THE POSTHUMOUS WORKS OF THE LATE REVEREND AND LEARNED THOMAS BOSTON, MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL AT ETTRICK; AUTHOR OF THE NOW FIRST PUBLISHED FROM HIS MANUSCRIPTS, IN CONSISTING OF SIXTY-SIX SERMONS ON IMPORTANT AND INTERESTING SUBJECTS; With a RECOMMENDATORY PREFACE by the Clergymen who By it, he being dead, yet speaketh. Heb. xi. 4. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. II. Edinburgh: PRINTED FOR W. CREECH, J. FAIRBAIRN, OGLE & AIKMAN, By J. Pillans & Sons. 1802. OF 1 Kings, xvi. 21.-" Elijah said, How long halt ye XXVI. Creation's groans considered and im- proved, Same text. Numb. xiv. 24.-" But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land where- - unto he went, and his feed shall possess it." XXX. The same subject continued, 79 - ΙΟΙ XXXII. The same subject continued, 158 XXXIII. The statute-law of discipleship, 189 Luke xiv. 26.-" If any man come to me, and hate. not his father and mother," &c. 216 228 241 XXXVIII. The same subject continued, 255 XXXIX. The same subject continued, 280 |