1 monies in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. J. B. VARNUM, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ANDREW GREGG, President of the Senate pro tempore. June 28, 1809. APPROVED, JAMES MADISON. CHAPTER XII. AN ACT to suspend for a limited time the recruiting service. E it enacted the Senate and House of B Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That so much of the act, entitled "An act to raise for a limited time an additional military force," as authorises the enlisting of men for the term of five years, unless sooner discharged, be and the same is hereby suspended until twenty days after the next meeting of Congress. J. B. VARNUM, President of the Senate pro tempore. June 28, 1809. APPROVED, JAMES MADISON. CHAPTER XIII. An ACT authorising the discharge of Joseph Wilkinson, junior, from his imprison ment. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of. America, in Congress assembled, That Joseph Wilkinson, junior, late Collector of the port of Detroit, in the Michigan territory, be discharged from his imprisonment, upon a judgment obtained against hiin in favor of the United States: Provided however, That he shall first assign and convey all the estate, real and personal, which he may now own, or be entitled to, to some person or persons, for the use and penefit of the United States, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury : And provided also, That the said judgment shall remain in tull force against any estate which the said Joseph Wilkinson, junior, may hereafter acquire, and that process may, at any time, be thereupon issued against the same. J. B. VARNUM, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ANDREW GREGG, June 28, 1809. APPROVED, JAMES MADISON. CHAPTER XIV. An ACT freeing from postage all letters and packets from Thomas Jefferson. B it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That all letters and packets from Thomas Jefferson, late President of the United States, during his life, shall be received and conveyed by post, free of postage. J. B. VARNUM, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ANDREW GREGG, President of the Senate pro tempore. June 28, 1809. APPROVED, JAMES MADISON. CHAPTER XV. An ACT making appropriations for defraying the expense of Stationery, Printing, and all other contingent expenses of the Senate and House of Representatives, during the present session of Congress. BE E. it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That for defraying the expense of stationery, printing, and all other contingent expenses of the Senate and House of Representatives, during the present session of Congress, the sum of nine thousand dollars be, and the same hereby is appropriated payable out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. J. B. VARNUM, Speaker of the House of Representatives. President of the Senate pro tempore. June 28, 1809. APPROVED, JAMES MADISON. CHAPTER XVI. An ACT authorising the accounting officers of the Treasury Department to give credit to certain collectors of the customs for allowances paid by them to the owners and crews of fishing vessels. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of the United States of Representatives of America, in Congress assembled, That the accounting officers of the Treasury Depart ment be, and they are hereby authorised, in settling the accounts of the collectors of the customs, to give them credit for the respective sums which have been or may be paid for allowances to the owners and crews of fishing vessels, in in lieu of drawback of the duties paid on the salt used by the same, to the thirty-first of December, one thousand eight hundred and seven. J. B. VARNUM, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ANDREW GREGG, President of the Senate pro tempore. June 28, 1809. APPROVED, JAMES MADISON. CHAPTER XVII. An ACT concerning the Naval Establish ment. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States, in the event of a favorable change in our foreign relations, be and he is hereby authorised to cause to |