CHAPTER XLII. AN ACT authorising the discharge of John Kerr from his imprisonment. E B it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the marshal for the district of North Carolina, be, and he is hereby authorised and directed to discharge John Kerr from his imprisonment, upon an execution issued against him in behalf of the United States: Provided, That he shall assign and convey all the estate real and personal, which he may own or be entitled to, to some person for the benefit of the United States, under the direction of the secretary of the treasury: And provided also, That any estate, real or personal, which the said John Kerr may hereafter acquire, shall be liable to be taken and sold, in the same manner as if he had never been imprisoned and discharged as aforesaid: Provided nevertheless, That if any person entitled to any part of the said judgment under the laws of the United States, shall object to the discharge of the said John Kerr, he shall be detained in prison at the cost and expense of the person so objecting, who shall pay weekly in advance, the amount of the jail fees and subsistence of the said John Kerr, and in case of failure, to make any such payments in advance, the said John Kerr shall be imme. diately discharged, upon the conditions here. in before expressed. J. B. VARNUM, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN GAILLARD, President of the Senate, pro tempore. April 20, 1810. APPROVED, JAMES MADISON. CHAPTER XLIII. AN ACT for the relief of William Baynham. B E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the secretary of the treasury cause to be paid to William Baynham, out of the monies appropriated for the payment of the interest of the public debt, the interest accrued from the first of October, one thousand eight hundred and nine, to the thirty-first day of December, of the same year, on two certificates of exchanged six per cent. stock, the principal whereof amounted to ten thousand six hundred and thirteen dollars and ninety-seven cents; which certificates having been erroneously numbered by the late commissioner of loans of Virginia, though advertised for reimbursement by their real permanent numbers on the first day of October last, were not by reason of the error 1 aforesaid reimbursed until the first day of January. J. B. VARNUM, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN GAILLARD, President of the Senate, pro tempore. April 20, 1810. APPROVED, JAMES MADISON. CHAPTER XLIV. AN ACT to incorporate a company for making certain turnpike roads in the district of Columbia. E it enacted the Senate and House of B Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That Daniel Carrol, of Duddington, George W. P. Custis, Thomas Fenwick, John Tayloe, Samuel Harrison Smith, Daniel Brent, Daniel Rapine, Frederick May, Elias B. Caldwell, William Brent, James D. Barry and John Law, be, and they are hereby appointed and constituted a board of commissioners, a majority of whom to constitute a quorum, with full power to receive and enter in such book or books, as they may deem proper, by themselves or by their agents, subscriptions for raising a capital stock of sixty thousand dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, for the purpose of opening, gravelling and improving the following roads in the district of Columbia, to wit: One road from the boundary line of the city of Washington, to Commission. ers for receiv ing subscrip tions. Direction or the boundary line of the district of Colum course of the roads to be opened, gravelled and im proved. bia, in the most direct and practicable route from the Capitol to Baltimore. One road from the boundary line of the city of Washington, to the boundary line of the district of Columbia, in the most direct and practicable route from the Capitol to Montgomery court house; and one road from the western extremity of the causeway leading from Alexander's island to the boundary line of the district of Columbia, in the most direct and practicable route towards the Little river turnpike road, in the state of Virginia. The times, places and manner of receiving and entering subscriptions, and the manner of authenticating powers of attorney, or other receiving sub, instruments of writing authorising subscripbe determined tions to be made by any person or persons by the com- in the name of any other person or persons, The times, places and manner of scriptions, to missioners. Proviso. When 150 shares shall have been subscribed, the commissioners to give notice, that there may be a meeting of the stockholders to choose directors. to be ascertained by said board of commissioners, and duly advertised in such gazettes or public prints, as they may deem expedient: Provided, That no subscription shall be received, unless the sum of ten dollars be first paid into the hands of such agent or other person, as said commissioners may authorise to receive it. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That when any number of persons shall have subscribed one hundred and fifty shares or more of the said stock, the said commissioners, or a majority of them, may, and when the whole number of shares aforesaid shall be subscribed, shall give notice in some newspaper, printed in the district of Columbia, of a time and place to be by them appointed for the subscribers to proceed to organize the said corporation, at which time and place the said subscribers, by a majority of votes to be delivered by ballots in person, or by proxy duly authorised, shall elect one president and four directors, to conduct the business of said company for one year, and until other such officers shall be chosen in their place; and at that or any subsequent legal meeting of stockholders, may make such rules, orders and regulations, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the United States, as shall be necessary for the well being of the affairs of said company: Provided always, Proviso. That no stockholder shall, in person or by proxy, have more than twenty-five votes at any election, or in determining any question arising at such meeting, whatever number of shares he or she may hold: and each stockholder, in person or by proxy, shall be entitled to one vote for every share by him or her held, not exceeding said number, and all persons who may then be, or thereafter may become, the actual holders or proprietors of shares in the said capital stock, either as subscribers for the same, or as the legal representatives, successors or assignees, of such subscribers, shall become one body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, by the name and style of the "President, Di. rectors and Company of the Columbia turnpike roads;" and by the said name shall have perpetual succession, and all the privileges incident to a corporation, and shall be capable of taking and holding their said capital stock, and the increase and profits thereof, and of enlarging the same by new subscriptions, if such enlargement shall be found necessary to fulfil the intent of this act, and of purchasing, taking, and holding to them |