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war authoris-
exterior line

ed to settle

of the pub West Point.

lic land at

executor in his memorial to Congress, dated the seventh of January, eighteen hundred and eleven, to have been disbursed by the deceased for expenses necessarily incurred in the official discharge of his duty; and three other sums stated in the said memorial, for services rendered by the said deceased to the United States.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Vice-President of the United States, and
President of the Senate.

January 21, 1811.




AN ACT to authorise the Secretary at War to ascertain and settle by the appointment of Commissioners, the exterior line of the Public Land at West Point, with the adjoining proprietor.



it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of

Secretary of America in Congress assembled, That the
Secretary at War shall be, and he is hereby
authorised to settle the exterior line of the
public land at West Point, in the state of
New-York, now in dispute with Thomas
North, the adjoining proprietor; and for that
Commission- purpose to appoint three commissioners to
ers may be ascertain the same, whose determination, or
appointed for
that purpose. a majority of them, the same being first ap-
Their award proved by the Congress of the United States,
to be approv shall be final and conclusive in the premises.
And any such commissioner shall be entitled

ed by Congress.

to receive at, and after the rate of four dollars per diem, for the time necessarily employed in executing said commission or appointment.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the commission- Commission. ers entitled ers who may be appointed under this act, or to compulsoeither of them, to issue process, in nature of ry process. a writ of subpœna, for any witness that may berequired on a hearing in the premises; and any person duly served with such process shall be bound to appear and testify under the like penalty, and be liable to be proceeded against in the like manner, as is provided by law, in relation to any witness whose attendance is required in any court of the United States, to give testimony in any matter depending therein.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice-President of the United States, and
President of the Senate.

January 22, 1811.




AN ACT to change the name of Lewis Grant to that of Lewis Grant Davidson.


it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That Lewis Grant of the district of Columbia, devisee of Samuel Davidson, late deceased, of the said district, be and he is hereby authorised, from and after the passage of this act, to take and use the surname of Davidson, and that


his name hereafter be Lewis Grant Davidson, and all acts done and entered into by that name shall have the same effect and operation in law, as if his name had originally been Lewis Grant Davidson.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice-President of the United States, and
President of the Senate.

February 6, 1811.




AN ACT making appropriations for the support.. of the Military Establishment of the United States for the year one thousand eight hundred and eleven.

E it

B enacted by the Senate and House of

Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That for defraying the expenses of the military establishment of the United States for the year one thousandeight hundred and eleven, for the Indian department, and for the expense of fortifications, magazines, arsenals and armories, the following sums be, and the same hereby are respectively appropriated, that is to say: For the pay of the army of the United propriations. States, eight hundred and sixty-nine thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight dollars. For forage, thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifty six dollars.

Specific ap

For subsistence, six hundred and eightyfive thousand five hundred and thirty-two dollars and five cents.

For clothing, two hundred and ninety. Specific appropriations. three thousand eight hundred and four dollars. For bounties and premiums, thirty thousand dollars.

For the medical and hospital department, fifty thousand dollars.

For camp-equipage, fuel, tools and transportation, two hundred and seventy thousand dollars.

For ordnance, one hundred thousand dollars.

For fortifications, arsenals, magazines and armories, including two thousand dollars for such a number of additional military storekeepers as may be required, two hundred and seventy six thousand forty-nine dollars and seventy-six cents.

For purchasing maps, plans, books and instruments, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For contingencies, fifty thousand dollars. For the salary of clerks employed in the military agents' offices, and in the office of the inspector of the army, three thousand five hundred dollars.

For the Indian department, one hundred and forty-six thousand five hundred dollars.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several sums, specifically appropriated by this act, shall be paid out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice-President of the United States, and
President of the Senate.

February 6, 1811.




AN ACT for the relief of William Mills.
E it enacted by the Senate and House of

B Representatives of the United States of

America, in Congress assembled, That Wil liam Mills, now imprisoned in the county of Middlesex and state of Connecticut, shall be and is hereby released and discharged from all claim and demand of the United States, to or upon a certain judgment, before the district court for the district of Connecticut, holden at Newhaven in the month of August, one thousand eight hundred and ten, recovered for the sum of two thousand dollars, with costs, at their suit, on his recognizance for appearance as witness, in the case of a prosecution on behalf of the United States before the circuit court in the same district.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Vice-President of the United States, and
President of the Senate.

February 7, 1811.




AN ACT making appropriations for the support of the Navy of the United States for the year one thousand eight hundred and eleven.

BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That for defraying the expenses of the navy of the United States for the year one thousand eight hundred and eleven, the following

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