40 A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF TORTS OR THE WRONGS WHICH ARISE INDEPENDENT OF CONTRACT. BY THOMAS M. COOLEY, LL. D. SECOND EDITION. CHICAGO: CALLAGHAN & COMPANY. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1888, By CALLAGHAN & CO., In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. Stereotyped and Printed at the PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. In preparing the following pages the purpose has been to set forth with reasonable clearness the general principles under which tangible and intangible rights may be claimed, and their disturbance remedied in the law. The book has been written quite as much for students as for practitioners, and if some portions of it are more elementary than is usual in similar works, this fact will supply the explanation. THOMAS M. COOLEY. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR, December, 1878. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. A new edition of this work having been rendered important. by the great number of decisions made since it was published upon points of law stated or referred to in it, Mr. ALEXIS C. ANGELL, of the Detroit bar, has been engaged to prepare it, and has done so with great pains and thoroughness. It is believed that every important case which has appeared in the regular series of reports since the date of the original publication will be found referred to in the appropriate place and the point of decision given. The text of the first edition was not found to require material modification, and it has been preserved substantially unchanged. THOMAS M. COOLEY. TABLE OF CASES CITED. A. Abbey. Dewey, 587. ⚫. Allen, 590. . Kansas, &c., Ry Co., 94, e. Kimball, 148, 152, 463. v. Merriam, 606. . Sheppard, 549. *. Yost, 539. Abbotts . Barry, 108. Abel. Pres., &c., Del., &c., Co., 652. Abercrombie v. Baldwin, 386. Abraham . Nunn, 532. . Reynolds, 641, 643. Abrahams v. Kidney, 274. Abrath . Northeastern Ry Co., 213. Absor v. French, 368. Abt. Burgheim, 193. Academy of Music v. Hackett, 79. Achorn . Piper, 242. . Beach, 48, 736. ⚫. Beadle, 504. . Benton, 509. ↑. Clem, 761. . Corriston, 396. ii Adams v. Emerson, 373. . Freeman, 147, 151. v. Leip, 509. v. Pease, 375, 388. v. Popham, 671, 723. v. Reeves, 593. v. Richardson, 675, 782. . Rivers, 374. ⚫. Sayre, 614. D. Schiffer, 593. v. Thornton, 557. . Waggoner, 183, 188. . Walker, 687. 0. Wiggins Ferry Co., 813. Adams Express Co. v. Stettaners, 826. Adelphi Loan Association . Fair hurst, 134. Aden v. Cruse, 285. Adler v. Fenton, 143, 330. Adsit v. Brady, 468. Adriance v. Lagrave, 222. Etna Fire Ins. Co. v. Mabbett, 564. Etna Mills o. Brookline, 690. v. Waltham, 690. Agawam Canal Co. v. Edwards, 375 (xvii) |