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dollars; assistant clerk, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; messenger, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; clerk to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; messenger, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; clerk to the Committee on the District of Columbia, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; messenger, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; clerk to the Committee on Foreign Relations, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; messenger, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; clerk to the Committee on Engrossed Bills, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; messenger, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; clerk to the Joint Committee on the Library, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; clerks to the committees on Naval Affairs, Census, Public Lands, Indian Affairs, to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate, Public Buildings and Grounds, Agriculture and Forestry, Education and Labor, Territories, Interstate Commerce, Public Health and National Quarantine, Private Land Claims, Patents, Coast Defenses, Privileges and Elections, Additional Accommodations for the Library of Congress, Rules, Civil Service and Retrenchment, Enrolled Bills, Geological Survey, Railroads, Pacific Railroads, Pacific Islands and Porto Rico, Philippines, Relations with Cuba, Interoceanic Canals, Transportation and Sale of Meat Products, Five Civilized Tribes of Indians, Improvement of the Mississippi River and its Tributaries, Organization, Conduct, and Expenditures of the Executive Departments, and clerk to conference minority of the Senate, at two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars each; clerks to committees on Woman Suffrage, and Mines and Mining, at two thousand one hundred dollars each; in all, one hundred tees, at $2,100 a year. and twenty-seven thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars.

For twenty-two clerks to committees, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, thirty-nine thousand six hundred dollars.

Clerks to commit

Clerks to committees, at $1,800 a year.

Sergeant-at-Arms and assistants.

OFFICE OF SERGEANT-AT-ARMS AND DOORKEEPER: For Sergeantat-Arms and Doorkeeper, four thousand five hundred dollars; horse and wagon for his use, four hundred and twenty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for clerk to Sergeant-at-Arms, two thousand dollars; assistant doorkeeper, two thousand five hundred and ninety-two dollars; acting assistant doorkeeper, two thousand five hundred and ninety-two dollars; three messengers, acting as assistant Messengers. doorkeepers, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; forty-seven messengers, at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars each; two assistant messengers on the floor of the Senate, at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars each; messenger to official reporters' room, to be selected by the official reporters, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; messenger in charge of storeroom, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; upholsterer and locksmith, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; three carpenters to assist him, at nine hundred and sixty dollars each; janitor, one thousand two hundred dollars; skilled laborer, one thousand dollars; four skilled laborers, at nine hundred dollars each; laborer in charge of private passage, eight hundred and forty dollars; two female attendants in charge of ladies' retiring room, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two tele- Telephone opera phone operators, at nine hundred dollars each; telephone page, seven hundred and twenty dollars; press gallery page, seven hundred and twenty dollars; two laborers, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; twenty-four laborers, at nine hundred dollars each; twenty-eight laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; sixteen pages for Pages. the Senate Chamber, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per day each during the session, four thousand eight hundred and forty dollars; in all, one hundred and fifty-four thousand eight hundred and sixty-four dollars.



Postmaster, etc.

Folding room.

Chief engineer, etc.

Clerks to Senators.

Contingent expenses.
Stationery and news-


Postage stamps.

Horses and wagons.


Fuel, oil, etc.


Packing boxes. Miscellaneous items.

Maltby Building.


Reporting debates.

POST-OFFICE: For Postmaster, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; assistant postmaster and mail carrier, two thousand and eightyeight dollars; seven mail carriers and one wagon master, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; four riding pages, at nine hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents each; in all, seventeen thousand five hundred and eighty-eight dollars.

FOLDING ROOM: For superintendent of folding room, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; assistant in folding room, one thousand four hundred dollars; clerk in folding room, one thousand two hundred dollars; foreman in folding room, one thousand four hundred dollars; nine folders, at one thousand dollars each; fourteen folders, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; and page, six hundred dollars; in all, twenty-seven thousand five hundred and twenty dollars.

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UNDER SUPERINTENDENT OF THE CAPITOL BUILDING AND GROUNDS: For chief engineer, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; four assistant engineers, at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars each; eight conductors of elevators, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; machinist and electrician, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant machinist and electrician, one thousand dollars; three firemen, at one thousand and ninety-five dollars each; five laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; laborer in charge of Senate toilet rooms in old library space, six hundred and sixty dollars; in all, twentyseven thousand four hundred and sixty-five dollars.

For thirty annual clerks to Senators who are not chairmen of committees, at one thousand five hundred dollars each, forty-five thousand dollars.

FOR CONTINGENT EXPENSES, NAMELY: For stationery and newspapers for Senators and the President of the Senate, including four thousand dollars for stationery for committees and officers of the Senate, fifteen thousand three hundred and seventy-five dollars.

For postage stamps for the office of the Secretary of the Senate, one hundred dollars; for the office of the Sergeant-at-Arms, seventy-five dollars; in all, one hundred and seventy-five dollars.

To enable the Postmaster of the Senate to keep a constant supply of postage stamps for sale to Senators, fifty dollars.

For expenses of maintaining and equipping horses and mail wagons for carrying the mails, six thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

For materials for folding, one thousand dollars.

For folding speeches and pamphlets, at a rate not exceeding one dollar per thousand, six thousand dollars.

For fuel, oil, and cotton waste, and advertising, for the heating apparatus, exclusive of labor, twenty-five thousand dollars.

For purchase of furniture, six thousand dollars.

For materials for furniture and repairs of same, exclusive of labor, two thousand dollars.

For services in cleaning, repairing, and varnishing furniture, two thousand dollars.

For packing boxes, nine hundred and seventy dollars.

For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor, one hundred thousand dollars.

For miscellaneous items on account of the Maltby Building, eighteen thousand four hundred and eighty dollars.

For expenses of inquiries and investigations ordered by the Senate, including compensation to stenographers to committees, at such rate as may be fixed by the Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate, but not exceeding one dollar and twenty-five cents per printed page, twenty thousand dollars.

For reporting the debates and proceedings of the Senate, twentyfive thousand dollars, payable in equal monthly installments.

Repairs, Maltby Building.

For repairs of Maltby Building, two thousand dollars. For rent of warehouse for storage of public documents for the Sen- Storage warehouse. ate, three thousand six hundred dollars.


For captain, one thousand six hundred dollars, and three lieutenants, at one thousand two hundred dollars each, hereafter to be selected jointly by the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate and the Sergeant-atArms of the House of Representatives; thirty privates, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; thirty privates, at nine hundred and sixty dollars each; and nine watchmen, at nine hundred dollars each, onehalf of said privates and watchmen to be selected by the Sergeant-atArms of the Senate and one-half by the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Representatives; in all, seventy-five thousand one hundred dollars, one half to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and the other half to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House of Representatives.

Capitol police.


And hereafter the officers, privates, and watchmen of the Capitol police Uniforms.

shall, when on duty, wear the regulation uniform.

For contingent expenses, three hundred dollars, one half to be dis- Contingent expenses. bursed by the Secretary of the Senate and the other half to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House of Representatives.



For expenses of compiling, preparing, and indexing the Congres- Congressional sional Directory, to be expended under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, one thousand six hundred dollars.



House of Represent



For compensation of members of the House of Representatives and Pay of Members and Delegates from Territories, one million nine hundred and fifty-three thousand dollars.


For mileage, one hundred and forty-five thousand dollars. For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others in the service of the House of Representatives, namely: OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER: For secretary to the Speaker, three Speaker's office. thousand dollars; clerk to the Speaker's table, three thousand six hundred dollars, and for preparing Digest of the Rules, one thousand dollars per annum; clerk to the Speaker, one thousand six hundred dollars; messenger to the Speaker, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, ten thousand four hundred dollars.

CHAPLAIN: For Chaplain of the House, one thousand dollars. OFFICE OF THE CLERK: For Clerk of the House of Representatives, including compensation as disbursing officer of the contingent fund, five thousand dollars; hire of horses and wagons and cartage for use of the Clerk's office, nine hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; chief clerk, journal clerk, and two reading clerks, at three thousand six hundred dollars each; tally clerk, three thousand dollars; printing and bill clerk, disbursing clerk, and en lling clerk, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; file clerk, two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; assistant disbursing clerk, assistant enrolling clerk, resolution and petition clerk, newspaper clerk, index clerk, assistant journal clerk, and assistant to chief clerk, at two thousand dollars each; librarian, distributing clerk, stationery clerk, and superintendent Clerk's document room, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; one bookkeeper, two assistant librarians, and seven clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; document and bil! clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; document clerk, one thousand


Clerk of the House, etc.

Chief engineer, etc.

Clerks and messengers to committees.


four hundred and forty dollars; locksmith, who shall be skilled in his trade, one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant in Clerk's office, and one assistant in disbursing office, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; telegraph operator, assistant file clerk, and stenographer to the Clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; assistant telegraph operator authorized and named in resolution adopted January fifteenth, nineteen hundred and two, one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant in library, one assistant in document room, one assistant in stationery room, and one messenger in file room, at nine hundred dollars each; one page, seven hundred and twenty dollars; attendant in charge of bathroom, one thousand dollars; two laborers in the bathroom (including William Richardson), at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; three laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; assistant index clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; page in enrolling room, and messenger in Chief Clerk's office, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, ninety-four thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.

UNDER SUPERINTENDENT OF THE CAPITOL BUILDING AND GROUNDS: For chief engineer, one thousand seven hundred dollars; three assistant engineers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; six conductors of elevators, at one thousand one hundred dollars each, who shall be under the supervision and direction of the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds; laborer, eight hundred and twenty dollars; six firemen, at nine hundred dollars each; electrician, one thousand two hundred dollars; laborer, one thousand dollars; four laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; three cabinetmakers, who shall be skilled in their trade, one at one thousand two hundred dollars and two at nine hundred dollars each; and for the following for service in old library portion of the Capitol: Two attendants at one thousand two hundred dollars each, and two watchmen at nine hundred dollars each; in all, thirty thousand four hundred dollars.

CLERKS AND MESSENGERS TO COMMITTEES: For clerk to the Committee on Ways and Means, three thousand dollars; assistant clerk and stenographer, two thousand dollars; messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; janitor, one thousand dollars; clerk to the Committee on Appropriations, three thousand dollars, and one thousand dollars additional while the office is held by the present incumbent; assistant clerk and stenographer, two thousand dollars; messenger and assistant clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; janitor, one thousand dollars; clerks to Committees on Accounts, Agriculture, Banking and Currency, Claims, District of Columbia, Elections Numbers One, Two, and Three, Foreign Affairs, Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Indian Affairs, Insular Affairs, Invalid Pensions, Judiciary, Labor, Library, Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Military Affairs, Naval Affairs, Pensions, Post-Office and Post-Roads, Printing, Public Buildings and Grounds, Public Lands, Rivers and Harbors, Revision of the Laws, Territories, War Claims, and clerk to continue Digest of Claims under resolution of March seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, at two thousand dollars each; assistant clerk to the Committee on the Judiciary, one thousand six hundred dollars; assistant clerk to the Committee on Post-Office and Post-Roads, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant clerk to the Committee on War Claims, one thousand two hundred dollars; for janitors for rooms of the Committees on Accounts, Agriculture, Banking and Currency, Claims, District of Columbia, Elections Numbers One, Two, and Three, Foreign Affairs, Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Indian Affairs, Insular Affairs, Invalid Pensions, Judiciary, Library, Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Military Affairs, Naval Affairs, Post-Office and Post-Roads, Pensions, Printing, Public Buildings and Grounds, Public Lands, Rivers and Harbors, and War Claims, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, and said janitors

tees, session.

shall be appointed by the chairmen, respectively, of said committees, and shall perform under the direction of the Doorkeeper all of the duties heretofore required of messengers detailed to said committees by the Doorkeeper; in all, ninety-five thousand six hundred dollars. For an assistant clerk to each of the Committees on Military Affairs, Naval Affairs, and Invalid Pensions, at six dollars per day each during the session, two thousand one hundred and seventy-eight dollars. For eleven clerks to committees, at six dollars each per day during Clerks to committhe session, seven thousand nine hundred and eighty-six dollars. OFFICE OF SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: For Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Representatives, four thousand five hundred dollars; deputy to the deputy, etc. Sergeant-at-Arms, two thousand dollars; cashier, three thousand dollars; paying teller, two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; bookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant bookkeeper, one thousand two hundred dollars; messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; two clerks in charge of pairs, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; page, seven hundred and twenty dollars; and skilled laborer, eight hundred and forty dollars; in all, twenty thousand two hundred and ten dollars.


Doorkeeper, assistant, etc.


folding etc.

OFFICE OF DOORKEEPER: For Doorkeeper, three thousand five hundred dollars; hire of horses, feed, repair of wagon and harness, one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; assistant doorkeeper, and Department messenger, at two thousand dollars each; one special employee, John T. Chancey, one thousand five hundred dollars; one special employee, one thousand five hundred dollars; clerk to Doorkeeper, and janitor, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; thirteen messengers, including the messenger to the reporters' gallery, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; thirteen messengers, at one thousand dollars each; messenger to the Speaker's table, one thousand dollars; fourteen messengers on the soldiers' roll, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; twelve laborers, at seven hundred and twenty Laborers. dollars each; two laborers in the water-closet, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; ten laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one laborer, six hundred dollars; eight laborers, known as cloakroom men, at fifty dollars per month each; female attendant in ladies' retiring room, seven hundred and twenty dollars; superintend-perintendent of ent of folding room, two thousand dollars; five clerks in folding room, one at one thousand eight hundred dollars, and four at one thousand two hundred dollars each; foreman, one thousand five hundred dollars; messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; page, five hundred dollars; laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; nine folders, at nine hundred dollars each; five folders, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; eighteen folders, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; night watchman, nine hundred dollars; driver, six hundred dollars; assant driver, six hundred dollars; two chief pages, at nine hundred dollars each; forty-three pages, during the session, including two riding pages and two telephone pages, and ten pages for duty at the entrances to the Hall of the House, at two dollars and fifty cents per day each, thirteen thousand and seven dollars and fifty cents; horse and buggy for Department messenger, two hundred and fifty dollars; superintendent of document room, two thousand dollars; assistant superintendent of document room, one thousand eight hundred dollars; six assistants in document room, one at one thousand six hundred dollars, two at one thousand four hundred dollars each, one at one thousand two hundred dollars, and two at one thousand dollars each; in all, one hundred and fifty thousand and thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents. For employment of Joel Grayson in document room, one thousand eight hundred dollars.


Superintendent of document room, etc.

Joel Grayson.

For the following minority employees authorized and named in the Minority employees resolution adopted by the House of Representatives November ninth,

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