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AN ACT making appropriations for the support of the military establishment of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and




it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That for defraying the expenses of the military establishment of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and ten, for the Indian department, and for the expense of fortifications, arsenals, magazines and armories, the following sums be, and the same hereby are respectively appropriated, that is to say:

For the pay of the army of the United States, Specific ap. eight hundred and sixty-nine thousand, nine propriations. hundred and sixty-eight dollars :

For forage, sixty-four thousand six hundred and twenty-four dollars :

For subsistence, six hundred and eightyfive thousand, five hundred and thirty-two dollars and five cents:

For clothing, two hundred and ninety-three thousand, eight hundred and four dollars:

For bounties and premiums, thirty thousand dollars:

For the medical and hospital departments,

fifty thousand dollars :

For camp equipage, fuel, tools and transportation, two hundred and seventy thousand dollars:

For ordnance, two hundred thousand dollars:

For fortifications, arsenals, magazines and armories, including two thousand dollars for

Specific ap- such a number of additional military store-keepropriations. pers as may be required, two hundred and eighty-three thousand five hundred and seventy-four dollars and seventy-five cents :

For purchasing maps, plans, books and instruments, two thousand five hundred dol lars:

For contingencies, fifty thousand dollars For the salary of clerks employed in the military agents' offices, and in the office of inspector of the army, three thousand five hundred dollars :

For the Indian department, one hundred and forty-six thousand six hundred dollars :

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several sums specifically appropriated by this act, shall be paid out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated,

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AN ACT for the appointment of an additional judge, and extending the right of suffrage to the citizens of Madison county, in the Mississippi territory.


it enacted by the Senate and House of

B Representatives of the United States of

America, in Congress assembled, That the ci

tizens of Madison county, in the Mississippi territory, qualified according to law, be and they are hereby authorised to elect one representative to the general assembly of said territory, and also to vote for one delegate from said territory, to the Congress of the United States, which election shall be held at the same time, and in the same manner as is or may be provided by law for the elections in the several counties of said territory.

appointed to

dison county.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That an additional judge shall be appointed for Additional the Mississippi territory, who shall reside in Judented be said county of Madison, and have the same reside in Ma compensation, which is by law allowed to the other judges of said territory, and shall possess and exercise the same powers and jurisdiction within said county, which are possessed and exercised in the county of Washington in said territory, by the judge appointed by virtue of an act, entitled "An act for the appointment of an additional judge for the Mississippi territory and for other purposes," passed the twenty-seventh of March, one thousand eight hundred and


Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all final judgments and decrees, rendered in the superior courts of said counties of Superior Washington and Madison, may be re-exa- Court of A. mined and reversed or affirmed, by the su- may re exaperior court of Adams county in said ter. mine, and re. ritory, upon a writ of error issued from firm the judgsaid superior court; which said superior ments of court is hereby empowered, upon the re- and Madison versal of any judgment or decree of said courts. courts of Washington and Madison coun

dams County

verse or af



late court,


ties, to render such judgment as the court from whence the cause may have been re moved ought to have rendered; except where a jury may be requisite to try issues

or assess damages. In which cases the When acting cause shall be remanded to the court where as an appel- it originated; there to be proceeded in. And said superior court of Adams county, Court of A- when sitting on the trial of any cause removdams to con- ed as aforesaid, shall be composed of not Judges. less than two judges.


sist of two


Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That Legislature the legislature of said territory shall have establish Su- power and is hereby authorised, to establish perior Courts a superior court in each county, which has been or may be formed within the bounds which compose the former district or county of Washington, to be holden by the judge who holds the superior court of Washington county in said territory, which courts and the courts of Madison county to be holden at such times and places as said legislature may direct. And all final judgments and decrees to be rendered by any superior court so established, may be reexamined and reversed or affirmed in the

manner prescribed by the third section of

Part of a for this act, and the conditions on which any

mer act re


writ of error shall be obtained, and all other proceedings relative thereto, nay be regulated by said legislature.

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That so much of the act, entitled "An act for the appointment of an additional judge for the Mississippi territory, and for other purposes," passed the twenty-seventh day of March, one thousand eight hundred and

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four, as comes within the purview of this act, be and the same is hereby repealed.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

President of the Senate pro tempore.

March 2, 1810.




AN ACT providing for the third census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States.


Be practed the Senatented States of

it enacted by the Senate and House of

be made un

America, in Congress assembled, That the A general e-
marshals of the several districts of the Unit- numeration to
ed States and of the district of Columbia, der the su
and the secretaries of the Mississippi terri- perinten-
tory, of the Indiana territory, of the Michi- dance of the
gan territory, of the Illinois territory, of
the Louisiana territory, and of the Orleans
territory respectively shall be, and they are
hereby authorised and required, under the.
direction of the secretary of state, and ac-
cording to such instructions as he shall give
pursuant to this act, to cause the number of
the inhabitants within their respective dis-
tricts and territories to be taken, omitting
in such enumeration Indians not taxed,
and distinguishing free persons, including
those bound to service for a term of years,
from all others; distinguishing also the sex-
es and colors of free persons, and the free
males under ten years of age; and those of
ten years and under sixteen; those of six-




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