BOOKS AND FORMS FOR SCHOOL BOARDS AND School ATTENDANCE COMMITTEES. At the end of this Volume will be found a list of the authorised Account Books, together with other Forms, &c., required under the Elementary Education Acts. EDUCATION ACTS, 1870, 1873, 1874, & 1876, WITH INTRODUCTION, NOTES, AND INDEX. BY HUGH OWEN, JUN., OF THE MIDDLE TEMPLE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW: AUTHOR OF THE BALLOT-ACT MANUAL,' 'SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION MANUAL,' &c. AND AN APPENDIX CONTAINING INCORPORATED ACTS, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FOURTEENTH EDITION. BIBLIOTHECA FEB 1879 ✓LEIANA. LONDON: KNIGHT AND CO., 90 FLEET STREET. 1879. PREFACE. In the Preface to the last edition of this Manual, it was observed that during the year 1877, the Education Department had made Regulations under the Elementary Education Act of 1876, prescribing the conditions on which Elementary Schools are recognised as certified efficient schools, and also as to certificates of age, school attendance and proficiency, and as to the payment of school fees for children holding Honour Certificates. The Local Government Board had issued Orders under the Act with regard to certificates of births, the payment of school fees for nonpauper children, and the proceedings of School Attendance Committees appointed by Guardians. An Order in Council had been made with regard to certified day industrial schools, and this Order had been supplemented by a Minute of the Secretary of State for the Home Department as to payments out of the Parliamentary Grant in respect of these schools. This departmental legislation has continued during the present year, and as several new Orders have been issued which affect the operation of the Education Acts, a new edition of this Manual has become necessary. I have availed myself of the opportunity which the preparation of this edition has afforded me of making numerous additions to the Notes on the Statutes as to points which have arisen in the practical working of the Acts and as to the decisions of the Courts, and no effort on my part has been wanting to render the volume worthy of the favour |