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Specific ap- For the relief and protection of distressed propriations. American seamen, five thousand dollars:

For expenses of prosecuting claims and ap. peals in the courts of Great Britain in relation to captures of American vessels, and defending causes elsewhere, four thousand dollars:

For compensation allowed George W. Erving as agent in receiving and paying awards of the board of commissioners, under the seventh article of the British treaty, estimated at two and a half per cent. on the amount of such awards as were actually received by him, twenty-two thousand three hundred and ninety-two dollars and sixty-seven cents:

For payment of the claim of Patrick Donnon, late surveyor of the county of Hardy, in Virginia, being his compensation under the act of Congress, passed May thirteenth, one thousand eight hundred, "to enlarge the powers of the surveyors of the revenue," for valuing, recording and adding to the tax lists sundry tracts of land and dwelling houses omitted by the assessors, there not being a sufficient balance due for direct tax from Virginia for satisfying this claim, seven hundred and twenty-eight dollars and eighty-five cents:

For payment of expenditures made by James Simmons, late collector of Charleston, from January first, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, to December thirty-first, one thou*sand eight hundred and five, for the navy department, as admitted on settlement of his account at the treasury, nine thousand three hundred and seventy-nine dollars and three


For the discharge of such miscellaneous claims against the United States not otherwise provided for, as shall have been admitted in due course of settlement at the treasury, four thousand dollars :


For the payment of a balance due the estate Specific ap of the late major general Anthony Wayne, in propriation conformity with the act passed at the present session, entitled "An act for the relief of the heirs of the late major general Wayne," five thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars and thirty-four cents :

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several appropriations herein before made, shall be paid and discharged out of the fund of six hundred thousand dollars, reserved by an act making provision for the debt of the United States, and out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice-President of the United States, and
President of the Senate.

February 20, 1811.




AN ACT to enable the Georgetown Potomac Bridge Company to levy money for the object of its incorporation.


E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the directors of the Georgetown Potomac Bridge Company be, and they are hereby empowered to call a general meeting of the stockholders


of said company, to be held at Georgetown, in the district of Columbia, by causing public notice to be given of the time and place of such meeting, in the National Intelligencer, and in one of the newspapers printed in each of the cities of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, in four successive weeks, the last time at least thirty days before the day of holding the said general meeting. And if at such general meeting, the stockholders present, by themselves or legal representatives, shall determine to rebuild the bridge at or near the little falls of the river Potomac, (for the purpose of erecting which originally was the object of their incorporation,) the holders of two-thirds of the stock represented at that meeting concurring, then it shall and may be lawful for the directors of said company, or any two of them, and they are hereby empow. ered to assess upon and collect from the stockholders of the said company, such sum and sums of money, as shall be necessary to pay its debts already incurred, and to rebuild, make and keep in repair the said bridge, together with the road leading thereto from Georgetown: Provided, That the whole amount of such assessments shall not exceed twentyfive dollars on each share in the stock of said company. And of any such assessment and assessments, the said directors shall give public notice to the said stockholders, by advertising the same in the newspapers aforesaid; and the sum and sums which shall be so assessed, the said stockholders are hereby re. quired to pay to the said directors, within sixty days after such notice; and on failure there. of, for the space of thirty days after the expiration of the said sixty days, the said directors, or any two of them, are hereby authorised to



sell the share or shares of any and every delinquent stockholder; every such sale to be made at public auction in Georgetown aforesaid, on the day specified in said advertisement: Provided, That no more shares shall be sold than shall be deemed necessary to levy the sum and sums of money which shall be assessed as aforesaid; and that the surplus, if any arising on any such sales, shall by the directors aforesaid, be deposited in the bank of Columbia, for the use of the owner or owners of the share or shares so sold. And the said directors, or any two of them, shall transfer on the books of the said company, to the purchaser or purchasers, the share or shares so sold, and if demanded give a certificate or certificates thereof, under their hands and seals, which shall secure to such purchaser or purchasers, a valid title to the same.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice-President of the United States, and
President of the Senate.

February 22, 1811.




AN ACT providing for the sale of a tract of land lying in the state of Tennessee, and a tract in

the Indiana territory.


the Senate and House of

it enacted by Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, 'That the com

Site of the

laski to be en

missioners appointed by an act of the legislature of the state of Tennessee, passed on the four

town of Pu- teenth day of November, one thousand eight tered with re- hundred and nine, to fix on a site for the town gister of land of Pulaski, in the county of Giles, and state

office and sold.

&c. &c.

aforesaid, and their successors in office, be, and they are hereby authorised, on producing a receipt from the receiver of public monies, for at least one-twentieth part of the purchase money, to enter with the register of the land office, established for the lands ceded to the Conditions, United States by the Cherokee and Chickasaw Indians, in the Mississippi territory, a tract of land lying in a regular square, and containing six hundred and forty acres, which has or may be fixed on as a site for the town of Pulaski, as aforesaid, at the same price and on the same terms and conditions of payment as are provided with respect to the other public lands sold at private sale at the said office; and on completing the payment of the purchase money, a patent shall be granted therefor to the said commissioners and their successors in office, in trust, for the use of the said county of Giles, for the purpose afore


Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners appointed by an act of the legislature of the Indiana territory, to fix on a proper site for the permanent seat of government for the said territory, be, and they are hereby authorised, and their successors in office, so soon as the surveys under the authority of the United States shall have been made of the lands which they shall select, and on producing a receipt from the receiver of public monies, for at least one-twentieth part of the purchase money, to enter with the register of the land office for the district in which the

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