LAW REPORTS CASES DETERMINED BY THE COURT OF APPEAL, SUPREME COURT, AND COURT OF ARBITRATION (Workers' Compensation Cases) EDITED BY W. F. WARD, M.A., LL B. 1928. New Zealand: PUBLISHED FOR THE COUNCIL OF LAW REPORTING BY BUTTERWORTH & CO. (AUSTRALIA), LIMITED, 49-51 BALLANCE STREET, WELLINGTON. INSTRUCTIONS FOR BINDING THE NEW ZEALAND LAW REPORTS, 1928. COURT OF APPEAL, SUPREME COURT, AND COURT OF ARBITRATION. The twelve numbers published from January to December, 1928, form one volume, with Index and Digest complete, every page being headed "Court of Appeal," "Supreme Court," or "Court of Arbitration," according to the case of which it forms a part. Bind Table of Cases Reported and Table of Cases Cited at the beginning of the volume, and the Index at the end. Substitute for pages 187 and 188 the inset pages. |