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entre les deux pays, soient considérées pour l'avenir par les deux Gouvernement à portir de ce jour, dénuées de toute validité. Dans le cas que le Gouvernement Impérial Japonais accède à cette demande, il reste entendu que, ainsi qu'il est d'ailleurs garanti par le traité de commerce et de navigation existant entre le Japon et l'Italie, les marchandises italiennes et japonaises jouiront d'or en avant respectivement au Japon et en Italie du traitement de la nation la plus favorisée aussi longtemps que le dit traité sera en vigueur.

Veuillez agréer, Monsieur le Ministre, les assurances de ma très haute considération.

Son Excellence

le Comte KATSURA,

Président du Conseil et Ministre

des Affaires Etrangères ad int.

(Signé) G. C. VINCI.

Signor Ministro.

Roma 10 Dicembre 1894.

In relazione col par. 2 dell'art. 1o del protocollo firmato oggi dall'Italia e dal Giappone concernente l'eventualità di dover sostituire, per alcune voci di rispettivo speciale inreresse, una tariffa convenzionale al regime della clausola della nazione più favorita, il Governo italiano domanda che rimanga inteso, che la proposta di sostuire, per dette voci la tariffa convenzionale al regime della clausola della nazione più fovorita, possa esser fatta dalla parte interessta in qualunque momento dal giorno in cui il protocollo sarà entrato in vigore; e che se trascorsi 6 mesi dal giomo in cui, fatta la tariffa convenzionale non fosse stata conchiusa, tanto per le importazioni Italiane in Giappone quanto per le importazioni Giapponesi in Italia si applicherano i dazi fissati dalle rispettive

Rome, December 1, 1894.

Monsieur le Ministre,

With reference to the Paragraph 2, Article 1 of the Protocol, signed this day between Italy and Japan, relative to the eventuality of the substitution, in regard to articles of especial interest to the respective countries, of a Conventional Tariff to the principle of the most favoured nation, the Italian Government request it to be understood that the proposal for the substitution in respect of the said articles of a Conventional Tariff to the most favoured nation principle, may be made by the interested party, at any time after the Protocol has gone into operation, and that in the event no Conventional Tariff could have been concluded within six months after such proposal has been made, the customs duties on Italian articles imported into Japan and on Japanese articles

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In reply to the note of His Royal Italian Majesty's Government relative to the eventuality of the substitution of Conventional Tariff in case the application of the most favoured nation principle regarding the custom duties should be found unsatisfactory in respect of those articles in the export of which each country is especially interested, the Government of Japan hereby give the assurance that the substitution of Conventional Tariff referred to can be proposed at any time after the Protocol has gone into operation, and that in the event a Conventional Tariff could not have been concluded within six month after such proposal has been made, the custom duties on articles imported from one country into the other may be levied according to the general Tariff for the time being in force, and the application of the most favoured nation principle in this respect shall be suspended until the Conventional Tariff has been agreed upon.

I avail myself, &c., &c.

His Excellency

Baron BLANC,

Minister for Foreign Affairs

of His Majesty the King of Italy.

(Signed) TAKAHIRA.


Signé à Tokio, le 26e jour du Ce mois de la 32e année de Meiji (1899); Promulgué le 7o jour du 7e mois de la 32e année de Meiji (1899).

Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté l'Empereur du Japon et le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie, considérant qu'il est désirable dans l'intérêt de la bonne administration de la justice, qu'un accord soit établi au sujet de la juridiction par rapport aux causes pendantes devant les tribunaux italiens au Japon au moment où le Traité de Commerce et de Navigation conclu entre le Japon et l'Italie le 1er jour du 12 mois de la 27° année de Meiji, entrera en vigueur, sont convenus de ce qui suit.

La juridiction des tribuinaux italiens au Japon, à l'égard des causes et procédures, tout civiles que criminelles, qui seraient pendantes devant lesdits tribunaux au moment de l'entrée au vigueur dudit Traité de Commerce et de Navigation, continuera à être exercée jusqu'à décision finale et définitive.

En foi de quoi, les soussignés Ministre des Affaires Etrangères de Sa Majesté l'Empereur du Japon et Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plenipotentiaire de Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie au Japon dûment autorisés à cet effet, ont signé le présent Protocole et y ont apposé leurs cachets.

Fait à Tokio en double expédition le 26° jour du 6 mois de la 32° année de Meiji.

(L. S.) Vicomte AOKI.

(L. S.) Comte ORFINI.






Firmado en Washington el dia 30° del mes 11° del año 21° de Meiji (1888); ratificado el dia 29° del mes 1o del año 22° de Meiji (1889); ratificaciones cangeadas en Washington el dia 6° del mes 6° del año 22° de Meiji (1889); y promulgado el dia 17° del mes 7° del año 22° de Meiji (1889).

Signed at Washington, 30th day of 11th month, 21st year of Meiji (1888); Ratified 29th day of 1st month, 22nd year of Meiji (1889); Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 6th day of 6th month, 22nd year of Meiji (1889); Promulgated 17th day of 7th month, 22nd year of Meiji (1889).

Su Majestad el Emperador del Japón, y el Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, estando igualmente animados del deseo de establecer sobre bases sólidas y duraderas, relaciones de amistad y comercio entre sus respectivos países, súbditos y ciudadanos, han resuelto celebrar un tratado de amistad y comercio, y han nombrado con ese objeto, sus Plenipotenciarios, á saber:

Su Majestad el Emperador del Japón, á Jushii Munemitsu Mutsu, Caballero de la Órden del Sol Naciente, y de tercera clase de Mérito y su Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario cerca del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América, y

El Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos á Matias Romero, Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipoten

His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and the President of the United Mexican States, being equally animated by a desire to establish upon a firm and lasting foundation relations of friendship and commerce between their respective States, and subjects and citizens, have resolved to conclude a Treaty of Amity and Commerce, and have for that purpose named their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to say :

His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, Munemitsu Mutsu, Jushii, of the Order of the Rising Sun and of the Third Class of Merit, and His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near the Government of the Unit ed States of America; and the President of the United Mexican States, Matias Romero, Envoy Extraordinary

ciario de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en Washington.

Quienes después de haberse mostrado sus respectivos plenos poderes y encontrándolos en buena y debida, buena y debida, forma, han convenido en los siguientes artículos:


Habrá firme y perpetua paz y amistad entre el Imperio del Japón y los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, y entre sus respectivos súbditos y ciudadanos. (697)


Su Majestad el Emperador del Japón puede, si lo juzga conveniente, acreditar un Agente diplomático cerca del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, y del mismo modo puede el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, si lo tiene á bien, acreditar un Agente diplomático cerca de la Corte de Tokio; y cada una de las Partes Contratantes tendrá el derecho de nombrar Cónsules Generales, Cónsules, Vice-Cónsules, y Agentes Consulares, para la conveniencia del comercio, los cuales podrán residir en todos los puertos y lugares dentro del territorio de la otra Parte Contratante donde se permita residir á empleados consulares semejantes de la Nación más favorecida; pero ántes de que cualquier Cónsul

and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United Mexican States in Washington; who, having communicated to each other their respective Full Powers and found them in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles :


There shall be firm and perpetual peace and amity between the Empire of Japan and the United Mexican States, and their respective subjects and citizens. (697)


His Majesty the Emperor of Japan may, if He see fit, accredit a Diplomatic Agent to the Government of the United Mexican States; and in like manner, the Government of the United Mexican States may, if it think proper, accredit a Diplomatic Agent to the Court of Tokio; and each of the Contracting Parties shall have the right to appoint Consuls-General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls and Consular Agents, for the convenience of trade, to reside in all the ports and places within the territories of the other Contracting Party, where similar Consular Officers of the most favored nation are permitted to reside; but before any Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul or Consular Agent shall act as such, he

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