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APR 1 2 1943

The General Court of 1846, assembled in the State House, in Boston, on Wednesday, the seventh day of January, and was prorogued on Thursday, the sixteenth day of April.

The oaths of office were administered to His Excellency, GEORGE N. BRIGGS, on the thirteenth day of January.







An Act to incorporate the New Bedford Cordage Company. E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

Chap. 1.

SECTION 1. Benjamin S. Rotch, William J. Rotch, Jo- Persons incorseph Ricketson, their associates and successors, are hereby porated. made a corporation, by the name of the New Bedford Cordage Company, for the purpose of manufacturing cordage, to manufacture in the town of New Bedford, in the county of Bristol; and cordage in New for this purpose shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties, restrictions, and liabilities, set forth in the thirty-eighth and forty-fourth chapters of the Revised Statutes.



SECTION 2. Said corporation may hold real and personal Estate not to estate, necessary and convenient for the purpose aforesaid, $150,000. not exceeding in value the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. [Approved by the Governor, Feb. 2, 1846.]

An Act to increase the Capital Stock of the Framingham Bank. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

Chap. 2.


SECTION 1. The president, directors, and company of the Capital may be Framingham Bank, in Framingham, are hereby authorized increased by $50,000 in to increase their capital stock by an addition thereto of fifty shares of $100, thousand dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, which shall be paid in such instalments as the president and directors of said bank may direct and determine: pro- Provided, &c. vided, that the whole amount shall be paid in, on or before the first Monday of October next.

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