1878, between Great Britain and Turkey.

The provisions of this Convention shall extend and apply to any territory or territories pertaining to or occupied and governed by the United States beyond the seas only upon notice to that effect being given by the Representative of the United States at London, by direction of the Treatymaking power of the United States.

Article V.

In all that concerns the right of disposing of every kind of property, real or personal, subjects or citizens of each of the High Contracting Parties shall, in the dominions of the other, enjoy the rights which are or may be accorded to the subjects or citizens of the most favoured nation.

Article VI.

The present Convention shall come into effect ten days after the day upon which the ratifications are exchanged, and shall remain in force for ten years after such exchange. In case neither of the High Contracting Parties shall have given notice to the other twelve months before the expiration of the said period of ten years of the intention to terminate the present Convention, it shall remain in force until the expiration of one year from the day on which either of the High Contracting Parties shall have given such notice.

Her Britannic Majesty or the United States shall also have the right separately to terminate the present Convention at ony time, on giving twelve months' notice to that effect in regard to any British Colony, foreign possession, or dependency, as specified in Article IV, which may have acceded thereto.

Article VII.

The present Convention shall be duly ratified by Her Britannic Majesty and by the President of the United States, by and with the approval of the Senate thereof, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in London or in Washington.

In faith whereof we, the respective Plenipotentiaries, have signed this Treaty, and have hereunto affixed our seals.

Done in duplicate at Washington, the second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine.


(L. S.)

Julian Pauncefote.

(L. S.)

John Hay.


Traité d'arbitrage en vue de résoudre à l'amiable toutes les questions qui pourraient s'élever entre les deux pays, signé à Buenos-Ayres le 8 juin 1899**) suivi d'un arrangement signé à Buenos-Ayres le 21 décembre 1901.

Boletin Oficial de la Republica Argentina Ano X. Num 2504.

Los Gobiernos de la República Argentina y de la República Oriental del Uruguay animados del común deseo de solucionar por medios amistosos cualquier cuestión que pudiera suscitarse entre ambos paises, han resuelto celebrar un tratado general de arbitraje á cuyo efecto nombran como sus Plenipotenciarios, á saber:

*) Les ratifications ont été échangées à Buenos-Ayres le 18 janvier 1902.

El Excmo. señor Presidente de la República Argentina á su Ministro Secretario en el Departamento de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, Doctor don Amancio Alcorta; y

El Excmo. señor Presidente de la República Oriental del Uruguay á su Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario en la República Argentina, Doctor Don Gonzalo Ramirez,

Quienes, una vez comunicados sus Plenos Poderes que fueron hallados en buena y debida forma, convinieron en los articulos siguientes:

Art. 1o Las Altas Partes Contratantes se obligan á someter á juicio arbitral, todas las controversias, de cualquier naturaleza, que por cualquier causa surgieren entre ellas, en cuanto no afecten á los preceptos de la Constitutión de uno ú otro pais y siempre que no puedan ser solucionadas mediante negociaciones directas.

Art. 2o No pueden renovarse, en virtud de este tratado, las cuestiones que hayan sido objeto de arreglos definitivos entre las partes. En tales casos, el arbitraje se limitará exclusivamente á las cuestiones que se susciten sobre validez, interpretación y cumplimiento de dichos arreglos. Art. 3o En cada caso ocurrente se constituirá el Tribunal arbitral que deba resolver la controversia suscitada.

Si no hubiera conformidad en la constitución del Tribunal, éste se compondrá de tres jueces. Cada Estada nombrará un Arbitro y éstos designarán el tercero. Si no pudiesen ponerse de acuerdo sobre esa designación, la hará el Jefe de un tercer Estado que indicarán los árbitros nombrados por las partes. No poniéndose de acuerdo para este último nombramiento, se solicitará su designación del Presidente de la República Francesa. El Arbitro así elegido será de derecho Presidente del Tribunal.

No podrá nombrarse Arbitro tercero á la persona que en ese carácter haya sentenciado ya en un juicio arbitral, con arreglo á este tratado.

Art. 4o Ninguno de los Arbitros podrá ser ciudadano de los Estados Contratantes, ni domiciliado en su territorio. Tampoco podrá tener interés en las cuestiones que sean objecto del arbitraje.

Art. 5° En caso de no aceptación, renuncia ó impedimento sobreviniente de uno ó más de los Arbitros, se proveerá á su substitución por el mismo procedimiento adoptado para su nombramiento.

Art. 6o Los puntos comprometidos se fijarán por los Estados Contratantes que podrán también determinar la amplitud de los poderes de los árbitros y cualquier otra circumstancia relativa al procedimiento.

Art. 7 En defecto de estipulaciones especiales entre las partes, corresponde al Tribunal designar la época y el lugar de sus sesiones fuera del territorio de los Estados Contratantes, elegir el idioma que deberá emplearse, determinar los métodos de substanciacion, las formalidades y términos que se prescribirán á las partes, los procedimientos á seguirse, y en general, tomar todas las medidas que sean necesarias para su propio funcionamiento y resolver todas las dificultades procesales que pudiesen surgir en el curso del debate.

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