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examinations and the theoretical medical examination, mentioned in Articles 4, 5, and 6, or who stand upon the same footing with them.

4. The first natural science examination comprises :

(a.) Natural science;

(b.) Chemistry;

(c.) Botany.

The only persons eligible for this examination are:

(1.) Those who, according to a certificate issued by the curators of a gymnasium with a six years' course, have passed the promotion examination from the fourth to the fifth class of that gymnasium or the entrance examination to the last-mentioned class, or who, according to a similar certificate issued by the curators of a progymnasium, have profitably attended the lessons in the highest class of that pro-gymnasium up to the end of the course;

(2.) Those who possess the certificate acquired by their having passed the final examination of the higher commercial school with a five years' course, mentioned in Article 57, or of the examination (a) mentioned in Article 59 of the Law of the 2nd May, 1863, regulating secondary education;

(3.) Those who, in the manner to be fixed by us by general measures of administration, have furnished satisfactory proof that they are sufficiently prepared to practise natural science.

5. The second natural science examination comprises :

(a.) Anatomy;

(b.) Physiology and tissues;

(c.) General nosology;

(d.) Knowledge of pharmacy.

6. The theoretical medical examination comprises:

(a.) Nosological anatomy;

(b.) Pharmaceutical dynamics;

(c.) Special pathology and therapeutics;

(d.) Hygiene;

(e.) Theoretical surgery;

(f) Theoretical obstetrics.

7. The faculties hereinafter mentioned are competent to conduct the examinations mentioned in Articles 4, 5, and 6, and to issue certificates to persons who have passed those examinations:

(a.) As regards the examination of Article 4, the faculties of mathematics and natural science in the Netherland universities; (b.) As regards the examinations of Articles 5 and 6, the faculties of medicine at those universities.

Before admission to either of these examinations, the candidate shall pay into the hands of the Chairman of the faculty which conducts the examination the sum of 50 florins.


In case of the rejection of a candidate no charge shall be made him for the next subsequent examination.

The amount paid in shall serve as remuneration to the members the faculty which conducts the examination.

8. The title of dentist confers the qualification to practise entistry, comprising local treatment of diseases of the teeth, of eir sockets, and of the gums.

The title shall be acquired by passing a practical examination, in rhich satisfactory proofs shall be required of practical knowledge of ental operations and of supplying single artificial teeth and comlete sets.

9. The only persons eligible for the practical examination for lentists are those who have passed the theoretical examination in dentistry.

That examination comprises:

(a.) The anatomy of the teeth, the sockets, and the gums;

(b.) The physiology of these parts;

(c.) The hygiene, disease and curative treatment of these parts, including diagnosis of the diseases of the teeth, sockets, and gums, whether arising from general causes or having their origin in other parts;

(d.) The remedies and the prescriptions, so far as necessary for diseases in the parts aforesaid.

The following persons are exempt from the examination in the branches mentioned under the letters (a) and (b):

(1.) All persons who, at a Netherland university, have passed the examination immediately preceding that by which is acquired the degree of doctor in the faculty of medicine, or, so far as regards that faculty, are mentioned in Article 119 of the Law of the 28th April, 1876, regulating higher education;

(2.) All persons who have passed the second physical science examination mentioned in Article 5, or who stand on a like footing with them.

10. The faculties of medicine at the Netherland universities are competent to conduct the theoretical examination for dentists and to issue certificates to the successful candidates.

Before being admitted to this examination the candidate shall pay the sum of 25 florins into the hands of the Chairman of the faculty which conducts the examination.


The last two paragraphs of Article 7 are applicable to this

11. The title of apothecary confers the qualification to practise pharmacology, and is acquired by passing the practical apothecary's


In that examination satisfactory proofs of practical knowledge of

pharmacology and of chemical analysis will be required, as well in the apotheca as in the laboratorium.

For admission to the examination the candidate must hand in a declaration from a qualified apothecary in this country that he has practised pharmacology for two years at least under the direction of such qualified apothecary.

12. The only persons admissible to the practical apothecary's examination are:

(a.) Those mentioned in Article 96 of the Law of the 28th April. 1876, regulating higher education, or such as, by the provisions of that Law, stand upon the same footing;

(b.) Those who have passed the theoretical apothecary's exami nation mentioned in Article 13.

13. The theoretical apothecary's examination comprises:-
(a.) Pharmacology;

(b.) Toxicology;

(c.) Analytical chemistry.

14. The faculties of mathematical and physical science at the Netherland universities are competent to conduct the theoretical apothecary's examination and to award the certificate to those who have passed the examination.


The last three paragraphs of Article 7 are applicable to this

15. The only persons admissible to the theoretical apothecary's examination are those who have passed the first natural science examination mentioned in Article 4, or who stand on the same footing and who have also given proofs of their knowledge of the rudiments of the natural history of animals and minerals.

16. The qualification to give advice and assistance in obstetric cases as midwife shall be acquired by passing a theoretical and practical examination in obstetrics.

Before the candidate is admitted to this examination she must hand in a certificate that she has been inscribed as a probationer. under the conditions to be fixed by us by general measures of internal administration, by a medical inspector, and has afterwards conducted in presence of a qualified accoucheur in this country ten normal deliveries at least.

17. All persons may be allowed to act as apothecary's assistants with the same qualifications and responsibilities as assistant apothecaries ("emepapothekers") according to existing laws and legal instructions, who are of the full age of 18 and have passed an examination in which proofs are required of the knowledge and skill required for making up prescriptions.

18. The examinations mentioned in Articles 2, 8, and 11 shall be conducted free of charge by commissions, whose Chairman,


embers, substitute members, and Secretaries shall be annually pointed by us.

The Chairman, members, substitute members, and Secretaries of ese Commissions shall receive travelling and lodging expenses and muneration to be fixed by us.

The examinations shall be conducted in public, excepting those the sick bed, in the chemical laboratory and those in obstetrics, hich may not be attended unless with the permission of the Chairman of the Examining Commission.

19. All persons who have passed the examination, after having paid into the hands of the Chairman of the Commission the sum of 25 florins, shall receive a diploma which confers the title:

(a.) In the case of Article 2, of physician;

(b.) In that of Article 8, of dentist;

(c.) In that of Article 11, of apothecary.

20. The examinations mentioned in Articles 16 and 17 shall be conducted free of expense by Commissions, composed of the medical inspector or assistant inspector of the province in which the examination is held, as Chairman and two members possessing the necessary qualifications, to be appointed by our Minister charged with the carrying out of this Law.

The members shall be paid their travelling and lodging expenses and shall receive such remuneration as may be fixed by us.

After having paid into the hands of the Chairman of the Commission the sum of 5 florins the midwife or the apothecary's assistant shall receive a certificate.

21. All persons who have passed the examination for physician, dentist, apothecary, midwife, or apothecary's assistant, before they are admitted to act in their respective capacities shall take the following oath or make the following affirmation in the presence of the Chairman of the Examining Commission:

"I swear (promise) that I will practise the medical, surgical, and obstetric and dentistry profession in obedience to the provisions of the law thereanent according to the best of my knowledge and ability, and that I will not betray to any one any secret confided to me in that practice or that has come to my knowledge, unless my evidence as witness or expert is required in a Court of law, or I am otherwise bound by law to give information.

"So help me God Almighty (I promise this)."

22. Opportunity shall be given twice a-year at least for holding the examinations mentioned in the preceding Article.

Our Minister, charged with the execution of this Law, shall appoint the places where and the times when the Examining Commissions shall meet.

The amounts paid by the candidates, after deducting the

expenses of the meeting of the Commission, not including the travelling and lodging expenses, &c., shall be paid into the public exchequer.

Everything else relating to the regulating of these examina tions shall be fixed by us by general measures of internal administration.

23. Those persons only are eligible for the appointments of naval and army surgeons who by the law are qualified to practise medicine in all its branches all over the kingdom; and for the appointments of naval and army apothecaries those only who have acquired, according to the law, the qualifications of apothecaries.

Temporary Provisions.

24. All persons who at the date when this Law comes into operation are qualified to practise medicine, surgery, obstetrics, dentistry, pharmacology, or to extend their qualifications by passing a supplementary examination, shall retain such qualifi


All persons who at the date aforesaid by passing one examinaticn had obtained the qualification for admission to another one, or to the privilege of any exemption at such examination, shall retain such privileges in regard to those examinations, by this Law.

25. This Law shall come into operation at a date hereafter to be fixed by us.

The following Law, as also certain Articles of a subsequent Law, are now repealed, viz., the Law of the 1st June, 1865, regulating the conditions for acquiring the qualifications of medical practitioner, apothecary, assistant apothecary, articled assistant apothecary, and midwife, as amended by the Law of the 8th July, 1874, and Articles 1 to 6 of the Law of the 24th June, 1876, regulating the conditions for acquiring the separate qualification for practising dentistry and all enactments arising from those provisions.

We order and direct that this Law be inserted in the "Staatsblad," and that all Ministerial Departments, authorities, Boards, and civil functionaries, whom it concerns, co-operate to the exact carrying out of the same.

Given at the Hague, December 25, 1878.

KAPPEYNE, Minister of the Interior.


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