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por las dos Partes Contratantes y by the two Contracting Parties, and the ratificasions shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible. (700)

sus ratificaciones se cangearán en Washington, tan pronto como sea posible. (700)

En fé de lo cual los respectivos Plenipotenciarios han firmado este tratado adhiriéndole sus respectivos sello:. Hecho por sextuplicado en Wáshington el dia trigésimo, del mes undécimo, del año vigésimo primero de Meiji, que corresponde al dia terinta de Noviembre del año de mil ochocientos ochenta y ocho.


In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty, and hereunto affixed their respective seals.

Done in sextuplicate at Washington this thirtieth day of the eleventh month of the twenty-first year of Meiji, corresponding to the 30th day of November of the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight.

(L. S.) M. ROMERO.


Tokyo, le 6 Janvier 1906.

Monsieur le Baron,

Une des conséquences directes de la dissolution de l'Union entre la Norvège et la Suède est la cessation de toute communauté entre les deux Etats en ce qui concerne les conventions et arrangements internationaux conclus en commun par eux avec un ou plusieurs autres Etats. Si ces conventions et arrangements pouvaient être jusqu'ici considérés comme entraînant pour la Norvège et pour la Suède une responsabilité commune vis à vis des obligations qui en résultent pour chacun d'entre eux, le Gouvernement Norvégien se tient donc dès à présent responsable seulement des obligations des dits conventions et arrangements communs qui concernent la Norvègc. Il en est de même relativement aux conventions internationales auxquelles la Norvège et la Suède ont adheré en commun. Pour ce qui est des conventions et arrangements conclus pendant l'Union séparément par la Suède ou auxquels la Suède a adhéré, le Gouvernement Norvégien pense qu'il ne pourra être considéré responsable de l'accomplissement des obligations qui en découlent pour la Suède.

De l'autre côté, le Gouvernement Norvégien est d'avis que tous les conventions et arrangements internationaux conclus par la Norvège avec un ou plusieurs autres Etats, soit en commun avec la Suède soit séparément soit comme partie adhérente, continuent à sortir leurs effets comme par le passé entre la Norvège et la ou les autres parties contractantes sans que la dissolution de l'Union en modifie les dispositions.

Le Gouvernement Norvégien se réserve toutefois de faire, aprés une étude plus approfondie, une communication ultérieure quant à la question de savoir si et dans quelle mesure il y aura lieu de procéder à une révision des textes des traités en vigueur entre la Norvège et le Japon.

*Voir la Suède.

En portant, d'ordre de mon Gouvernement, ce qui précède à la connaissance de Votre Excellence, je profite de l'occasion pour Lui offrir les assurances de ma plus haute considération. (701)

Son Excellence

Monsieur le Baron KOMURA JUTARO

Ministre des Affaires Etrangères

etc. etc. etc.

Signé: ANKER.



Signed at the Hague, 8th day of 9th month, 29th year of Meiji (1896); Ratified 17th day of 6th month, (1897); Ratifications exchanged at Tokio, 20th day of 8th month, 30th year of Meiji (1897); and Promulgated 15th day of 9th month, 30th year of Meiji (1897).

His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands and in Her name Her Majesty the Queen-Regent of the Kingdom, being equally desirous of maintaining the relations of good understanding which happily exist between Them, by extending and increasing the intercourse between Their respective States, and being convinced that this object cannot better be accomplished than by revising the Treaties hitherto existing between the two countries, have resolved to complete such a revision, based upon principles of equity and mutual benefit, and, for that purpose, have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

His Majesty the Emperor of Japan,

Akabane Shiro, Shogoi, Fifth Class of the Imperial Order of the Sacred Treasure, His Majesty's Minister Resident at the Court of Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands;

And Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands and in Her name Her Majesty the Queen Regent of the Kingdom,

Jonkheer J. Röell, Knight of the Royal Order of the Netherland Lion, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ph. W. van der Sleyden, Minister of Waterstaat, Commerce and Industry, J. P. Sprenger van Eyk, Knight of the Royal Order of the Netherland Lion, Minister of Finance, J. H. Bergsma, Commander of the Royal Order of the Netherland Lion, Minister for the Colonies, and W. van der Kaay, Knight of the Royal Order of the Netherland Lion, Minister of Justice; Who, after having communicated to each other their Full Powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles :




The subjects of each of the two High Contracting Parties shall have full liberty to enter, travel or reside in any part of the dominions and possessions of the other Contracting Party, and shall enjoy full and perfect protection for their persons and property.

They shall have free aud easy access to the Courts of Justice in pursuit and defence of their rights, and they shall be at liberty equally with native subjects, to choose and employ lawyers, advocates and representatives to pursue and defend their rights before such Courts.

In whatever relates to rights of residence and travel; to the possession of goods and effects of any kind; to the succession to personal estate by will or otherwise, and the disposal of property of any sort in any manner whatsoever, which they may lawfully acquire, the subjects of each Contracting Party shall enjoy in the dominions and possessions of the other the same privileges, liberties and rights, and shall be subject to no higher imposts or charges in these respects than native subjects, or subjects or citizens of the most favoured foreign nation.

The subjects of each of the Contracting Parties shall enjoy in the dominions and possessions of the other entire liberty of conscience, and, subject to the laws, ordinances and regulations, shall enjoy the right of private or public exercise of their worship, and also the right of burying their respective countrymen according to their religious customs, in such suitable and convenient places as may be established and maintained for that purpose.

They shall not be compelled, under any pretext whatsoever, to pay any charges or taxes other or higher than those that are, or may be, paid by native subjects, or subjects or citizens of the most favoured foreign nation.

The subjects of either of the Contracting Parties residing in the dominions and possessions of the other shall be exempted from all compulsory military service whatsoever, whether in the army, navy, national guard or militia ; from all contributions imposed in lieu of personal service; and from all forced loans or military exactions or contributions. (703)


There shall be reciprocal freedom of commerce and navigation between the dominions and possessions of the two High Contracting Parties.

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