Pahelagren, or Handsome Hair, Tawangahuh, or Builder of Towns, X Honencache, or the Terrible, NOW BE IT KNOWN, That I, James Madison, President of the United States of America, having seen and considered the said treaty, do, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, accept, ratify and confirm the same and every clause and article thereof. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have caused the seal of the United States to [SEAL.] be hereunto affixed, and signed the same with my hand. DONE at the city of Washington, the twenty-eighth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the thirty-fourth. JAMES MADISON. By the President, R. SMITH, Secretary of State. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. An act supplemental to an act, entitled, "An act ex- An act for the relief of William and Elias Rector, An act to revive and continue in force for a further time, the first section of the act, entitled " An act further to protect the commerce and sea- An act to extend certain privileges therein men- tioned, to Joseph Joshua Dyster, An act for the relief of Harry Caldwell and Amasa Jackson, Jeremiah Reynolds and Levin Jones, An act in addition to the "Act to regulate the laying out and making a road from Cumberland, in the state of Maryland, to the state of Ohio," An act for the relief of John N. Stout, An act authorising the discharge of William Haw- - An act to prescribe the mode in which application shall be made for the purchase of land, at the ibid. navy of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and ten, An act making appropriations for the support of the military establishment of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and ten, An act for the appointment of an additional judge, and extending the right of suffrage to the citizens of Madison county, in the Mississippi territory, Page. 57 59 An act to extend the time for locating Virginia mili- An act providing for the third census or enumera- 60 136 63 72 An act to prevent the issuing of sea letters except to certain vessels, 73 An act making an appropriation for the purpose of trying the practical use of the torpedo or submarine explosion, An act to make public a road in Washington county, in the district of Columbia, An act for the relief of Tristram Hussey, 74 75 .77 78 An act authorising the discharge of John Kerr from his imprisonment, 79 An act for the relief of William Baynham, 80 turnpike roads in the district of Columbia, An act to amend an act, entitled "An act for the establishment of a turnpike company in the county of Alexandria, in the district of Columbia," 81 99 An act for the relief of Moses Young, 102 : An act to allow the benefit of drawback on merchandize transported by land conveyance from Boston to Newport in like manner as if the same were transported coastwise, Page. 103 An act to establish post-roads, 105 An act concerning invalid pensioners, 137 An act providing for the printing and publishing of such laws of the United States, as respect the public lands, 148 An act providing for the better accommodation of the and patent office, and for other purposes, An act providing for the sale of certain lands in the... Indiana territory, and for other purposes, 150 An act to extend the time for making payment for the public lands of the United States in certain... cases, An act regulating the post-office establishment, viding for the third census or enumeration of An act concerning the commercial intercourse be-. An act confirming the decisions of the commissioners in favor of the claimants, in the district of Kaskaskia, An act for making further appropriations for com pleting the Capitol, An act allowing compensation to Robert Robinson, An act making appropriations for carrying into ef fect certain Indian treaties, An act fixing the compensation of public ministers and of consuls residing on the coast of Barbary, and for other purposes, An act authorising a loan of money, for a sum of money, not exceeding the amount of the princi 155 157 184 186 190 190 192 192 194 |