vernment land lies, any four quarter sections of land ad- Conditions joining to each other, which have not been re- upon which served by any former act of Congress, and the land for the permawhich the said commissioners may select and nent seat of fix on as a site for the permanent seat of goIndiana government for the said territory, and payment may be obe shall be made therefor at the same price, and tained. on the same terms and conditions, as are provided in respect to the other public lands sold at private sale in the same district; and on completing the payment of the purchase money, a patent shall be granted therefor, to the said commissioners and their successors in office, in trust for the use of said territory, for the purpose aforesaid. J. B. VARNUM, Speaker of the House of Representatives. GEO: CLINΤΟΝ, Vice-President of the United States, and February 25, 1811. APPROVED, JAMES MADISON. CHAPTER XCII. AN ACT providing for the removal of the land office established at Nashville, in the state of Tennessee, and Canton in the state of Ohio; and to authorise the register and receiver of public monies to superintend the public sales of land in the district east of Pearl river. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the President au- President of the United States be, and he more detain hereby is authorised to remove the land of. land offices. fice established for the sale of the public lands thorised to re By whom public sales of public Jands in the district east are to be conducted. ceded to the United States by the Cherokee and Chickasaw Indians in the Mississippi territory, from Nashville, to such place within the district for which it was established as he may judge most proper; and to remove the land office from Canton in the state of Ohio, to some suitable place within the district for which it was established. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the public sales of the public lands, in the district east of Pearl river, in the Mississippi territory, and also in the district of Kaskaskia, in the Illinois territory, be conducted under of Pearl river the superintendence alone of the register and receiver of public monies for the said districts, who are hereby authorised and empow. ered to superintend the same, in their respective districts, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; and they shall receive the compensation provided by law for the superintendents of public sales in the districts aforesaid. Tracts of land not paid for to be a gain offered for sale at the courts of the county. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That if any tract of the public lands, which has been sold or may hereafter be sold, in any state or territory, wherein a land office is or may be established, and on which complete payment has not or may not have been made, within the time prescribed by law for completing the same, and the tract having been advertised for sale agreeably to law, it shall be lawful to offer the same for sale at public vendue, at the time and place of the sitting of the court, for the county in which the land office is kept for the district to which the tract belongs, whe. ther the court shall be denominated a court of quarter sessions, or by whatever other designation it may be known. J. B. VARNUM, Speaker of the House of Representatives. GEO: CLINΤΟΝ, Vice-President of the United States, and February 25, 1811. APPROVED, JAMES MADISON. BE CHAPTER XCIII. AN ACT establishing Navy Hospitals. it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of made a board of commis sioners. America, in Congress assembled, That the Secretaries of money hereafter collected by virtue of the act, navy, treasuentitled "An act in addition to An act for ryand war the relief of sick and disabled seamen," shall be paid to the secretary of the navy, the secretary of the treasury and the secretary of war, for the time being, who are hereby appointed a board of commissioners, by the name and stile of Commissioners of Navy Hospitals, which, together with the sum of fifty thousand dollars hereby appropriated out of the unexpended balance of the marine hospital fund, to be paid to the commissioners aforesaid, shall constitute a fund for navy hospitals. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Fines to be all fines imposed on navy officers, seamen and paid to them. marines, shall be paid to the commissioners of navy hospitals. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners of navy hospitals be and 1 sites, at suita tals. they are hereby authorised and required to Commission- procure at a suitable place or places proper ers to procure sites for navy hospitals, and if the necessary bite places for buildings are not procured with the site, to navy hospi- cause such to be erected, having due regard to economy, and giving preference to such plans as with most convenience and least cost will admit of subsequent additions, as the funds will permit and circumstances require; and the commissioners are required at one of the establishments, to provide a permanent asylum for disabled and decrepid navy officers, seamen and marines. Secretary of navy to pre pare necessary rules for the govern ment of the hospitals. Allowance from the wa ges and penlids to be paid sions of inva to commissioners. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the secretary of the navy be authorised and required to prepare the necessary rules and regulations for the government of the institution, and report the same to the next session of Congress. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That when any navy officer, seaman or marine, shall be admitted into a navy hospital, that the institution shall be allowed one ration per day during his continuance therein, to be deducted from the account of the United States with such officer, seaman or marine; and in like manner, when any officer, seaman or marine, entitled to a pension shall be admitted into a navy hospital, such pension during his continuance therein shall be paid to the commissioners of the navy hospitals, and deducted from the account of such pensioner. CHAPTER XCIV. AN ACT for the relief of Peter Audrian. E it enacted by the Senate and House of America, in Congress assembled, That there be allowed to Peter Audrian the sum of seven hundred dollars, being a balance due as compensation for two years services as clerk to the board of land commissioners at Detroit, from the first of July one thousand eight hundred and seven, to the first of July one thousand eight hundred and nine; and that the same be paid to him out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated. J. B. VARNUM, Speaker of the House of Representatives. President of the Senate, pro tempore. February 26, 1811. APPROVED, JAMES MADISON. CHAPTER XCV. AN ACT in addition to the act entitled " An act supplementary to the act concerning Consuls and Vice-Consuls," and for the further protection of American seamen. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in all cases where distressed mariners and seamen |