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all goods, wares and merchandise, duly imported into either of the ports of Boston and Newport, which shall be transported by land conveyance from the port of Newport, by the way of Rhode Island bridge and Taunton, to Boston; or from Boston, by the same route, to Newport, and which being imported into Newport, shall be exported from Boston: or which being imported into Boston shall be exported from Newport, shall be entitled to the benefit of a drawback of the duties upon exportation, to any foreign port or place, under the same provisions, regulations, restrictions and limitations, as if the said goods, wares and merchandise were transported coastwise from one to another of the said districts; and on the proviso that all the provisions, regulations, limitations and restrictions existing in the case of goods, wares and merchan dise, transported by any of the routes mentioned in the seventy-ninth section of the act, entitled "An act to regulate the col. lection of duties on imports and tonnage," passed the second of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, shall be duly observed.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


President of the Senate, pro tempore.

April 25, 1810.





AN ACT to establish post roads.

it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the following be established as post roads :


From Portsmouth, N. H. by Kittery, Post roads. York, Wells, Arundell, Biddeford, Saco, Scarboro', Cape Elizabeth, Portland, Falmouth, North Yarmouth, Freeport, Brunswick, Bath, Woolwich, Wiscasset, New Castle, Waldoboro', Warren, Camden, Canaan, Lincolnville, Northport, Belfast, Prospect, Buckstown, Orland, Trenton, Sullivan, Steuben, Harrington, Addison, Jones, Machias, Denneysville and Scodic, to Calais.

From Dover, N. H. by Berwick and Doutysfalls, to Arundel or Kennebunk.

From Portland, by Gorham, Buckstown, Limerick, Limington, Cornish, Parsonfield, Newfield, Shapleigh, Lebanon, Berwick, Sanford, Alfred, Waterboro" and Philipsburg, to Buxton.

From Portland by Saccarappee, Gorham, Standish, Flintstown, Hiram and Brownfield, to Frybush.

From Portland, by Windham, Raymond, Bridgetown, Lovell, Waterford, Norway, Paris, Buckfield, Sumner, Hartford, Livermore, Turner, Poland, New Gloucester and Hebron academy, to Paris.

From Portland, by Falmouth, Gray, New Gloucester, Lewistown, Green, Monmouth,



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Winthrop, Augusta, Sydney, Waterville,
Farfield and Canaan, to Norridgewock and

From Brunswick, by Topsham, Bowdoinham, Gardiner and Hallowell, to Augusta. From Gardiner, by Pittstown and Dresden, to Wiscassett.

From Augusta, by Redfield, Mount Vernon, Chester and New Sharon, to Farming


From Augusta, by Vassalboro', Winslow, Clinton, Fairfax, Unity and Collegetown, to Hampden.

From Wiscassett, by Edgecomb, to Boothbay. From Wiscassett, by New Milford, Jefferson, Palermo and Montville, to Belfast.

From Buckstown, by Frankfort, Hampden and Bangor, to No. 1, 7th Range, and thence by Orrington, to Buckstown.

From Buckstown, by Penobscot, Castine, Sedgwick and Blue Hill, to Buckstown, and from Castine to Lincolnville.

From Sullivan to Goldsboro'.
From Dennysville to Eastport.


From Salisbury, Ms. by Seabrook and Hampton, to Portsmouth.

From Portsmouth, by Durham and Northwood, to Concord.

From Portsmouth, by Exeter and Kings

ton, to Haverhill, Ms.

From Portsmouth, by Exeter, Chester, Londonderry, Merrimack, Amherst, Peters- boro', Marlboro' and Keene, to Walpole.

From Haverhill, Ms. by Chester, Con- Post roads.

cord, Hopkinton, Henniker and Lempster, to Charleston.

From Haverhill, Ms. by Salem, to Windham.

From Tyngboro', Ms. by Dunstable, Amherst, Francistown, Washington and Claremont, to Windsor, Vt.

From Portsmouth, by Nottingham, Epsom, Pembroke, Concord, Salisbury, Andover, Wilmot, Enfield, Lebanon, Hanover, Lime, Orford, Piermont, Haverhill, Bath, Littleton, Dalton, Lancaster, Cockburn, Colebrook and Stuart, to Norfolk, Vt.

From Hanover, by Canaan and Groton, to Plymouth.

From Salisbury, by Andover, New Chester and Bridgewater, to Plymouth, thence by Holderness, New Hampton and Sanbornton, to Salisbury.

From Newburyport, Ms. by Exeter, New Market, Durham, Dover and Barrington, to Gilmanton.

From Portsmouth, by Dover, Rochester, Middletown, Ossippee, Moultonboro', Centre-harbor, Plymouth and Haverhill, to Newbury; and from Plymouth, by New Hamp ton, Meredith, Gilmanton, Nottingham and Durham, to Portsmouth.

From Friburg, Me. by Conway, Barletts, Rosebrooks and Jefferson, to Lancaster.

From Winchendon, Ms. by Fitzwilliam and Keene, to Brattleboro', Vt.

From Warwick, Ms. by Winchester and

Kinsdale, to Brattleboro', Vt.

From Ashby, Ms. by New Ipswich and

Jaffray, to Marlboro'.

Post roads.


From Lansingburg, N. Y. by Bennington, Shaftsbury, Arlington, Manchester, Rutland, Pittsford, Branden, Leicester, Salisbury, Middlebury, New Haven, Vergennes, Ferrisburg, Charlotte, Shelburn, Burlington, Colchester, Milton, Georgia and St. Alban's, to Highgate.

From Williamston, Ms. by Pownall, to Bennington. From Brattleboro', by Marlboro', Wilmington and Woodford, to Bennington. From Rutland, by Clarendon, Shrewsbury, Plymouth, Reading and Windsor, to Cavendish.

From Rutland, by Castletown, Fairhaven, Benson, Orwell, Shoreham and Addison, to Vergennes.

From Middlebury, by New Haven, Monkton, Hynesburg, Williston, Jericho, Essex, Westford, Fairfax, Fairfield and Sheldon, to Huntsburg; thence by Berkshire, Enosburg, Bakersfield, Cambridge, Underhill, Richmond, Huntington, Starksboro' and Bristol, to Middlebury, and from thence to Poultney, and also from Middlebury, by Royalton, to Hanover, N. H.

From Barnardstown, Ms. by Hinsdale, Brattleboro', Putney, Westminster, Walpole, Charleston, Wethersfield, Windsor, Hartford, Norwich, Thetford, Fairlee, Bradford, Newbury, Ryegate, Barnet, Littleton, Concord and Lunenburg, to Guildhall.

From Walpole, N. H. by Bellowsfalls, Rockingham, Chester, Cavendish, Ludlow and Shrewsbury, to Rutland

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